16 papers:
ICSE-v2-2015-LindvallGAW #case study #experience #modelling #testing- Metamorphic Model-Based Testing Applied on NASA DAT — An Experience Report (ML, DG, RA, REW), pp. 129–138.
ASE-2014-ZhangCHXXZM #polynomial #search-based- Search-based inference of polynomial metamorphic relations (JZ, JC, DH, YX, BX, LZ, HM), pp. 701–712.
SEKE-2014-JiangCKZD #model transformation #source code #testing #using- Testing Model Transformation Programs using Metamorphic Testing (MJ, TYC, FCK, ZZ, ZD), pp. 94–99.
Onward-2014-AcherCC #domain-specific language- Metamorphic Domain-Specific Languages: A Journey into the Shapes of a Language (MA, BC, PC), pp. 243–253.
SEKE-2012-DingX #case study #modelling #testing- Model-Based Metamorphic Testing: A Case Study (JD, DX), pp. 363–368.
SAC-2011-KuoLC #algorithm #clustering #testing- Testing a binary space partitioning algorithm with metamorphic testing (FCK, SL, TYC), pp. 1482–1489.
SAS-2010-PredaGDCT #abstract interpretation #modelling #morphism- Modelling Metamorphism by Abstract Interpretation (MDP, RG, SKD, KC, GMT), pp. 218–235.
SAC-2010-LeeJL #detection #graph #using- Detecting metamorphic malwares using code graphs (JL, KJ, HL), pp. 1970–1977.
ICST-2010-SeguraHBR #analysis #approach #automation #feature model #generative #modelling #testing- Automated Test Data Generation on the Analyses of Feature Models: A Metamorphic Testing Approach (SS, RMH, DB, ARC), pp. 35–44.
ICST-2009-MurphySK #ml #runtime #testing #using- Using JML Runtime Assertion Checking to Automate Metamorphic Testing in Applications without Test Oracles (CM, KS, GEK), pp. 436–445.
SEKE-2008-MurphyKHW #machine learning #testing- Properties of Machine Learning Applications for Use in Metamorphic Testing (CM, GEK, LH, LW), pp. 867–872.
SCAM-2006-WalensteinMCL #normalisation #term rewriting #using- Normalizing Metamorphic Malware Using Term Rewriting (AW, RM, MRC, AL), pp. 75–84.
ICPR-v4-2004-CongEPB #equation #morphism #using- Shape Metamorphism using p-Laplacian Equation (GC, ME, BP, GB), pp. 15–18.
PEPM-2002-BrabrandS #metaprogramming #syntax- Growing languages with metamorphic syntax macros (CB, MIS), pp. 31–40.
ISSTA-2002-ChenTZ #evaluation #named #symbolic computation #testing- Semi-proving: an integrated method based on global symbolic evaluation and metamorphic testing (TYC, THT, ZZ), pp. 191–195.
VDME-1991-1-PennyHG #specification- Formal Specification in Metamorphic Programing (DAP, RCH, MWG), pp. 11–30.