Travelled to:
1 × Italy
1 × Spain
2 × France
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ V.Acretoaie D.Strüber A.Fish S.Abrahão F.Bourdeleau B.H.C.Cheng S.Kokaly R.F.Paige J.Whittle
Talks about:
model (6) transform (3) languag (2) user (2) understand (1) operation (1) transpar (1) favourit (1) challeng (1) qualiti (1)
♂ Person: Harald Störrle
DBLP: St=ouml=rrle:Harald
Facilitated 2 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- MoDELS-2014-Storrle #comprehension #diagrams #layout #matter #on the #quality #uml
- On the Impact of Layout Quality to Understanding UML Diagrams: Size Matters (HS), pp. 518–534.
- ECMFA-2013-Storrle #ad hoc #declarative #named #query
- MOCQL: A Declarative Language for Ad-Hoc Model Querying (HS), pp. 3–19.
- MoDELS-2013-StorrleF #analysis #physics #towards #visual notation
- Towards an Operationalization of the “Physics of Notations” for the Analysis of Visual Languages (HS, AF), pp. 104–120.
- ICMT-2015-AcretoaieSS #editing #model transformation
- Transparent Model Transformation: Turning Your Favourite Model Editor into a Transformation Tool (VA, HS, DS), pp. 121–130.
- MoDELS-2016-AcretoaieSS #model transformation
- Model transformation for end-user modelers with VMTL (VA, HS, DS), p. 305.
- MoDELS-2017-AbrahaoBCKPSW #challenge #experience #modelling #user interface
- User Experience for Model-Driven Engineering: Challenges and Future Directions (SA, FB, BHCC, SK, RFP, HS, JW), pp. 229–236.