Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × Cyprus
1 × Hungary
1 × New Zealand
1 × Sweden
15 × USA
2 × Austria
2 × Canada
2 × Czech Republic
2 × India
2 × Spain
2 × Switzerland
3 × France
3 × Germany
7 × Italy
Collaborated with:
G.Tamburrelli ∅ A.Mocci R.Mirandola G.Cugola L.S.Pinto A.Filieri D.Bianculli M.Monga M.Pezzè C.Tsigkanos L.Baresi P.Spoletini A.M.Sharifloo D.Mandrioli C.Menghi M.Felder M.Ghafari M.L.Drago I.Epifani E.D.Nitto S.Krstic A.Morzenti R.A.Kemmerer R.A.Kennerer L.Pasquale B.Nuseibeh V.P.L.Manna X.Jia S.Ying K.Rubinov M.Sangiorgio A.Sivieri G.Salvaneschi D.Ardagna L.Mottola V.Martena G.P.Picco P.Selvini D.Balzarotti C.Bellettini T.Kehrer M.Sama C.Pautasso P.Senti A.Leva M.Maggio S.Distefano V.Grassi A.Motta W.Binder S.Gallotti A.Coen-Porisini G.Denaro M.Mantione P.Armenise S.Bandinelli F.Garzotto M.Chechik M.M.Bersani P.S.Pietro X.Ma J.Lü
Talks about:
model (13) softwar (11) system (9) servic (8) specif (7) adapt (7) use (7) verif (6) base (6) approach (5)
♂ Person: Carlo Ghezzi
DBLP: Ghezzi:Carlo
Facilitated 5 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 55 papers:
- ICSE-v2-2015-TsigkanosPGN #adaptation #cyber-physical #named #security
- Ariadne: Topology Aware Adaptive Security for Cyber-Physical Systems (CT, LP, CG, BN), pp. 729–732.
- ISSTA-2015-JiaGY #constraints #execution #reuse #symbolic computation #using
- Enhancing reuse of constraint solutions to improve symbolic execution (XJ, CG, SY), pp. 177–187.
- SCAM-2015-GhafariGR #automation #identification #testing
- Automatically identifying focal methods under test in unit test cases (MG, CG, KR), pp. 61–70.
- FASE-2014-BersaniBGKP #smt
- SMT-Based Checking of SOLOIST over Sparse Traces (MMB, DB, CG, SK, PSP), pp. 276–290.
- ICPC-2014-GhafariGMT #mining #recommendation #testing
- Mining unit tests for code recommendation (MG, CG, AM, GT), pp. 142–145.
- ICSE-2014-GhezziPST #behaviour #mining #modelling #web
- Mining behavior models from user-intensive web applications (CG, MP, MS, GT), pp. 277–287.
- RE-2014-TsigkanosPMGN #adaptation #requirements #runtime #security
- Engineering topology aware adaptive security: Preventing requirements violations at runtime (CT, LP, CM, CG, BN), pp. 203–212.
- SEFM-2014-BianculliGK #logic #metric #pipes and filters #using
- Trace Checking of Metric Temporal Logic with Aggregating Modalities Using MapReduce (DB, CG, SK), pp. 144–158.
- ICSE-2013-GhezziPST #adaptation #modelling #non-functional #nondeterminism
- Managing non-functional uncertainty via model-driven adaptivity (CG, LSP, PS, GT), pp. 33–42.
- RE-2013-GhezziMSS #on the #requirements #verification
- On requirements verification for model refinements (CG, CM, AMS, PS), pp. 62–71.
- FSE-2012-CugolaGPT #adaptation #declarative #mobile #named
- SelfMotion: a declarative language for adaptive service-oriented mobile apps (GC, CG, LSP, GT), p. 7.
- ICSE-2012-BianculliGPS #case study #industrial #research #specification
- Specification patterns from research to industry: A case study in service-based applications (DB, CG, CP, PS), pp. 968–976.
- ICSE-2012-GhezziM #behaviour #specification #synthesis #validation
- Behavioral validation of JFSL specifications through model synthesis (CG, AM), pp. 936–946.
- ICSE-2012-GhezziMS #component #monitoring #runtime
- Runtime monitoring of component changes with Spy@Runtime (CG, AM, MS), pp. 1403–1406.
- ICSE-2012-PintoCG
- Writing dynamic service orchestrations with DSOL (LSP, GC, CG), pp. 1383–1386.
- SAC-2012-PintoCG
- Dealing with changes in service orchestrations (LSP, GC, CG), pp. 1961–1967.
- ASE-2011-FilieriGLM #adaptation #approach #reliability #requirements #self
- Self-adaptive software meets control theory: A preliminary approach supporting reliability requirements (AF, CG, AL, MM), pp. 283–292.
- CBSE-2011-DistefanoFGM #analysis #composition #multi #reliability #workflow
- A compositional method for reliability analysis of workflows affected by multiple failure modes (SD, AF, CG, RM), pp. 149–158.
- ESEC-FSE-2011-MaBGML #component #configuration management #distributed
- Version-consistent dynamic reconfiguration of component-based distributed systems (XM, LB, CG, VPLM, JL), pp. 245–255.
- ICSE-2011-FilieriGT #model checking #performance #probability #runtime
- Run-time efficient probabilistic model checking (AF, CG, GT), pp. 341–350.
- MoDELS-2011-DragoGM #model transformation #quality #towards
- Towards Quality Driven Exploration of Model Transformation Spaces (MLD, CG, RM), pp. 2–16.
- SPLC-2011-GhezziS #approach #model checking #non-functional #parametricity #performance #product line #towards #using #verification
- Verifying Non-functional Properties of Software Product Lines: Towards an Efficient Approach Using Parametric Model Checking (CG, AMS), pp. 170–174.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2011-SivieriCG #erlang #rest
- Computational REST Meets Erlang (AS, GC, CG), pp. 244–259.
