Travelled to:
1 × France
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ D.Battaglia A.Burke J.F.Naveda J.E.Cardow E.E.Mills F.L.V.Scoy
Talks about:
reus (3) tool (2) use (2) ada (2) structur (1) encourag (1) softwar (1) promot (1) modifi (1) compon (1)
Person: John Beidler
DBLP: Beidler:John
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- TRI-Ada-1997-BattagliaBB #ada #named #reuse
- ReUSE/Ada: A Tool to Promote Code Reuse (DB, AB, JB), pp. 113–116.
- TRI-Ada-1996-Beidler #ada #reuse
- REUSE/Ada (JB), pp. 211–217.
- CSEE-1994-NavedaBCMS
- Bridging the Gaps (JFN, JB, JEC, EEM, FLVS), pp. 277–281.
- AdaEurope-1993-Beidler #reuse
- Structuring Iterators to Encourage Reuse (JB), pp. 171–179.
- TRI-Ada-C-1992-Beidler #component #education #tool support #what
- Building on the Booch Components: What Can Be Learned When Modifying Real World Software Tools for Educational Use (JB), pp. 157–164.