Travelled to:
1 × Czech Republic
1 × Hungary
1 × Portugal
1 × Romania
1 × South Korea
10 × Italy
2 × Austria
2 × Cyprus
3 × Canada
3 × Spain
4 × France
4 × Switzerland
4 × The Netherlands
4 × USA
5 × Germany
Collaborated with:
A.Serebrenik J.J.Vinju C.Verhoef S.A.Roubtsov M.P.A.Sellink ∅ M.v.Amstel P.Klint B.Vasilescu E.Visser L.Engelen A.Johnstone E.Scott J.Businge J.Iversen P.D.Mosses P.Moreau T.Verhoeff C.Ringeissen P.A.Olivier Y.Dajsuren L.Moonen A.T.Kooiker S.Andova Z.Protic D.O.Camacho K.Mens N.P.Veerman J.Heering J.Scheerder T.Kuipers S.Eker A.Afroozeh W.Poncin B.J.Arnoldus C.F.J.Lange J.Arnoldus J.Bijpost Ö.Babur L.Cleophas A.Wijs H.A.d.Jong E.Kouters R.Huisman L.J.P.Engelen A.Mazoyer A.P.v.d.Meer A.T.Hofkamp E.Korshunova M.Petkovic M.R.Mousavi B.Cornelissen S.Klusener E.E.Roubtsova P.Olivier J.Bach S.v.Schuylenburg J.Wulms F.Durán M.Roldán E.Balland K.T.Kalleberg L.C.L.Kats C.M.Gerpheide G.Denker C.L.Talcott G.Rosu T.Serbanuta S.M.Eijkelkamp D.K.A.Geluk H.Meijer M.J.F.Polling H.R.Osborne A.v.Deursen M.d.Jonge J.Visser D.Posnett B.Ray P.T.Devanbu V.Filkov D.Zhang D.Bošnački C.Huizing R.Kuiper M.Manders M.Bruntink G.R.Economopoulos T.v.d.Storm R.Schevchenko J.R.Cordy M.d.Jonge
Talks about:
environ (16) sdf (12) asf (12) softwar (10) model (9) engin (9) meta (8) languag (7) grammar (7) rewrit (7)
♂ Person: Mark van den Brand
DBLP: Brand:Mark_van_den
Facilitated 33 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 68 papers:
- CHI-2015-VasilescuPRBSDF #gender #git
- Gender and Tenure Diversity in GitHub Teams (BV, DP, BR, MvdB, AS, PTD, VF), pp. 3789–3798.
- AMT-2014-ZhangBBEHKW #code generation #concurrent #java #state machine #towards
- Towards Verified Java Code Generation from Concurrent State Machines (DZ, DB, MvdB, LE, CH, RK, AW), pp. 64–69.
- ICSME-2014-VasilescuSWSB #empirical #git #integration
- Continuous Integration in a Social-Coding World: Empirical Evidence from GitHub (BV, SvS, JW, AS, MvdB), pp. 401–405.
- QoSA-2014-DajsurenGSWVB #architecture #formal method
- Formalizing correspondence rules for automotive architecture views (YD, CMG, AS, AW, BV, MvdB), pp. 129–138.
- CSMR-2013-BusingeSB #api #developer #eclipse
- Analyzing the Eclipse API Usage: Putting the Developer in the Loop (JB, AS, MvdB), pp. 37–46.
- QoSA-2013-DajsurenBSR #assessment #composition #modelling
- Simulink models are also software: modularity assessment (YD, MvdB, AS, SAR), pp. 99–106.
- SLE-2013-AfroozehBJSV #precedence #specification
- Safe Specification of Operator Precedence Rules (AA, MvdB, AJ, ES, JJV), pp. 137–156.
- ICMT-2012-AmstelBS #model transformation #traceability #visualisation
- Traceability Visualization in Model Transformations with TraceVis (MvA, MvdB, AS), pp. 152–159.
