Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × China
1 × France
1 × Singapore
1 × Spain
1 × Switzerland
1 × The Netherlands
2 × Denmark
2 × Ireland
2 × Italy
2 × USA
4 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
∅ A.Cavalcanti A.Sampaio J.Davies E.G.Aydal M.Utting S.King X.Tang C.Morgan B.Dickinson R.F.Paige P.R.G.Antonino M.V.M.Oliveira I.S.d.M.Júnior A.J.Wellings K.Wei A.Burns A.Butterfield A.Sherif L.Freitas D.Atiya C.Bolton C.Crichton A.Mota A.Farias A.Didier A.Radjenovic L.M.Rose
Talks about:
refin (8) model (8) circus (6) base (5) semant (4) process (3) formal (3) introduct (2) calculus (2) softwar (2)
Person: Jim Woodcock
DBLP: Woodcock:Jim
Facilitated 4 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 28 papers:
- FM-2014-AntoninoSW #analysis #concurrent #csp #network #process #refinement
- A Refinement Based Strategy for Local Deadlock Analysis of Networks of CSP Processes (PRGA, AS, JW), pp. 62–77.
- FM-2014-Woodcock #semantics
- Engineering UToPiA — Formal Semantics for CML (JW), pp. 22–41.
- SEFM-2014-MotaFDW #agile #model checking #prototype #semantics
- Rapid Prototyping of a Semantically Well Founded Circus Model Checker (AM, AF, AD, JW), pp. 235–249.
- SEFM-2013-OliveiraJW #csp #multi #protocol
- A Verified Protocol to Implement Multi-way Synchronisation and Interleaving in CSP (MVMO, ISdMJ, JW), pp. 46–60.
- ECMFA-2012-RadjenovicPRWK #approach #plugin #simulation #uml
- A Plug-in Based Approach for UML Model Simulation (AR, RFP, LMR, JW, SK), pp. 328–339.
- FM-2011-CavalcantiWW #formal method #java #memory management #safety
- The Safety-Critical Java Memory Model: A Formal Account (AC, AJW, JW), pp. 246–261.
- SEFM-2010-WeiWB #design
- A Timed Model of Circus with the Reactive Design Miracle (KW, JW, AB), pp. 315–319.
- ICST-2009-AydalPUW #modelling #specification #testing #validation
- Putting Formal Specifications under the Magnifying Glass: Model-based Testing for Validation (EGA, RFP, MU, JW), pp. 131–140.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2008-AydalUW #comparison #modelling #tool support #validation
- A Comparison of State-Based Modelling Tools for Model Validation (EGA, MU, JW), pp. 278–296.
- IFM-2007-ButterfieldSW
- Slotted-Circus (AB, AS, JW), pp. 75–97.
- FM-2006-Woodcock #challenge
- Verified Software Grand Challenge (JW), p. 617.
- FM-2005-WoodcockCF #model checking #semantics
- Operational Semantics for Model Checking Circus (JW, AC, LF), pp. 237–252.
- IFM-2004-WoodcockC #design #programming #tutorial
- A Tutorial Introduction to Designs in Unifying Theories of Programming (JW, AC), pp. 40–66.
- SEFM-2004-TangW #mobile #process #towards
- Towards Mobile Processes in Unifying Theories (XT, JW), pp. 44–53.
- FME-2003-AtiyaKW #semantics
- A Circus Semantics for Ravenscar Protected Objects (DAA, SK, JW), pp. 617–635.
- FME-2002-SampaioWC #refinement
- Refinement in Circus (AS, JW, AC), pp. 451–470.
- IFM-1999-BoltonDW #data type #on the #process #refinement #simulation
- On the Refinement and Simulation of Data Types and Processes (CB, JD, JW), pp. 273–292.
- TOOLS-USA-1999-CrichtonDW #data access #mobile #trust
- When to Trust Mobile Objects: Access Control in the Jini(tm) Software System (CC, JD, JW), pp. 116–125.
- VDME-1990-WoodcockM #concurrent #refinement
- Refinement of State-Based Concurrent Systems (JW, CM), pp. 340–351.
- VDME-1988-WoodcockD #case study #experience #using
- Using VDM with Rely and Guarantee-Conditions — Experiences from a Real Project (JW, BD), pp. 434–458.
- VDME-1991-Woodcock #calculus #refinement #tutorial
- A Tutorial on the Refinement Calculus (JW), pp. 79–140.
- VDME-1991-Woodcock91a #calculus #refinement
- The Refinement Calculus (JW), pp. 80–95.
- VDME-1991-Woodcock91b #refinement
- An Introduction to Refinement in Z (JW), pp. 96–117.
- VDME-1991-Woodcock91c #case study #refinement
- Two Refinement Case Studies (JW), pp. 118–140.