Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × Germany
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.Westmijze J.Gan P.Pop J.Madsen P.Andersson K.Kuchcinski M.Schoeberl
Talks about:
system (2) applic (2) java (2) architectur (1) distribut (1) bluespec (1) verilog (1) program (1) generat (1) flexibl (1)
Person: Flavius Gruian
DBLP: Gruian:Flavius
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- DATE-2012-GanPGM #design #distributed #flexibility #realtime #robust
- Robust and flexible mapping for real-time distributed applications during the early design phases (JG, PP, FG, JM), pp. 935–940.
- SAC-2008-GruianW #architecture #case study #embedded #java
- VHDL vs. Bluespec system verilog: a case study on a Java embedded architecture (FG, MW), pp. 1492–1497.
- SAC-2005-GruianAKS #automation #generative #java
- Automatic generation of application-specific systems based on a micro-programmed Java core (FG, PA, KK, MS), pp. 879–884.