Collaborated with:
J.Whitehead Kate Compton Heather Logas Joseph C. Osborn Chandranil Chakrabortti Kelsey Coffman Daniel Fava Dylan Lederle-Ensign Z.Lin Afshin Mobramaein Johnathan Pagnutti Husacar Sanchez B.Laurel
Talks about:
generat (2) game (2) solusforg (1) precondit (1) discoveri (1) artifact (1) spatial (1) fission (1) control (1) lesson (1)
Person: Jo Mazeika
DBLP: Mazeika:Jo
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- DiGRA-FDG-2016-ComptonLOCCFLLM #design #game studies #lessons learnt
- Design Lessons From Binary Fission: A Crowd Sourced Game for Precondition Discovery (KC, HL, JCO, CC, KC, DF, DLE, ZL, JM, AM, JP, HS, JW, BL).
- AIIDE-2017-MazeikaW #3d #game studies #generative
- Solving for Bespoke Game Assets: Applying Style to 3D Generative Artifacts (JM, JW), pp. 73–79.
- FDG-2017-MazeikaW #3d #generative #graph #modelling #named
- Solusforge: controlling the generation of the 3D models with spatial relation graphs (JM, JW), p. 4.