Travelled to:
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.J.Hu A.Nahir Z.Nevo A.Orni
Talks about:
abstract (2) trace (2) space (2) simul (2) guid (2) back (2) strength (1) strategi (1) platform (1) overhead (1)
Person: Flavio M. de Paula
DBLP: Paula:Flavio_M=_de
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- CAV-2012-PaulaHN #debugging #named #nondeterminism
- nuTAB-BackSpace: Rewriting to Normalize Non-determinism in Post-silicon Debug Traces (FMdP, AJH, AN), pp. 513–531.
- DAC-2011-PaulaNNOH #named
- TAB-BackSpace: unlimited-length trace buffers with zero additional on-chip overhead (FMdP, AN, ZN, AO, AJH), pp. 411–416.
- DAC-2007-PaulaH #effectiveness #simulation
- An Effective Guidance Strategy for Abstraction-Guided Simulation (FMdP, AJH), pp. 63–68.
- CAV-2006-PaulaH #flexibility #framework #named #platform #simulation
- EverLost: A Flexible Platform for Industrial-Strength Abstraction-Guided Simulation (FMdP, AJH), pp. 282–285.