- ICMT-2012-AndovaBE #model transformation #reuse
- Reusable and Correct Endogenous Model Transformations (SA, MvdB, LE), pp. 72–88.
- ICSM-2012-BusingeSB #eclipse #plugin
- Survival of Eclipse third-party plug-ins (JB, AS, MvdB), pp. 368–377.
- ICSM-2012-KoutersVSB #gnome #repository #using
- Who’s who in Gnome: Using LSA to merge software repository identities (EK, BV, AS, MvdB), pp. 592–595.
- QoSA-2012-DajsurenBSH #architecture #case study #consistency #multi
- Automotive ADLS: a study on enforcing consistency through multiple architectural levels (YD, MvdB, AS, RH), pp. 71–80.
- SCAM-2012-BusingeSB #eclipse #plugin #predict
- Compatibility Prediction of Eclipse Third-Party Plug-ins in New Eclipse Releases (JB, AS, MvdB), pp. 164–173.
- SFM-2012-AndovaBEV #domain-specific language
- MDE Basics with a DSL Focus (SA, MvdB, LJPE, TV), pp. 21–57.
- SLE-2012-AfroozehBBJMMS #gll #grammarware #semiparsing #using
- Island Grammar-Based Parsing Using GLL and Tom (AA, JCB, MvdB, AJ, MM, PEM, ES), pp. 224–243.
- CSMR-2011-PoncinSB #mining #process #repository
- Process Mining Software Repositories (WP, AS, MvdB), pp. 5–14.
- GPCE-2011-ArnoldusBS #less is more #metalanguage
- Less is more: unparser-completeness of metalanguages for template engines (BJA, MvdB, AS), pp. 137–146.
- ICMT-2011-AmstelB #analysis #maintenance #model transformation
- Model Transformation Analysis: Staying Ahead of the Maintenance Nightmare (MvA, MvdB), pp. 108–122.
- ICSM-2011-VasilescuSB #case study #metric
- You can’t control the unfamiliar: A study on the relations between aggregation techniques for software metrics (BV, AS, MvdB), pp. 313–322.
- LDTA-2011-JohnstoneSB #named
- LDT: a language definition technique (AJ, ES, MvdB), p. 9.
- LDTA-J-2011-JohnstoneSB #composition #grammarware #specification
- Modular grammar specification (AJ, ES, MvdB), pp. 23–43.
- SCAM-2011-RoubtsovSMB #diagrams #enterprise #java #named #reverse engineering #sequence chart
- I2SD: Reverse Engineering Sequence Diagrams from Enterprise Java Beans with Interceptors (SAR, AS, AM, MvdB), pp. 155–164.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2011-BrandPV #co-evolution
- A Generic Solution for Syntax-Driven Model Co-evolution (MvdB, ZP, TV), pp. 36–51.
- CSMR-2010-RoubtsovSB #composition #dependence #detection #injection #java #smell
- Detecting Modularity “Smells” in Dependencies Injected with Java Annotations (SAR, AS, MvdB), pp. 244–247.
- ICSM-2010-SerebrenikB #metric
- Theil index for aggregation of software metrics values (AS, MvdB), pp. 1–9.
- LDTA-2010-BrandMSH #case study #domain-specific language #experience
- Formally specified type checkers for domain specific languages: experience report (MvdB, APvdM, AS, ATH), p. 12.
- WRLA-2010-DuranRBBBCEEJK #contest
- The Third Rewrite Engines Competition (FD, MR, JCB, EB, MvdB, JRC, SE, LE, MdJ, KTK, LCLK, PEM, EV), pp. 243–261.
- CSMR-2009-BrandRS #flexibility #named #visual notation
- SQuAVisiT: A Flexible Tool for Visual Software Analytics (MvdB, SAR, AS), pp. 331–332.
- ICMT-2009-AmstelLB #asf+sdf #metric #model transformation #quality #using
- Using Metrics for Assessing the Quality of ASF+SDF Model Transformations (MvA, CFJL, MvdB), pp. 239–248.
