Travelled to:
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
W.D.W.Jr. D.R.Luginbuhl J.F.Naveda J.Beidler E.E.Mills F.L.V.Scoy
Talks about:
softwar (3) teach (2) practition (1) approach (1) practic (1) verif (1) valid (1) bridg (1) reus (1) gap (1)
Person: James E. Cardow
DBLP: Cardow:James_E=
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- CSEE-1994-CardowW #approach #education #reuse
- A Practical Approach to Teaching Software Reuse (JEC, WDWJ), pp. 517–525.
- CSEE-1994-NavedaBCMS
- Bridging the Gaps (JFN, JB, JEC, EEM, FLVS), pp. 277–281.
- SEI-1992-CardowL #education #validation #verification
- Teaching Software Verification and Validation to Software Practitioner (JEC, DRL), pp. 167–179.