Travelled to:
1 × Denmark
1 × Estonia
1 × Italy
1 × Japan
1 × The Netherlands
2 × France
3 × USA
3 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
G.Delzanno A.Cimatti M.Martelli R.Bruttomesso T.A.Junttila P.v.Rossum R.Sebastiani S.Tonetta J.Katoen V.Y.Nguyen T.Noll M.Roveri S.Schulz A.Griggio C.Mattarei M.Gario A.Cavallo M.Cifaldi L.Valacca A.Villafiorita V.Mascardi F.Zini R.Wimmer S.Ranise A.F.Pires D.Jones G.Kimberly T.Petri R.Robinson
Talks about:
logic (5) system (4) linear (4) verif (4) safeti (3) model (3) protocol (2) satisfi (2) program (2) analysi (2)
Person: Marco Bozzano
DBLP: Bozzano:Marco
Contributed to:
Wrote 15 papers:
- CAV-2015-BozzanoCGM #analysis #modelling #performance #safety
- Efficient Anytime Techniques for Model-Based Safety Analysis (MB, AC, AG, CM), pp. 603–621.
- CAV-2015-BozzanoCPJKPRT #analysis #design #safety
- Formal Design and Safety Analysis of AIR6110 Wheel Brake System (MB, AC, AFP, DJ, GK, TP, RR, ST), pp. 518–535.
- TACAS-2014-BozzanoCGT #component #design #detection #fault #identification #logic #using
- Formal Design of Fault Detection and Identification Components Using Temporal Epistemic Logic (MB, AC, MG, ST), pp. 326–340.
- CAV-2010-BozzanoCKNNRW #model checking
- A Model Checker for AADL (MB, AC, JPK, VYN, TN, MR, RW), pp. 562–565.
- ESEC-FSE-2009-BozzanoCRKNN #evaluation #modelling #performance #verification
- Verification and performance evaluation of aadl models (MB, AC, MR, JPK, VYN, TN), pp. 285–286.
- CADE-2005-BozzanoBCJRSS
- The MathSAT 3 System (MB, RB, AC, TAJ, PvR, SS, RS), pp. 315–321.
- CAV-2005-BozzanoBCJRRS #modulo theories #performance #satisfiability
- Efficient Satisfiability Modulo Theories via Delayed Theory Combination (MB, RB, AC, TAJ, SR, PvR, RS), pp. 335–349.
- TACAS-2005-BozzanoBCJRSS #incremental #linear #logic #satisfiability
- An Incremental and Layered Procedure for the Satisfiability of Linear Arithmetic Logic (MB, RB, AC, TAJ, PvR, SS, RS), pp. 317–333.
- FME-2003-BozzanoCCVV #assessment #case study #industrial #safety
- Improving Safety Assessment of Complex Systems: An Industrial Case Study (MB, AC, MC, LV, AV), pp. 208–222.
- CAV-2002-BozzanoD #algorithm #protocol #verification
- Algorithmic Verification of Invalidation-Based Protocols (MB, GD), pp. 295–308.
- PPDP-2002-BozzanoD #automation #linear #logic #protocol #verification
- Automated protocol verification in linear logic (MB, GD), pp. 38–49.
- TACAS-2002-BozzanoD #verification
- Beyond Parameterized Verification (MB, GD), pp. 221–235.
- FLOPS-2001-BozzanoDM #bottom-up #effectiveness #first-order #linear #logic programming #semantics #source code
- An Effective Bottom-Up Semantics for First-Order Linear Logic Programs (MB, GD, MM), pp. 138–152.
- PPDP-2000-BozzanoDM #bottom-up #linear #logic programming #semantics #source code
- A bottom-up semantics for linear logic programs (MB, GD, MM), pp. 92–102.
- PADL-1999-BozzanoDMMZ #development #enterprise #multi #re-engineering
- Multi-agent Systems Development as a Software Engineering Enterprise (MB, GD, MM, VM, FZ), pp. 46–60.