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Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Cyprus
1 × Korea
1 × Republic of China
1 × Taiwan
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
T.Y.Chen H.Liu Z.Zhou R.G.Merkel S.Tang S.Liu K.Y.Sim A.Tang M.F.Lau P.Poon T.H.Tse W.K.Chan M.Jiang T.Y.Chen Z.Ding D.Huang J.Mayer K.Y.Sim C.Sun
Talks about:
test (14) random (7) adapt (6) enhanc (3) input (3) metamorph (2) distribut (2) dimension (2) softwar (2) program (2)

Person: Fei-Ching Kuo

DBLP DBLP: Kuo:Fei=Ching

Contributed to:

SEKE 20142014
SAC 20112011
CSEE&T 20102010
ICPC 20092011
SAC 20092009
SEKE 20092009
ECSA 20082008
SAC 20072007
SEKE 20072007
SEKE 20052005

Wrote 12 papers:

SEKE-2014-JiangCKZD #model transformation #source code #testing #using
Testing Model Transformation Programs using Metamorphic Testing (MJ, TYC, FCK, ZZ, ZD), pp. 94–99.
SAC-2011-KuoLC #algorithm #clustering #testing
Testing a binary space partitioning algorithm with metamorphic testing (FCK, SL, TYC), pp. 1482–1489.
SAC-2011-SimKM #adaptation #approach #embedded #fuzzing #linux #random
Fuzzing the out-of-memory killer on embedded Linux: an adaptive random approach (KYS, FCK, RGM), pp. 387–392.
CSEET-2010-LiuKC #education #testing
Teaching an End-User Testing Methodology (HL, FCK, TYC), pp. 81–88.
ICPC-J-2009-PoonTTK11 #category theory #experience #identification #testing
Contributions of tester experience and a checklist guideline to the identification of categories and choices for software testing (PLP, THT, SFT, FCK), pp. 141–163.
SAC-2009-ChenHKMM #adaptation #random testing #testing
Enhanced lattice-based adaptive random testing (TYC, DH, FCK, RGM, JM), pp. 422–429.
SEKE-2009-LiuKC #adaptation #case study #random testing #testing
Dynamic Test Profiles in Adaptive Random Testing: A Case Study (HL, FCK, TYC), pp. 418–421.
ECSA-2008-TangKL #architecture #independence #overview #perspective #towards
Towards Independent Software Architecture Review (AT, FCK, MFL), pp. 306–313.
SAC-2007-KuoCLC #adaptation #random testing #testing
Enhancing adaptive random testing in high dimensional input domains (FCK, TYC, HL, WKC), pp. 1467–1472.
SEKE-2007-ChenKL #adaptation #on the #random testing #testing
On Test Case Distributions of Adaptive Random Testing (TYC, FCK, HL), pp. 141–144.
SEKE-2007-KuoSSTZ #random testing #source code #testing
Enhanced Random Testing for Programs with High Dimensional Input Domains (FCK, KYS, CaS, SFT, ZZ), pp. 135–140.
SEKE-2005-ChenKZ #adaptation #effectiveness #on the #random testing #testing
On the Relationships between the Distribution of Failure-Causing Inputs and Effectiveness of Adaptive Random Testing (TYC, FCK, ZZ), pp. 306–311.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.