Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × Japan
1 × Norway
2 × France
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
P.Eriksson S.Ehnebom J.Hughes A.Martini J.Bosch M.Staron A.Sabry A.Sandberg
Talks about:
system (3) architectur (2) develop (2) concern (2) speed (2) embed (2) reus (2) inhibitor (1) structur (1) investig (1)
Person: Lars Pareto
DBLP: Pareto:Lars
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- SPLC-2013-MartiniPB #agile #communication #development #reuse #scalability
- Communication factors for speed and reuse in large-scale agile software development (AM, LP, JB), pp. 42–51.
- SPLC-2012-MartiniPB #reuse
- Enablers and inhibitors for speed with reuse (AM, LP, JB), pp. 116–125.
- WICSA-2011-ParetoSEE #architecture
- Prioritizing Architectural Concerns (LP, AS, PE, SE), pp. 22–31.
- MoDELS-v2-2010-ParetoEE #architecture #bound #design
- Architectural Descriptions as Boundary Objects in System and Design Work (LP, PE, SE), pp. 406–419.
- MoDELS-2009-ParetoEE #development #empirical
- Concern Visibility in Base Station Development — An Empirical Investigation (LP, PE, SE), pp. 196–210.
- MoDELS-2008-ParetoSE #embedded #evolution #ontology
- Ontology Guided Evolution of Complex Embedded Systems Projects in the Direction of MDA (LP, MS, PE), pp. 874–888.
- ICFP-1999-HughesP #bound #embedded #ml #programming #recursion #towards
- Recursion and Dynamic Data-structures in Bounded Space: Towards Embedded ML Programming (JH, LP), pp. 70–81.
- POPL-1996-HughesPS #correctness #proving #using
- Proving the Correctness of Reactive Systems Using Sized Types (JH, LP, AS), pp. 410–423.