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Open Knowledge
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CSS 2.1 W3C CanRec
email twitter
Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Greece
1 × India
1 × Luxembourg
1 × Spain
15 × USA
2 × Hungary
2 × Ireland
2 × Portugal
2 × South Africa
2 × Switzerland
2 × The Netherlands
3 × China
3 × France
3 × Italy
4 × Germany
7 × Canada
Collaborated with:
C.Treude H.A.Müller D.M.Germán J.Michaud D.Myers K.Wong A.v.Deursen P.C.Rigby J.Singer D.Cubranic F.M.F.Filho M.Salois M.Greiler A.Zagalsky R.I.Bull S.E.Sim L.Cheng A.Zaidman L.Singer J.Ryall M.Desmond R.Elves A.Christl R.Koschke C.Best B.Cleary J.Anvik X.Wu R.Lintern P.Gorman F.Painchaud C.Parnin O.Barzilay C.Exton A.Winter F.D.Fracchia G.Gousios K.Dullemond B.v.Gameren L.Grammel G.Bougie J.Favre M.Litoiu A.Murray N.Dulac T.Viguier N.G.Leveson J.Feliciano Y.Zhao W.Wang L.Chan N.Matthijssen K.Schneider E.Verbeek M.J.Muller J.H.Jahnke D.B.Smith S.R.Tilley P.Fong D.Hooper K.Hopkins
Talks about:
softwar (24) develop (15) program (14) use (12) visual (11) support (10) engin (9) programm (8) tool (8) understand (7)

Person: Margaret-Anne D. Storey

DBLP DBLP: Storey:Margaret=Anne_D=

Facilitated 3 volumes:

FSE 2014Ed
WCRE 2003Ed

Contributed to:

CSCW 20152015
ICSE 20152015
ICSE 20142014
CSCW 20132013
ICPC 20132013
ICST 20132013
MSR 20132013
WCRE 20132013
ICSE 20122012
MSR 20122012
SLE 20122012
WCRE 20122012
ESEC/FSE 20112011
ICPC 20112011
ICSE 20112011
WCRE 20112011
CSMR 20102010
FSE 20102010
ICPC 20102010
ICSE 20102010
MSR 20102010
ICSE 20092009
WCRE 20092009
ICSE 20082008
ICSM 20082008
DocEng 20072007
ICSE 20072007
ICSM 20072007
CSCW 20062006
ICPC 20062006
ICSE 20062006
MSR 20062006
ICSM 20052005
IWPC 20052005
MSR 20052005
SOFTVIS 20052005
WCRE 20052005
WCRE 20052007
ICGT 20042004
WCRE 20042004
SEKE 20032003
SOFTVIS 20032003
RE 20022002
SEKE 20022002
ICSM 20012001
IWPC 20012001
ICSE — Future of SE Track 20002000
ICSM 20001997
WCRE 20002000
ICSE 19971997
WCRE 19971997
WCRE 19972000
WPC 19971997
WCRE 19961996
ICSM 19951995
GTTSE 20152015
FSE 20162016

Wrote 67 papers:

