Travelled to:
1 × Greece
1 × Portugal
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
C.Limongelli P.Starace M.Lombardi A.Marani
Talks about:
ontolog (2) semant (2) model (2) cours (2) multidimension (1) teacher (1) student (1) process (1) develop (1) search (1)
Person: Filippo Sciarrone
DBLP: Sciarrone:Filippo
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- LCT-NLE-2014-LimongelliS #fuzzy #modelling #personalisation #student
- Fuzzy Student Modeling for Personalization of e-Learning Courses (CL, FS), pp. 292–301.
- HCI-AS-2013-LimongelliLMS #education #process
- A Teacher Model to Speed Up the Process of Building Courses (CL, ML, AM, FS), pp. 434–443.
- KDIR-2009-SciarroneS #multi #ontology #reuse #semantics
- Ontological Warehousing on Semantically Indexed Data — Reusing Semantic Search Engine Ontologies to Develop Multidimensional Schemas (FS, PS), pp. 315–318.