Travelled to:
1 × Denmark
1 × Germany
1 × Japan
1 × South Africa
2 × The Netherlands
3 × Canada
3 × France
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
R.Dssouli G.Jourdan M.Barbeau K.El-Fakih A.Petrenko G.Luo A.Ghedamsi N.Yevtushenko ∅ A.Das M.Dubuc S.Fujiwara M.Y.Yao T.Higashino B.Wan A.Hafid B.Kerhervé N.Rico O.Cherkaoui S.Haar C.Jard S.Prokopenko H.Yamaguchi P.Venkataram X.Li K.Yasumoto K.Taniguchi S.Choudhary M.E.Dincturk I.Onut P.Ionescu
Talks about:
test (16) model (6) base (6) state (5) fault (5) system (4) machin (4) finit (4) loto (4) distribut (3)
Person: Gregor von Bochmann
DBLP: Bochmann:Gregor_von
Facilitated 3 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 22 papers:
- ICST-2012-ChoudharyDBJOI #challenge #internet #modelling #security #testing
- Solving Some Modeling Challenges when Testing Rich Internet Applications for Security (SC, MED, GvB, GVJ, IVO, PI), pp. 850–857.
- ICTSS-2011-BochmannJW #reliability #testing #web
- Improved Usage Model for Web Application Reliability Testing (GvB, GVJ, BW), pp. 15–31.
- TestCom-FATES-2009-BochmannJ #petri net #testing
- Testing k-Safe Petri Nets (GvB, GVJ), pp. 33–48.
- TestCom-FATES-2008-BochmannHJJ #automaton #partial order #testing
- Testing Systems Specified as Partial Order Input/Output Automata (GvB, SH, CJ, GVJ), pp. 169–183.
- TestCom-2003-El-FakihPYB #fault #finite #state machine
- Fault Diagnosis in Extended Finite State Machines (KEF, SP, NY, GvB), pp. 197–210.
- TestCom-2002-El-FakihYB
- FSM-based Re-Testing Methods (KEF, NY, GvB), pp. 373–390.
- CIAA-2001-Bochmann
- Submodule Construction and Supervisory Control: A Generalization (GvB), pp. 27–39.
- ASE-2000-El-FakihYBH #automation #distributed #petri net #specification
- Automatic Derivation of Petri Net Based Distributed Specification with Optimal Allocation of Resources (KEF, HY, GvB, TH), pp. 305–308.
- HPDC-1996-HafidBK #distributed #multi #quality
- A Quality of Service Negotiation Procedure for Distributed Multimedia Presentational Applications (AH, GvB, BK), pp. 330–339.
- ISSTA-1994-BochmannP #overview #protocol #testing
- Protocol Testing: Review of Methods and Relevance for Software Testing (GvB, AP), pp. 109–124.
- IWPTS-1993-LuoDB #generative #specification #testing
- Generating Tests for Control Portion of SDL Specifications (GL, AD, GvB), pp. 51–66.
- IWPTS-1993-LuoDBVG #distributed #finite #generative #sequence #state machine #testing
- Generating Synchronizable Test Sequences Based on Finite State Machine with Distributed Ports (GL, RD, GvB, PV, AG), pp. 139–153.
- IWPTS-1993-PetrenkoBD #consistency
- Conformance Relations and Test Derivation (AP, GvB, RD), pp. 157–178.
- CAV-1992-RicoBC #model checking #realtime
- Model-Checking for Real-Time Systems Specified in Lotos (NR, GvB, OC), pp. 288–301.
- IWPTS-1992-GhedamsiDB #fault #finite #nondeterminism #state machine #testing
- Diagnostic Tests for Single Transition Faults in Non-Deterministic Finite State Machines (AG, RD, GvB), pp. 105–116.
- IWPTS-1992-HigashinoBLYT #parametricity #strict
- Test System for a Restricted Class of LOTOS Expressions with Data Parameters (TH, GvB, XL, KY, KT), pp. 205–216.
- CAV-1991-BarbeauB #approach #fault #petri net #using #verification
- The Lotos Model of a Fault Protected System and its Verification Using a Petri Net Based Approach (MB, GvB), pp. 103–113.
- IWPTS-1991-BochmannDDDGL #fault #modelling #testing
- Fault Models in Testing (GvB, AD, RD, MD, AG, GL), pp. 17–30.
- IWPTS-1991-DubucDB #design #finite #incremental #modelling #named #testing
- TESTL: An Environment for Incremental Test Suite Design Based on Finite-State Models (MD, RD, GvB), pp. 195–206.
- IWPTS-1991-FujiwaraB #fault #nondeterminism #state machine #testing
- Testing Non-Deterministic State Machines with Fault Coverage (SF, GvB), pp. 267–280.
- CAV-1990-BarbeauB #specification
- Extension of the Karp and Miller Procedure to Lotos Specifications (MB, GvB), pp. 333–342.
- TAPSOFT-1993-YaoB #consistency #testing
- Testing for a Conformance Relation Based on Acceptance (MYY, GvB), pp. 519–528.