Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Belgium
1 × Brazil
1 × China
1 × Denmark
1 × Finland
1 × Japan
1 × United Kingdom
10 × USA
2 × Canada
2 × Germany
2 × Portugal
2 × Sweden
2 × The Netherlands
3 × France
5 × Italy
Collaborated with:
∅ A.Martini P.Bengtsson M.Mattsson U.Eklund A.Jansen S.Deelstra M.Sinnema L.Pareto Torvald Mårtensson Daniel Ståhl F.v.d.Linden J.S.v.d.Ven J.A.Stafford J.Nijhuis N.J.Juzgado M.Jaring R.C.v.Ommering M.Högström M.M.Mahally M.Staron H.Hartmann R.Kazman L.J.Bass J.v.Gurp M.Svahnberg David Issa Mattos H.H.Olsson J.Savolainen J.Kuusela T.Männistö K.Koskimies W.Pree G.Hedin M.Akşit W.v.d.Sterren L.Bergmans E.Kamsties K.Känsälä J.H.Obbink H.Muccini K.E.Harper R.Heinrich N.Plouzeau O.Zimmermann L.Baresi V.Cortellessa X.Xu I.Weber M.Staples L.Zhu L.Bass C.Pautasso P.Rimba
Talks about:
softwar (36) architectur (23) product (22) line (12) design (9) famili (8) framework (6) composit (6) variabl (6) studi (6)
♂ Person: Jan Bosch
DBLP: Bosch:Jan
Facilitated 9 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 60 papers:
- ESEC-FSE-2015-MahallySB #case study #development
- Barriers and enablers for shortening software development lead-time in mechatronics organizations: a case study (MMM, MS, JB), pp. 1006–1009.
- WICSA-2015-MartiniB #architecture #technical debt
- The Danger of Architectural Technical Debt: Contagious Debt and Vicious Circles (AM, JB), pp. 1–10.
- SPLC-2014-Bosch #named #towards
- ESAO: towards data- and ecosystem-driven R&D (JB), p. 363.
- SPLC-2014-HartmannLB #product line #testing
- Risk based testing for software product line engineering (HH, FvdL, JB), pp. 227–231.
- ECSA-2013-VenB #architecture #design
- Making the Right Decision: Supporting Architects with Design Decision Data (JSvdV, JB), pp. 176–183.
- SPLC-2013-MartiniPB #agile #communication #development #reuse #scalability
- Communication factors for speed and reuse in large-scale agile software development (AM, LP, JB), pp. 42–51.
- CBSE-2012-Bosch #architecture
- Speed and innovation through architecture (JB), pp. 1–2.
- QoSA-2012-EklundB #architecture #ecosystem #framework #multi #platform #using
- Using architecture for multiple levels of access to an ecosystem platform (UE, JB), pp. 143–148.
- SPLC-2012-MartiniPB #reuse
- Enablers and inhibitors for speed with reuse (AM, LP, JB), pp. 116–125.
- WICSA-ECSA-2012-EklundB #architecture #empirical #scalability
- Architecture for Large-Scale Innovation Experiment Systems (UE, JB), pp. 244–248.
- SPLC-2011-Bosch #architecture #ecosystem
- Software Ecosystems — Implications for Strategy, Business Model and Architecture (JB), p. 351.
- SPLC-2011-Bosch11a #legacy
- Achieving Speed in Legacy Systems (JB), p. 352.
- ASE-2010-Bosch #composition #re-engineering #towards
- Keynote address: toward compositional software engineering (JB), pp. 1–2.
- ECSA-2010-Bosch #architecture #composition
- Architecture in the Age of Compositionality (JB), pp. 1–4.
- SPLC-2009-Bosch #ecosystem #product line
- From software product lines to software ecosystems (JB), pp. 111–119.
- SPLC-2009-SavolainenBKM #product line
- Default values for improved product line management (JS, JB, JK, TM), pp. 51–60.
- FASE-2007-Bosch #composition #product line #towards
- Software Product Families: Towards Compositionality (JB), pp. 1–10.
- QoSA-2006-Bosch #problem #product line
- Expanding the Scope of Software Product Families: Problems and Alternative Approaches (JB), p. 1.
- SPLC-2005-Bosch #product line
- Software Product Families in Nokia (JB), pp. 2–6.
- WICSA-2005-JansenB #architecture #design #set
- Software Architecture as a Set of Architectural Design Decisions (AJ, JB), pp. 109–120.
- WICSA-2005-StaffordB
- Working Session Reports (JAS, JB), pp. 181–184.
- ASE-2004-JansenB #architecture #evaluation #evolution #tool support
- Evaluation of Tool Support for Architectural Evolution (AJ, JB), pp. 375–378.
- ICSE-2004-Bosch #variability
- Software Variability Management (JB), pp. 720–721.
- ICSM-2004-DeelstraSNB #named #product line #variability
- COSVAM: A Technique for Assessing Software Variability in Software Product Families (SD, MS, JN, JB), pp. 458–462.
- SPLC-2004-Bosch #component #development #on the #product line
- On the Development of Software Product-Family Components (JB), pp. 146–164.
- SPLC-2004-Bosch04a #architecture #re-engineering
- Architecture-Centric Software Engineering (JB), p. 314.
- SPLC-2004-Bosch04b #variability
- Software Variability Management (JB), pp. 315–316.
- SPLC-2004-DeelstraSB #case study #experience #problem #product line
- Experiences in Software Product Families: Problems and Issues During Product Derivation (SD, MS, JB), pp. 165–182.
