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Travelled to:
1 × Cyprus
2 × The Netherlands
6 × USA
Collaborated with:
E.Visser L.C.L.Kats R.Vermaas N.H.Cohen M.Haveraaen K.Czarnecki C.H.P.Kim R.G.Vogelij A.Hemel E.Dolstra A.H.Bagge V.David M.Bravenboer O.S.Bagge F.Durán M.Roldán E.Balland M.v.d.Brand S.Eker P.Moreau R.Schevchenko J.Bach J.R.Cordy L.Engelen M.d.Jonge
Talks about:
transform (3) languag (3) competit (2) softwar (2) program (2) system (2) specif (2) rewrit (2) domain (2) event (2)

Person: Karl Trygve Kalleberg

DBLP DBLP: Kalleberg:Karl_Trygve

Contributed to:

Onward! 20122012
MSR 20112011
SLE 20102010
WRLA 20102010
LDTA 20092010
LCTES 20082008
WRLA 20082009
LDTA 20072008
GPCE 20062006
PEPM 20062006
SPLC 20062006
SCAM 20032003

Wrote 12 papers:

Onward-2012-KatsVKV #development #research #web
Software development environments on the web: a research agenda (LCLK, RGV, KTK, EV), pp. 99–116.
MSR-2011-HemelKVD #clone detection #detection
Finding software license violations through binary code clone detection (AH, KTK, RV, ED), pp. 63–72.
SLE-2010-KatsKV #ambiguity #interactive #metaprogramming #source code #syntax
Interactive Disambiguation of Meta Programs with Concrete Object Syntax (LCLK, KTK, EV), pp. 327–336.
WRLA-2010-DuranRBBBCEEJK #contest
The Third Rewrite Engines Competition (FD, MR, JCB, EB, MvdB, JRC, SE, LE, MdJ, KTK, LCLK, PEM, EV), pp. 243–261.
LDTA-2009-KatsKV10 #composition #domain-specific language #editing #plugin
Domain-Specific Languages for Composable Editor Plugins (LCLK, KTK, EV), pp. 149–163.
LCTES-2008-CohenK #named #regular expression
EventScript: an event-processing language based on regular expressions with actions (NHC, KTK), pp. 111–120.
WRLA-2008-DuranRBBEKKMSV09 #contest
The Second Rewrite Engines Competition (FD, MR, EB, MvdB, SE, KTK, LCLK, PEM, RS, EV), pp. 281–291.
LDTA-2007-KallebergV08 #compilation #model transformation #transformation language
Fusing a Transformation Language with an Open Compiler (KTK, EV), pp. 21–36.
GPCE-2006-BaggeDHK #exception
Stayin’ Alert: Moulding Failure and Exceptions to Your Needs (AHB, VD, MH, KTK), pp. 265–274.
PEPM-2006-BravenboerKVV #component #stratego
Stratego/XT 0.16: components for transformation systems (MB, KTK, RV, EV), pp. 95–99.
SPLC-2006-CzarneckiKK #feature model #modelling #ontology
Feature Models are Views on Ontologies (KC, CHPK, KTK), pp. 41–51.
SCAM-2003-BaggeKHV #c++ #design #optimisation #source code
Design of the CodeBoost Transformation System for Domain-Specific Optimisation of C++ Programs (OSB, KTK, MH, EV), p. 65–?.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.