- CBSE-2010-FilieriGGM #analysis #component #multi #reliability
- Reliability Analysis of Component-Based Systems with Multiple Failure Modes (AF, CG, VG, RM), pp. 1–20.
- FASE-2010-GhezziMS #automation #case study #multi #specification #validation
- Automatic Cross Validation of Multiple Specifications: A Case Study (CG, AM, GS), pp. 233–247.
- FSE-2010-EpifaniGT #black box #detection
- Change-point detection for black-box services (IE, CG, GT), pp. 227–236.
- QoSA-2010-GhezziMMT
- QoS Driven Dynamic Binding in-the-many (CG, AM, VPLM, GT), pp. 68–83.
- SEFM-2010-Ghezzi #adaptation #verification
- Adaptive Software Needs Continuous Verification (CG), pp. 3–4.
- ICSE-2009-BianculliBDG #framework #named #web #web service
- ReMan: A pro-active reputation management infrastructure for composite Web services (DB, WB, MLD, CG), pp. 623–626.
- ICSE-2009-EpifaniGMT #adaptation #evolution #parametricity #runtime
- Model evolution by run-time parameter adaptation (IE, CG, RM, GT), pp. 111–121.
- ICSE-2009-GhezziMM #behaviour #graph transformation #modelling
- Synthesizing intensional behavior models by graph transformation (CG, AM, MM), pp. 430–440.
- QoSA-2009-GhezziT #performance #predict
- Predicting Performance Properties for Open Systems with KAMI (CG, GT), pp. 70–85.
- RE-2009-GhezziT #non-functional #reasoning #requirements
- Reasoning on Non-Functional Requirements for Integrated Services (CG, GT), pp. 69–78.
- GT-VMT-2008-BaresiGMM #abstraction #graph transformation #using #verification
- Using Graph Transformation Systems to Specify and Verify Data Abstractions (LB, CG, AM, MM).
- QoSA-2008-ArdagnaGM #architecture #modelling #using
- Rethinking the Use of Models in Software Architecture (DA, CG, RM), pp. 1–27.
- QoSA-2008-GallottiGMT #composition #model checking #predict #probability #quality
- Quality Prediction of Service Compositions through Probabilistic Model Checking (SG, CG, RM, GT), pp. 119–134.
- SEKE-2008-GhezziT #approach #architecture #case study
- Choosing a Software Architecture: An Approach and a Case Study (CG, GT), pp. 255–260.
- ICSE-2007-BaresiGM #architecture #automation #on the #verification
- On Accurate Automatic Verification of Publish-Subscribe Architectures (LB, CG, LM), pp. 199–208.
- FASE-2006-Ghezzi #problem #re-engineering
- Software Engineering: Emerging Goals and Lasting Problems (CG), p. 2.
- ICSE-2005-GhezziM #challenge #education #re-engineering
- The challenges of software engineering education (CG, DM), pp. 637–638.
- FASE-2004-GhezziMP #static analysis #type system
- Enhancing Remote Method Invocation through Type-Based Static Analysis (CG, VM, GPP), pp. 339–353.
- SAC-2003-NittoGS #multi #using #web
- Using Agents for Multi-target Search on the Web (EDN, CG, PS), pp. 828–833.
- ICGT-2002-Ghezzi #challenge #distributed #evolution #re-engineering #ubiquitous
- Ubiquitous, Decentralized, and Evolving Software: Challenges for Software Engineering (CG), pp. 1–5.
- SEKE-2002-BalzarottiGM #configuration management #peer-to-peer
- Supporting configuration management for virtual workgroups ini a peer-to-peer setting (DB, CG, MM), pp. 507–511.
- ESEC-FSE-2001-Coen-PorisiniDGP #execution #safety #symbolic computation #using #verification
- Using symbolic execution for verifying safety-critical systems (ACP, GD, CG, MP), pp. 142–151.
- ICSM-1997-Ghezzi #network #re-engineering
- Software Engineering Issues for Network Computing (CG), p. 2.
- ICSE-1995-CugolaNGM #how #process
- How to Deal With Deviations During Process Model Enactment (GC, EDN, CG, MM), pp. 265–273.
- ESEC-1993-GhezziFB #overview #realtime #specification #verification
- Real-Time Systems: A Survey of Approaches to Formal Specification and Verification (CG, MF, CB), pp. 11–36.
- ISSTA-1993-FelderGP #specification
- Analyzing Refinements of State Based Specifications: The Case of TB Nets (MF, CG, MP), pp. 28–39.
- SEKE-1992-ArmeniseBGM #assessment #overview #process #representation
- Software Processes Representation Languages: Survey and Assessment (PA, SB, CG, AM), pp. 455–462.
- ESEC-1991-GhezziK #named #realtime #specification
- ASTRAL: An Assertion Language for Specifying Realtime Systems (CG, RAK), pp. 122–146.
- TAV-1991-GhezziK #approach #specification
- Executing Formal Specifications: The ASTRAL to TRIO Translation Approach (CG, RAK), pp. 112–122.
- ESEC-1987-GarzottoGMM #logic programming #on the #realtime #specification #using
- On the Specification of Real-Time Systems Using Logic Programming (FG, CG, DM, AM), pp. 180–190.
- ESEC-FSE-2017-TsigkanosKG #cyber-physical #evolution #modelling #verification
- Modeling and verification of evolving cyber-physical spaces (CT, TK, CG), pp. 38–48.
- FASE-2018-MenghiSCG #component #design #distributed #incremental
- Supporting Verification-Driven Incremental Distributed Design of Components (CM, PS, MC, CG), pp. 169–188.