Collaborated with:
O.Montalvo R.S.J.d.Baker A.Nakama M.Bachmann J.Beck M.A.S.Pedro M.S.Pedro
Talks about:
student (3) inquiri (2) use (2) experiment (1) systemat (1) identifi (1) detector (1) behavior (1) transit (1) pattern (1)
Person: Janice D. Gobert
DBLP: Gobert:Janice_D=
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- EDM-2010-BachmannGB #analysis #student
- Tracking Students’ Inquiry Paths through Student Transition Analysis (MB, JDG, JB), pp. 269–270.
- EDM-2010-MontalvoBPNG #identification #machine learning #student #using
- Identifying Students’ Inquiry Planning Using Machine Learning (OM, RSJdB, MASP, AN, JDG), pp. 141–150.
- EDM-2010-PedroBMNG #behaviour #detection #using
- Using Text Replay Tagging to Produce Detectors of Systematic Experimentation Behavior Patterns (MSP, RSJdB, OM, AN, JDG), pp. 181–190.