Travelled to:
1 × Hungary
2 × Germany
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
B.Nuseibeh M.Salehie L.Pasquale L.Cavallaro ∅ R.Ali G.Sindre M.Roper J.D.Ferguson M.Wood G.Doherty C.Menghi C.Solís W.Maalej T.Stålhane S.Biffl T.Moser W.D.Sunindyo T.T.Tun A.K.Bandara B.A.Price Y.Yu C.B.Haley
Talks about:
privaci (5) requir (4) adapt (4) engin (3) secur (2) tool (2) disclosur (1) traceabl (1) imprecis (1) argument (1)
Person: Inah Omoronyia
DBLP: Omoronyia:Inah
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- ICSE-2013-OmoronyiaCSPN #adaptation #privacy #requirements
- Engineering adaptive privacy: on the role of privacy awareness requirements (IO, LC, MS, LP, BN), pp. 632–641.
- ASE-2012-OmoronyiaPSCDN #adaptation #named #privacy
- Caprice: a tool for engineering adaptive privacy (IO, LP, MS, LC, GD, BN), pp. 354–357.
- FSE-2012-PasqualeMSCON #adaptation #named #security
- SecuriTAS: a tool for engineering adaptive security (LP, CM, MS, LC, IO, BN), p. 19.
- RE-2012-SalehiePOAN #adaptation #runtime #security
- Requirements-driven adaptive security: Protecting variable assets at runtime (MS, LP, IO, RA, BN), pp. 111–120.
- RE-2012-TunBPYHON #mobile #privacy #requirements
- Privacy arguments: Analysing selective disclosure requirements for mobile applications (TTT, AKB, BAP, YY, CBH, IO, BN), pp. 131–140.
- ESEC-FSE-2011-AliSSONM #monitoring #social
- Social sensing: when users become monitors (RA, CS, MS, IO, BN, WM), pp. 476–479.
- REFSQ-2010-OmoronyiaSSBMS #elicitation #ontology #process #requirements
- A Domain Ontology Building Process for Guiding Requirements Elicitation (IO, GS, TS, SB, TM, WDS), pp. 188–202.
- RE-2009-OmoronyiaSRFW #case study #developer #navigation #source code #traceability
- Use Case to Source Code Traceability: The Developer Navigation View Point (IO, GS, MR, JDF, MW), pp. 237–242.
- FSE-2016-Omoronyia #privacy #reasoning
- Reasoning with imprecise privacy preferences (IO), pp. 952–955.