Collaborated with:
Tim Tutenel Ruben Michaël Smelik Rafael Bidarra
Talks about:
semant (2) procedur (1) descript (1) problem (1) languag (1) layout (1) improv (1) design (1) world (1) scene (1)
Person: Klaas Jan de Kraker
DBLP: Kraker:Klaas_Jan_de
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- AIIDE-2009-TutenelSBK #design #game studies #semantics #using
- Using Semantics to Improve the Design of Game Worlds (TT, RMS, RB, KJdK).
- AIIDE-2010-TutenelSBK #layout #problem #semantics
- A Semantic Scene Description Language for Procedural Layout Solving Problems (TT, RMS, RB, KJdK).