Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Mexico
1 × Spain
1 × The Netherlands
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
X.Chang K.Wang R.Hou D.Pasetto M.Meneghin F.Petrini J.Xenidis Y.Shuf M.Gupta A.W.Appel J.P.Singh B.Abali X.Shen D.E.Poff T.B.Smith J.Zhang A.Sivasubramaniam N.Gautam Y.Zhang S.Nagar Y.Ma H.Yu T.Nelms L.Zhang M.C.Huang Y.Ge
Talks about:
architectur (2) perform (2) hardwar (2) acceler (2) multithread (1) interthread (1) workload (1) opportun (1) multicor (1) compress (1)
Person: Hubertus Franke
DBLP: Franke:Hubertus
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- HPDC-2012-PasettoMFPX #architecture #communication #evaluation #manycore #parallel #performance #thread
- Performance evaluation of interthread communication mechanisms on multicore/multithreaded architectures (DP, MM, HF, FP, JX), pp. 131–132.
- DATE-2011-ChangMFWHYN #architecture #hardware #hybrid #optimisation
- Optimization of stateful hardware acceleration in hybrid architectures (XC, YM, HF, KW, RH, HY, TN), pp. 567–570.
- HPCA-2011-HouZHWFGC #challenge #data type #performance #streaming
- Efficient data streaming with on-chip accelerators: Opportunities and challenges (RH, LZ, MCH, KW, HF, YG, XC), pp. 312–320.
- HPCA-2004-ZhangSFGZN
- Synthesizing Representative I/O Workloads for TPC-H (JZ, AS, HF, NG, YZ, SN), pp. 142–151.
- OOPSLA-2002-ShufGFAS #garbage collection #java #locality
- Creating and preserving locality of java applications at allocation and garbage collection times (YS, MG, HF, AWA, JPS), pp. 13–25.
- HPCA-2001-AbaliFSPS #hardware #in memory #memory management #performance
- Performance of Hardware Compressed Main Memory (BA, HF, XS, DEP, TBS), pp. 73–81.