31 papers:
DAC-2013-JangPK #simulation- An event-driven simulation methodology for integrated switching power supplies in SystemVerilog (JEJ, MJP, JK), p. 7.
DATE-2013-MiryalaMCMP #configuration management #logic- A verilog-a model for reconfigurable logic gates based on graphene pn-junctions (SM, MM, AC, EM, MP), pp. 877–880.
DATE-2011-KengSV #automation #debugging- Automated debugging of SystemVerilog assertions (BK, SS, AGV), pp. 323–328.
SEKE-2011-YooLJC #independence #named #source code- FBDtoVerilog: A Vendor-Independent Translation from FBDs into Verilog Programs (JY, JHL, SJ, SDC), pp. 48–51.
ASE-2010-DuleySK #algorithm #difference- A program differencing algorithm for verilog HDL (AD, CS, MK), pp. 477–486.
DATE-2010-RaffelsieperMS #library- Checking and deriving module paths in Verilog cell library descriptions (MR, MRM, CWHS), pp. 1506–1511.
PEPM-2009-SalamaMTGO #consistency #dependent type #using- Static consistency checking for verilog wire interconnects: using dependent types to check the sanity of verilog descriptions (CS, GM, WT, JG, JO), pp. 121–130.
DAC-2008-Cummings #design #verification- SystemVerilog implicit port enhancements accelerate system design & verification (CEC), pp. 231–236.
DAC-2008-Larson- Translation of an existing VMM-based SystemVerilog testbench to OVM (KDL), p. 237.
MSR-2008-SudakrishnanMWR #comprehension #debugging- Understanding bug fix patterns in verilog (SS, JTM, EJWJ, JR), pp. 39–42.
PEPM-2008-GillenwaterMSZTGO #hardware #static typing #using- Synthesizable high level hardware descriptions: using statically typed two-level languages to guarantee verilog synthesizability (JG, GM, CS, AYZ, WT, JG, JO), pp. 41–50.
SAC-2008-GruianW #architecture #case study #embedded #java- VHDL vs. Bluespec system verilog: a case study on a Java embedded architecture (FG, MW), pp. 1492–1497.
DATE-2007-KroeningS #image #interactive #proving #refinement #using #word- Interactive presentation: Image computation and predicate refinement for RTL verilog using word level proofs (DK, NS), pp. 1325–1330.
DATE-2007-VermaHR #automation #behaviour #functional #generative #interactive #modelling- Interactive presentation: Automatic generation of functional coverage models from behavioral verilog descriptions (SV, IGH, KR), pp. 900–905.
TACAS-2007-JainKSC #abstraction #named #refinement- VCEGAR: Verilog CounterExample Guided Abstraction Refinement (HJ, DK, NS, EMC), pp. 583–586.
DATE-DF-2006-DasMDC #synthesis- Synthesis of system verilog assertions (SD, RM, PD, PPC), pp. 70–75.
CAV-2006-BustanH #complexity- Some Complexity Results for SystemVerilog Assertions (DB, JH), pp. 205–218.
DAC-2005-JainKSC #abstraction #refinement #verification #word- Word level predicate abstraction and refinement for verifying RTL verilog (HJ, DK, NS, EMC), pp. 445–450.
DAC-2004-AndrausS #abstraction #automation #modelling #verification- Automatic abstraction and verification of verilog models (ZSA, KAS), pp. 218–223.
DATE-v1-2004-BurnsSKY #synthesis #tool support #using- An Asynchronous Synthesis Toolset Using Verilog (FPB, DS, AK, AY), pp. 724–725.
DATE-v1-2004-SciutoMRSGFS #question- SystemC and SystemVerilog: Where do They Fit? Where are They Going? (DS, GM, WR, SS, FG, PF, JS), pp. 122–129.
DATE-v2-2004-Fitzpatric- System Verilog for VHDL Users (TF), pp. 1334–1341.
DAC-2003-ClarkeKY #behaviour #bound #c #consistency #model checking #source code #using- Behavioral consistency of C and verilog programs using bounded model checking (EMC, DK, KY), pp. 368–371.
DAC-2003-SaifhashemiP #abstraction #framework #modelling- Verilog HDL, powered by PLI: a suitable framework for describing and modeling asynchronous circuits at all levels of abstraction (AS, HP), pp. 330–333.
FME-2003-QinC #hardware- Mapping Statecharts to Verilog for Hardware/Software Co-specification (SQ, WNC), pp. 282–300.
IFM-2000-Bowen #animation #hardware #logic programming #semantics #specification- Combining Operational Semantics, Logic Programming and Literate Programming in the Specification and Animation of the Verilog Hardware Description Language (JPB), pp. 277–296.
DATE-1999-MartinolleDCF #user interface- Interoperability of Verilog/VHDL Procedural Language Interfaces to Build a Mixed Language GUI (FM, CD, DC, MF), pp. 788–789.
DATE-1999-Sasaki #semantics #simulation #state machine- A Formal Semantics for Verilog-VHDL Simulation Interoperability by Abstact State Machine (HS), p. 353–?.
DAC-1997-XanthopoulosYC #architecture #case study #estimation #using- Architectural Exploration Using Verilog-Based Power Estimation: A Case Study of the IDCT (TX, YY, AC), pp. 415–420.
DAC-1996-Smith #c- VHDL & Verilog Compared & Contrasted — Plus Modeled Example Written in VHDL, Verilog and C (DJS), pp. 771–776.
LICS-1995-Gordon #challenge #semantics- The Semantic Challenge of Verilog HDL (MJCG), pp. 136–145.