Travelled to:
1 × France
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
W.L.Schiele T.Krüger B.Kapoor J.M.Kleinhans F.M.Johannes E.Auer A.Schwaferts F.H.Kirsch B.M.Pangrle J.Biggs C.Clavel O.Domerego
Talks about:
design (3) power (3) layout (2) verif (2) cell (2) low (2) transport (1) placement (1) standard (1) industri (1)
Person: Knut M. Just
DBLP: Just:Knut_M=
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- DATE-2011-KapoorJ #design #embedded #power management #tutorial #verification
- Embedded tutorial: Addressing critical power management verification issues in low power designs (BK, KMJ), p. 124.
- DATE-2011-PangrleBCDJ #design #power management #verification
- Beyond UPF & CPF: Low-power design and verification (BMP, JB, CC, OD, KMJ), p. 252.
- DAC-1990-JustASS #generative #logic #named
- PALACE: A Kayout Generator for SCVS Logic Blocks (KMJ, EA, WLS, AS), pp. 468–473.
- DAC-1990-SchieleKJK #design #industrial
- A Gridless Router for Industrial Design Rules (WLS, TK, KMJ, FHK), pp. 626–631.
- DAC-1989-JustSK #named
- Plowing: Modifying Cells and Routing 45: 9D — Layouts (KMJ, WLS, TK), pp. 702–705.
- DAC-1986-JustKJ #layout #on the #problem #standard
- On the relative placement and the transportation problem for standard-cell layout (KMJ, JMK, FMJ), pp. 308–313.