Travelled to:
1 × Italy
1 × Switzerland
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
C.Ghezzi G.Cugola S.Sinha A.Orso G.Tamburrelli ∅ P.Spoletini
Talks about:
servic (4) test (3) orchestr (2) evolut (2) declar (2) dynam (2) adapt (2) suit (2) uncertainti (1) understand (1)
Person: Leandro Sales Pinto
DBLP: Pinto:Leandro_Sales
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- ICSE-2013-GhezziPST #adaptation #modelling #non-functional #nondeterminism
- Managing non-functional uncertainty via model-driven adaptivity (CG, LSP, PS, GT), pp. 33–42.
- ICSE-2013-PintoSO #evolution #named #testing
- TestEvol: a tool for analyzing test-suite evolution (LSP, SS, AO), pp. 1303–1306.
- FSE-2012-CugolaGPT #adaptation #declarative #mobile #named
- SelfMotion: a declarative language for adaptive service-oriented mobile apps (GC, CG, LSP, GT), p. 7.
- FSE-2012-PintoSO #comprehension #evolution #testing
- Understanding myths and realities of test-suite evolution (LSP, SS, AO), p. 33.
- ICSE-2012-PintoCG
- Writing dynamic service orchestrations with DSOL (LSP, GC, CG), pp. 1383–1386.
- SAC-2012-PintoCG
- Dealing with changes in service orchestrations (LSP, GC, CG), pp. 1961–1967.
- ICSE-2011-Pinto #approach #composition #declarative #flexibility
- A declarative approach to enable flexible and dynamic service compositions (LSP), pp. 1130–1131.