- ICPC-2009-SerebrenikRB #architecture #assessment #java #open source
- Dn-based architecture assessment of Java Open Source software systems (AS, SAR, MvdB), pp. 198–207.
- LDTA-2009-EngelenB10 #modelling #visual notation
- Integrating Textual and Graphical Modelling Languages (LE, MvdB), pp. 105–120.
- ICMT-2008-AmstelBPV #algebra #modelling #process #question #semantic gap #state machine #uml
- Transforming Process Algebra Models into UML State Machines: Bridging a Semantic Gap? (MvA, MvdB, ZP, TV), pp. 61–75.
- SLE-2008-Brand #modelling
- Model-Driven Engineering Meets Generic Language Technology (MvdB), pp. 8–15.
- WRLA-2008-DuranRBBEKKMSV09 #contest
- The Second Rewrite Engines Competition (FD, MR, EB, MvdB, SE, KTK, LCLK, PEM, RS, EV), pp. 281–291.
- CSMR-2007-BrandBEJKKSV #ide #legacy #maintenance #using
- Using The Meta-Environment for Maintenance and Renovation (MvdB, MB, GRE, HAdJ, PK, ATK, TvdS, JJV), pp. 331–332.
- GPCE-2007-ArnoldusBB #named
- Repleo: a syntax-safe template engine (JA, JB, MvdB), pp. 25–32.
- LDTA-J-2007-CamachoMBV #automation #generative #tool support #using #verification
- Automated generation of program translation and verification tools using annotated grammars (DOC, KM, MvdB, JJV), pp. 3–20.
- CSMR-2006-BrandKVV #framework #independence #pretty-printing
- A Language Independent Framework for Context-sensitive Formatting (MvdB, ATK, JJV, NPV), pp. 103–112.
- LDTA-2006-CamachoMBV #automation
- Automated Derivation of Translators From Annotated Grammars (DOC, KM, MvdB, JJV), pp. 121–137.
- WCRE-2006-KorshunovaPBM #c++ #diagrams #named #process #reverse engineering #sequence #source code #uml #xmi
- CPP2XMI: Reverse Engineering of UML Class, Sequence, and Activity Diagrams from C++ Source Code (EK, MP, MvdB, MRM), pp. 297–298.
- WRLA-2006-DenkerTRBES07 #logic
- Rewriting Logic Systems (GD, CLT, GR, MvdB, SE, TFS), pp. 233–247.
- GTTSE-2005-Brand #asf+sdf #ide
- Applications of the Asf+Sdf Meta-Environment (MvdB), pp. 278–296.
- ICSM-2005-BrandKVV #architecture #pretty-printing
- An Architecture for Context-Sensitive Formatting (MvdB, ATK, JJV, NPV), pp. 631–634.
- LDTA-2005-BrandCOV #debugging #framework #named #tool support
- TIDE: A Generic Debugging Framework — Tool Demonstration (MvdB, BC, PAO, JJV), pp. 161–165.
- LDTA-2004-BrandIM
- An Action Environment (MvdB, JI, PDM), pp. 149–168.
- LDTA-2004-BrandIM04a #tool support
- The Action Environment: — Tool Demonstration -- (MvdB, JI, PDM), pp. 177–180.
- LDTA-J-2004-BrandIM
- An Action Environment (MvdB, JI, PDM), pp. 245–264.
- LDTA-2003-BrandKMV #ambiguity #generalised parsing #parsing #semantics #term rewriting
- Generalized Parsing and Term Rewriting: Semantics Driven Disambiguation (MvdB, SK, LM, JJV), pp. 575–591.
- RTA-2003-BrandMV #exclamation #for free #term rewriting
- Environments for Term Rewriting Engines for Free! (MvdB, PEM, JJV), pp. 424–435.
- CC-2002-BrandSVV #ambiguity #glr #parsing
- Disambiguation Filters for Scannerless Generalized LR Parsers (MvdB, JS, JJV, EV), pp. 143–158.
