Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Cyprus
1 × Korea
1 × Republic of China
1 × Taiwan
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
T.Y.Chen H.Liu Z.Zhou R.G.Merkel S.Tang S.Liu K.Y.Sim A.Tang M.F.Lau P.Poon T.H.Tse W.K.Chan M.Jiang T.Y.Chen Z.Ding D.Huang J.Mayer K.Y.Sim C.Sun
Talks about:
test (14) random (7) adapt (6) enhanc (3) input (3) metamorph (2) distribut (2) dimension (2) softwar (2) program (2)
Person: Fei-Ching Kuo
DBLP: Kuo:Fei=Ching
Contributed to:
Wrote 12 papers:
- SEKE-2014-JiangCKZD #model transformation #source code #testing #using
- Testing Model Transformation Programs using Metamorphic Testing (MJ, TYC, FCK, ZZ, ZD), pp. 94–99.
- SAC-2011-KuoLC #algorithm #clustering #testing
- Testing a binary space partitioning algorithm with metamorphic testing (FCK, SL, TYC), pp. 1482–1489.
- SAC-2011-SimKM #adaptation #approach #embedded #fuzzing #linux #random
- Fuzzing the out-of-memory killer on embedded Linux: an adaptive random approach (KYS, FCK, RGM), pp. 387–392.
- CSEET-2010-LiuKC #education #testing
- Teaching an End-User Testing Methodology (HL, FCK, TYC), pp. 81–88.
- ICPC-J-2009-PoonTTK11 #category theory #experience #identification #testing
- Contributions of tester experience and a checklist guideline to the identification of categories and choices for software testing (PLP, THT, SFT, FCK), pp. 141–163.
- SAC-2009-ChenHKMM #adaptation #random testing #testing
- Enhanced lattice-based adaptive random testing (TYC, DH, FCK, RGM, JM), pp. 422–429.
- SEKE-2009-LiuKC #adaptation #case study #random testing #testing
- Dynamic Test Profiles in Adaptive Random Testing: A Case Study (HL, FCK, TYC), pp. 418–421.
- ECSA-2008-TangKL #architecture #independence #overview #perspective #towards
- Towards Independent Software Architecture Review (AT, FCK, MFL), pp. 306–313.
- SAC-2007-KuoCLC #adaptation #random testing #testing
- Enhancing adaptive random testing in high dimensional input domains (FCK, TYC, HL, WKC), pp. 1467–1472.
- SEKE-2007-ChenKL #adaptation #on the #random testing #testing
- On Test Case Distributions of Adaptive Random Testing (TYC, FCK, HL), pp. 141–144.
- SEKE-2007-KuoSSTZ #random testing #source code #testing
- Enhanced Random Testing for Programs with High Dimensional Input Domains (FCK, KYS, CaS, SFT, ZZ), pp. 135–140.
- SEKE-2005-ChenKZ #adaptation #effectiveness #on the #random testing #testing
- On the Relationships between the Distribution of Failure-Causing Inputs and Effectiveness of Adaptive Random Testing (TYC, FCK, ZZ), pp. 306–311.