Travelled to:
1 × The Netherlands
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
D.F.Gieskens S.Mukherjea S.E.Hudson P.N.Sukaviriya W.C.Kim T.Griffith D.J.M.J.d.Baar K.E.Mullet C.M.Mitchell N.Walker E.Clarkson S.B.Navathe M.R.Frank J.J.d.Graaff M.D.Byrne S.D.Wood D.E.Kieras
Talks about:
interfac (7) user (6) design (4) interact (3) postcondit (2) hypermedia (2) control (2) model (2) pre (2) architectur (1)
Person: James D. Foley
DBLP: Foley:James_D=
Contributed to:
Wrote 10 papers:
- CHI-1995-MukherjeaFH #hypermedia #multi #network #visualisation
- Visualizing Complex Hypermedia Networks through Multiple Hierarchical Views (SM, JDF, SEH), pp. 331–337.
- CHI-1994-ByrneWFKS #automation #evaluation #interface
- Automating interface evaluation (MDB, SDW, JDF, DEK, PNS), pp. 232–237.
- HT-ECHT-1994-MukherjeaFH #clustering #hypermedia #interactive #navigation
- Interactive Clustering for Navigating in Hypermedia Systems (SM, JDF, SEH), pp. 136–145.
- INTERCHI-1993-KimF #design #user interface
- Providing high-level control and expert assistance in the user interface presentation design (WCK, JDF), pp. 430–437.
- INTERCHI-1993-SukaviriyaFG #architecture #design #generative #runtime #user interface
- A second generation user interface design environment: the model and the runtime architecture (PNS, JDF, TG), pp. 375–382.
- CHI-1992-BaarFM #design #user interface
- Coupling Application Design and User Interface Design (DJMJdB, JDF, KEM), pp. 259–266.
- CHI-1992-FoleyMW #human-computer #interactive #research
- Human-Computer Interaction Research at Georgia Institute of Technology (JDF, CMM, NW), pp. 61–62.
- CHI-1992-FrankGGF #user interface #using
- Building User Interfaces Interactively Using Pre- and Postconditions (MRF, JJdG, DFG, JDF), pp. 641–642.
- CHI-1992-GieskensF #user interface
- Controlling User Interface Objects Through Pre- and Postconditions (DFG, JDF), pp. 189–194.
- JCDL-2009-ClarksonNF #formal method #modelling #user interface
- Generalized formal models for faceted user interfaces (EC, SBN, JDF), pp. 125–134.