- LDTA-2002-BrandMR #asf+sdf #logic
- The ELAN Environment: a Rewriting Logic Environment based on ASF+SDF Technology — System Demonstration (MvdB, PEM, CR), pp. 50–56.
- CC-2001-BrandDHJJKKMOSVVV #asf+sdf #component #development #ide
- The ASF+SDF Meta-environment: A Component-Based Language Development Environment (MvdB, AvD, JH, HAdJ, MdJ, TK, PK, LM, PAO, JS, JJV, EV, JV), pp. 365–370.
- LDTA-2001-BrandDHJJKKMOSVVV #asf+sdf #component #development #ide
- The Asf+Sdf Meta-Environment: a Component-Based Language Development Environment (MvdB, AvD, JH, HAdJ, MdJ, TK, PK, LM, PAO, JS, JJV, EV, JV), pp. 3–8.
- WRLA-2000-BrandR #asf+sdf #parsing #tool support
- ASF+SDF parsing tools applied to ELAN (MvdB, CR), pp. 138–157.
- CC-1999-BrandKO #asf+sdf #compilation #memory management
- Compilation and Memory Management for ASF+SDF (MvdB, PK, PAO), pp. 198–213.
- WCRE-1999-SerebrenikRRB99a #diagrams #enterprise #java #reverse engineering #sequence chart
- Reverse Engineering Sequence Diagrams for Enterprise JavaBeans with Business Method Interceptors (AS, SAR, EER, MvdB), pp. 269–273.
- CSMR-1998-BrandSV #cics #cobol #control flow #legacy #normalisation
- Control Flow Normalization for COBOL/CICS Legacy System (MvdB, MPAS, CV), pp. 11–20.
- IWPC-1998-BrandSV #harmful #legacy #parsing
- Current Parsing Techniques in Software Renovation Considered Harmful (MvdB, MPAS, CV), pp. 108–117.
- WRLA-1998-BrandKV #term rewriting
- Term rewriting for sale (MvdB, PK, CV), pp. 218–241.
- ASF+SDF-1997-BrandHK #asf+sdf #ide #legacy
- Renovation of the ASF+SDF meta-environment: current state of affairs (MvdB, JH, PK), p. 4.
- ASF+SDF-1997-BrandKMO #asf+sdf #ide #implementation #prototype
- Implementation of a prototype for the new ASF+SDF meta-environment (MvdB, TK, LM, PO), p. 5.
- ASF+SDF-1997-BrandSV #cobol #legacy #re-engineering
- Obtaining a COBOL grammar from legacy code for reengineering purposes (MvdB, MPAS, CV), p. 6.
- WCRE-1997-BrandSV #component #context-free grammar #generative #legacy
- Generation of Components for Software Renovation Factories from Context-Free Grammars (MvdB, MPAS, CV), p. 144–?.
- WCRE-J-1997-BrandSV00 #component #context-free grammar #generative #legacy
- Generation of components for software renovation factories from context-free grammars (MvdB, MPAS, CV), pp. 209–266.
- ASF+SDF-1995-Brand #asf+sdf #ide #past present future #pretty-printing
- Pretty printing in the ASF+SDF Meta-environment: Past, Present, and Future (MvdB), pp. 155–174.
- ASF+SDF-1995-BrandEGMOP #asf+sdf #program transformation #using
- Program Transformations using ASF+SDF (MvdB, SME, DKAG, HM, MJFP, HRO), pp. 29–52.
- ECMFA-2016-BaburCB #analysis #clustering #comparative #metamodelling #visualisation
- Hierarchical Clustering of Metamodels for Comparative Analysis and Visualization (ÖB, LC, MvdB), pp. 3–18.
- TAPSOFT-1995-BrandV #asf+sdf #documentation #exclamation #for free #ide #tool support
- The Asf+Sdf Meta-Environment Documentation Tools for Free! (MvdB, EV), pp. 803–804.