CSCW-2015-ZagalskyFSZW #collaboration #education #framework #git #platform
The Emergence of GitHub as a Collaborative Platform for Education (AZ, JF, MADS, YZ, WW), pp. 1906–1917.
ICSE-v1-2015-GousiosZSD #challenge #development #perspective
Work Practices and Challenges in Pull-Based Development: The Integrator’s Perspective (GG, AZ, MADS, AvD), pp. 358–368.
ICSE-2014-SingerFS #developer #how #re-engineering #twitter #using
Software engineering at the speed of light: how developers stay current using twitter (LS, FMFF, MADS), pp. 211–221.
CSCW-2013-SingerFCTSS #assessment #developer #ecosystem #empirical #social
Mutual assessment in the social programmer ecosystem: an empirical investigation of developer profile aggregators (LS, FMFF, BC, CT, MADS, KS), pp. 103–116.
ICPC-2013-ParninTS #challenge #developer
Blogging developer knowledge: Motivations, challenges, and future directions (CP, CT, MADS), pp. 211–214.
ICST-2013-GreilerDS #automation #detection #smell
Automated Detection of Test Fixture Strategies and Smells (MG, AvD, MADS), pp. 322–331.
MSR-2013-DullemondGSD #distributed #microblog #problem
Fixing the “out of sight out of mind” problem: one year of mood-based microblogging in a distributed software team (KD, BvG, MADS, AvD), pp. 267–276.
MSR-2013-GreilerZDS #evolution #smell
Strategies for avoiding text fixture smells during software evolution (MG, AZ, AvD, MADS), pp. 387–396.
WCRE-2013-ClearyGVSSP #analysis #interactive #memory management #multi
Reconstructing program memory state from multi-gigabyte instruction traces to support interactive analysis (BC, PG, EV, MADS, MS, FP), pp. 42–51.
ICSE-2012-GreilerDS #case study #plugin #testing
Test confessions: A study of testing practices for plug-in systems (MG, AvD, MADS), pp. 244–254.
ICSE-2012-TreudeGGS #development #interactive #named #using #visualisation
WorkItemExplorer: Visualizing software development tasks using an interactive exploration environment (CT, PG, LG, MADS), pp. 1399–1402.
MSR-2012-Storey #evolution #social
MSR 2012 keynote: The evolution of the social programmer (MADS), p. 140.
SLE-2012-Storey #challenge #design #ontology #social #using
Addressing Cognitive and Social Challenges in Designing and Using Ontologies in the Biomedical Domain (MADS), pp. 1–3.
WCRE-2012-ClearySCSP #analysis #assembly #named
ATLANTIS — Assembly Trace Analysis Environment (BC, MADS, LC, MS, FP), pp. 505–506.
ESEC-FSE-2011-TreudeS #communication #community #development #effectiveness
Effective communication of software development knowledge through community portals (CT, MADS), pp. 91–101.
ICPC-2011-Storey #interactive #java #revisited #source code #visualisation
An Interactive Visualization Environment for Exploring Java Programs: SHriMP Views Revisited (MADS), p. xviii.
ICSE-2011-RigbyS #comprehension #open source #overview
Understanding broadcast based peer review on open source software projects (PCR, MADS), pp. 541–550.
ICSE-2011-TreudeBS #how #question #web
How do programmers ask and answer questions on the web? (CT, OB, MADS), pp. 804–807.
WCRE-2011-MyersS #execution #using
Focusing on Execution Traces Using Diver (DM, MADS), pp. 439–440.
WCRE-2011-TreudeFSS #case study #reverse engineering #security
An Exploratory Study of Software Reverse Engineering in a Security Context (CT, FMFF, MADS, MS), pp. 184–188.
CSMR-2010-MyersSS #debugging #scalability
Utilizing Debug Information to Compact Loops in Large Program Traces (DM, MADS, MS), pp. 41–50.
FSE-2010-MyersS #dynamic analysis #ide #user interface #using
Using dynamic analysis to create trace-focused user interfaces for IDEs (DM, MADS), pp. 367–368.
ICPC-2010-MatthijssenZSBD #ajax #comprehension #interactive
Connecting Traces: Understanding Client-Server Interactions in Ajax Applications (NM, AZ, MADS, RIB, AvD), pp. 216–225.
ICSE-2010-TreudeS #developer #using
Awareness 2.0: staying aware of projects, developers and tasks using dashboards and feeds (CT, MADS), pp. 365–374.
ICSE-2010-TreudeS10a #category theory #lightweight
Bridging lightweight and heavyweight task organization: the role of tags in adopting new task categories (CT, MADS), pp. 231–234.
MSR-2010-BougieTGS #comparative #debugging
A comparative exploration of FreeBSD bug lifetimes (GB, CT, DMG, MADS), pp. 106–109.
ICSE-2009-TreudeS #aspect-oriented #development #how #social
How tagging helps bridge the gap between social and technical aspects in software development (CT, MADS), pp. 12–22.
ICSE-2009-TreudeS09a #named #timeline
ConcernLines: A timeline view of co-occurring concerns (CT, MADS), pp. 575–578.
WCRE-2009-Storey #crowdsourcing #outsourcing
Beyond the Lone Reverse Engineer: Insourcing, Outsourcing and Crowdsourcing (MADS), p. 3.
ICSE-2008-RigbyGS #case study #open source #overview
Open source software peer review practices: a case study of the apache server (PCR, DMG, MADS), pp. 541–550.
ICSE-2008-StoreyRBMS #debugging #developer #game studies #how
TODO or to bug: exploring how task annotations play a role in the work practices of software developers (MADS, JR, RIB, DM, JS), pp. 251–260.
ICSM-2008-AnvikS #issue tracking #maintenance #source code
Task articulation in software maintenance: Integrating source code annotations with an issue tracking system (JA, MADS), pp. 460–461.
DocEng-2007-Storey #documentation #folksonomy #navigation #ontology #taxonomy #using