- SPLC-2004-LindenBKKO #evaluation #product line
- Software Product Family Evaluation (FvdL, JB, EK, KK, JHO), pp. 110–129.
- SPLC-2004-SinnemaDNB #framework #modelling #named #product line #variability
- COVAMOF: A Framework for Modeling Variability in Software Product Families (MS, SD, JN, JB), pp. 197–213.
- ICSE-2003-BoschJ #architecture #design #usability
- Designing Software Architectures for Usability (JB, NJJ), pp. 757–758.
- ICSE-2003-KazmanBB #human-computer #interactive #re-engineering
- Bridging the Gaps Between Software Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction (RK, LJB, JB), pp. 777–778.
- ICSE-2002-Bosch #architecture #re-engineering
- Architecture-centric software engineering (JB), pp. 681–682.
- SPLC-2002-Bosch #evolution #maturity #product line
- Maturity and Evolution in Software Product Lines: Approaches, Artefacts and Organization (JB), pp. 257–271.
- SPLC-2002-JaringB #case study #product line #representation #variability
- Representing Variability in Software Product Lines: A Case Study (MJ, JB), pp. 15–36.
- SPLC-2002-OmmeringB #composition #product line
- Widening the Scope of Software Product Lines — From Variation to Composition (RCvO, JB), pp. 328–347.
- CSMR-2001-BoschB #architecture #maintenance
- Assessing Optimal Software Architecture Maintainability (JB, PB), pp. 168–175.
- ICSE-2001-Bosch #product line
- Software Product Lines: Organizational Alternatives (JB), pp. 91–100.
- ICSE-2001-Bosch01a #architecture #design #product line
- Software Product Lines and Software Architecture Design (JB), p. 717.
- WICSA-2001-GurpBS #on the #product line #variability
- On the Notion of Variability in Software Product Lines (JvG, JB, MS), pp. 45–54.
- GCSE-2000-BoschH #case study #product line
- Product Instantiation in Software Product Lines: A Case Study (JB, MH), pp. 147–162.
- CSMR-1999-BengtssonB #architecture #maintenance #predict
- Architecture Level Prediction of Software Maintenance (PB, JB), pp. 139–147.
- ICSE-1999-BengtssonB #architecture #case study #design #experience
- Haemo Dialysis Software Architecture Design Experiences (PB, JB), pp. 516–525.
- ICSE-1999-Bosch #architecture #case study #industrial #product line
- Product-Line Architectures in Industry: A Case Study (JB), pp. 544–554.
- ICSM-1999-MattssonB #evolution #experience #framework #industrial #object-oriented
- Experience Paper: Observations on the Evolution of an Industrial OO Framework (MM, JB), pp. 139–145.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-Bosch #architecture #design #industrial #using
- Design and Use of Industrial Software Architectures (JB), p. 404.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-KoskimiesBPH #architecture #challenge #design #object-oriented #reuse #tool support
- Designing Reusable Object-Oriented Architectures — Challenges, Methods & Tools (KK, JB, WP, GH), p. 421.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-MattssonB #evolution #framework
- Characterizing Stability in Evolving Frameworks (MM, JB), pp. 118–130.
- WICSA-1999-Bosch #architecture #case study #composition #evolution #product line #reuse
- Evolution and Composition of Reusable Assets in Product-Line Architectures: A Case Study (JB), pp. 321–340.
- TOOLS-ASIA-1998-Bosch #design pattern #framework #specification
- Specifying Frameworks and Design Patterns as Architectural Fragments (JB), p. 268–?.
- TOOLS-USA-1997-MattssonB #composition #framework #problem
- Framework Composition: Problems, Causes and Solutions (MM, JB), pp. 203–214.
- CC-1996-Bosch #approach #compilation #object-oriented
- Delegating Compiler Objects: An Object-Oriented Approach to Crafting Compilers (JB), pp. 326–340.
- ECOOP-1994-AksitBSB #inheritance #realtime #specification
- Real-Time Specification Inheritance Anomalies and Real-Time Filters (MA, JB, WvdS, LB), pp. 386–407.
- CBSE-2016-MucciniHHBPZBC
- Welcome Message from the Chairs of WICSA, QoSA and CBSE (HM, KEH, RH, JB, NP, OZ, LB, VC), p. vii-viii.
- WICSA-2016-Bosch #ecosystem #future of #re-engineering #summary #tutorial
- Tutorial Summary for Speed, Data and Ecosystems: The Future of Software Engineering (JB), p. 254.
- WICSA-2016-MartiniB #agile #architecture #case study #framework #multi #scalability
- A Multiple Case Study of Continuous Architecting in Large Agile Companies: Current Gaps and the CAFFEA Framework (AM, JB), pp. 1–10.
- ICSA-2017-MartenssonSB #industrial #integration #scalability
- Continuous Integration Impediments in Large-Scale Industry Projects (TM, DS, JB), pp. 169–178.
- ICSA-2017-XuWSZBBPR #architecture #design #taxonomy
- A Taxonomy of Blockchain-Based Systems for Architecture Design (XX, IW, MS, LZ, JB, LB, CP, PR), pp. 243–252.
- ECSA-2019-MattosBO #deployment #named #optimisation
- ACE: Easy Deployment of Field Optimization Experiments (DIM, JB, HHO), pp. 264–279.
- ICSA-2019-MartenssonSMB #architecture #towards
- Continuous Architecture: Towards the Goldilocks Zone and Away from Vicious Circles (TM, DS, AM, JB), pp. 131–140.