Navigating documents using ontologies, taxonomies and folksonomies (MADS), p. 2.
Presentations by Programmers for Programmers (LTC, MD, MADS), pp. 788–792.
ICSM-2007-StoreyCSMMR #how #navigation
How Programmers Can Turn Comments into Waypoints for Code Navigation (MADS, LTC, JS, MJM, DM, JR), pp. 265–274.
CSCW-2006-StoreyCBR #collaboration #development #social
Shared waypoints and social tagging to support collaboration in software development (MADS, LTC, RIB, PCR), pp. 195–198.
ICPC-2006-BullSFL #architecture #modelling #visualisation
An Architecture to Support Model Driven Software Visualization (RIB, MADS, JMF, ML), pp. 100–106.
ICPC-2006-DesmondSE #source code
Fluid Source Code Views (MD, MADS, CE), pp. 260–263.
ICSE-2006-CubranicSR #communication #comparison #programming
A comparison of communication technologies to support novice team programming (DC, MADS, JR), pp. 695–698.
MSR-2006-GermanRS #comprehension #using
Using evolutionary annotations from change logs to enhance program comprehension (DMG, PCR, MADS), pp. 159–162.
ICSM-2005-SingerES #maintenance #named #navigation
NavTracks: Supporting Navigation in Software Maintenance (JS, RE, MADS), pp. 325–334.
IWPC-2005-SingerES #named #navigation
NavTracks: Supporting Navigation in Software (JS, RE, MADS), pp. 173–175.
IWPC-2005-Storey #comprehension #past present future #tool support
Theories, Methods and Tools in Program Comprehension: Past, Present and Future (MADS), pp. 181–191.
MSR-2005-GermanCS #comprehension #development #framework #mining #tool support
A framework for describing and understanding mining tools in software development (DMG, DC, MADS), pp. 31–35.
SOFTVIS-2005-StoreyCG #development #framework #on the #overview #process #using #visualisation
On the use of visualization to support awareness of human activities in software development: a survey and a framework (MADS, DC, DMG), pp. 193–202.
WCRE-2005-ChristlKS #automation #clustering
Equipping the Reflexion Method with Automated Clustering (AC, RK, MADS), pp. 89–98.
WCRE-J-2005-ChristlKS07 #automation #clustering
Automated clustering to support the reflexion method (AC, RK, MADS), pp. 255–274.
ICGT-2004-Storey #development #visual notation
Improving Flow in Software Development Through Graphical Representations (MADS), p. 1.
WCRE-2004-WuMSL #approach #maintenance #reverse engineering #version control
A Reverse Engineering Approach to Support Software Maintenance: Version Control Knowledge Extraction (XW, AM, MADS, RL), pp. 90–99.
SEKE-2003-MichaudS #information management
The Role of Knowledge in Software Customization (JM, MADS), pp. 187–195.
SOFTVIS-2003-LinternMSW #case study #eclipse #experience #visualisation
Plugging-in Visualization: Experiences Integrating a Visualization Tool with Eclipse (RL, JM, MADS, XW), pp. 47–56.
RE-2002-DulacVLS #on the #requirements #specification #using #visualisation
On the Use of Visualization in Formal Requirements Specification (ND, TV, NGL, MADS), pp. 71–80.
SEKE-2002-BestSM #component #design #framework #information management #re-engineering #visualisation
Designing a component-based framework for visualization in software engineering and knowledge engineering (CB, MADS, JM), pp. 323–322.
ICSM-2001-MichaudSM #java #source code #visualisation
Integrating Information Sources for Visualizing Java Programs (JM, MADS, HAM), p. 250–?.
IWPC-2001-StoreyBM #interactive #java #source code
SHriMP Views: An Interactive Environment for Exploring Java Programs (MADS, CB, JM), pp. 111–112.
FoSE-2000-MullerJSSTW #reverse engineering #roadmap
Reverse engineering: a roadmap (HAM, JHJ, DBS, MADS, SRT, KW), pp. 47–60.
ICSM-2000-MullerWS #framework #standard #using
Wrapping coarse-grained objects using standard infrastructure technology (HAM, KW, MADS), p. 301.
WCRE-2000-SimS #comprehension #tool support
A Structured Demonstration of Program Comprehension Tools (SES, MADS), pp. 184–193.
WCRE-2000-SimSW #comprehension #lessons learnt #tool support
A Structured Demonstration of Five Program Comprehension Tools: Lessons Learnt (SES, MADS, AW), p. 210–?.
ICSE-1997-StoreyWM #named #reverse engineering #visualisation
Rigi: A Visualization Environment for Reverse Engineering (MADS, KW, HAM), pp. 606–607.
WCRE-1997-StoreyWM #comprehension #how #question #source code #tool support
How Do Program Understanding Tools Affect How Programmers Understand Programs? (MADS, KW, HAM), p. 12–?.
WCRE-J-1997-StoreyWM00 #comprehension #how #question #source code #tool support
How do program understanding tools affect how programmers understand programs? (MADS, KW, HAM), pp. 183–207.
WPC-1997-StoreyFM #design #visualisation
Cognitive Design Elements to Support the Construction of a Mental Model during Software Visualization (MADS, FDF, HAM), pp. 17–28.
WCRE-1996-StoreyWFHHM #design #empirical #on the #reverse engineering
On Designing an Experiment to Evaluate a Reverse Engineering Tool (MADS, KW, PF, DH, KH, HAM), p. 31–?.
ICSM-1995-StoreyM #using
Manipulating and documenting software structures using SHriMP views (MADS, HAM), p. 275–?.
GTTSE-2015-SingerSFZG #development #people
People Analytics in Software Development (LS, MADS, FMFF, AZ, DMG), pp. 124–153.
FSE-2016-StoreyZ #developer
Disrupting developer productivity one bot at a time (MADS, AZ), pp. 928–931.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.