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Travelled to:
1 × Denmark
1 × Estonia
1 × Norway
1 × Portugal
1 × Sweden
2 × Austria
2 × France
2 × Switzerland
2 × The Netherlands
2 × United Kingdom
3 × Spain
5 × Italy
5 × USA
6 × Germany
Collaborated with:
H.Hermanns B.L.Kaminski C.Baier C.Dehnert T.Quatmann T.Han C.Matheja D.Latella T.Noll B.R.Haverkort S.Junges M.Leucker R.Wimmer N.Jansen E.Ábrahám H.C.Bohnenkamp D.N.Jansen H.Wu B.Becker V.Y.Nguyen D.Peled A.McIver J.Meyer-Kayser M.Siegle C.Jansen T.Chen A.Mereacre M.Massink T.C.Ruys K.Batz B.Bollig C.Kern T.N.0001 A.Wijs D.Bošnački L.Song L.Zhang D.Parker B.D.Theelen M.R.Neuhäußer M.Stoelinga M.Bozzano A.Cimatti M.Roveri J.Heinen L.Meinicke C.C.Morgan D.Klink V.Wolf T.Kemna I.S.Zapreev R.D.Nicola R.Klaren P.R.D'Argenio J.Tretmans A.Nymeyer Y.Westra H.Alblas F.Olmedo M.V.0001 C.Morgan M.Hark J.Giesl T.Brázdil S.Kiefer A.Kucera P.Novotný T.Santen D.Seifert M.Esteve B.Postma Y.Yushtein B.Barbot R.Langerak Y.Feng H.Li B.Xia N.Zhan H.Arndt D.Neider D.R.Piegdon B.Delahaye K.G.Larsen A.Legay M.L.Pedersen F.Sher A.Wasowski F.Corzilius M.Volk H.Bruintjes
Talks about:
model (19) time (16) probabilist (11) markov (10) check (8) automata (6) program (6) analysi (6) continu (5) process (4)

Person: Joost-Pieter Katoen

DBLP DBLP: Katoen:Joost=Pieter

Facilitated 1 volumes:

TACAS 2002Ed

Contributed to:

CAV 20152015
FM 20152015
CAV 20142014
CSL-LICS 20142014
SFM 20142014
DATE 20132013
ESOP 20132013
VMCAI 20132013
DATE 20122012
ICSE 20122012
TACAS 20122012
LATA 20112011
TACAS 20112011
VMCAI 20112011
CAV 20102010
SAS 20102010
VMCAI 20102010
ESEC/FSE 20092009
FOSSACS 20092009
LICS 20092009
DATE 20082008
CAV 20072007
TACAS 20072007
QAPL 20052006
SFM-RT 20042004
TACAS 20042004
UML 20032003
TACAS 20012001
CAV 20002000
ICALP 20002000
IFM 20002000
TACAS 20002000
ICALP 19981998
TACAS 19971997
CC 19961996
ESOP 20162016
ESOP 20182018
CAV (1) 20172017
CAV (2) 20172017
CAV (1) 20182018
CAV (2) 20182018
POPL 20182018
POPL 20192019
POPL 20202020

Wrote 50 papers:

CAV-2015-DehnertJJCVBKA #named #parametricity #probability #synthesis
PROPhESY: A PRObabilistic ParamEter SYnthesis Tool (CD, SJ, NJ, FC, MV, HB, JPK, ), pp. 214–231.
Counterexamples for Expected Rewards (TQ, NJ, CD, RW, , JPK, BB), pp. 435–452.
CAV-2014-WijsKB #component #composition #graph
GPU-Based Graph Decomposition into Strongly Connected and Maximal End Components (AW, JPK, DB), pp. 310–326.
LICS-CSL-2014-BrazdilKKNK #automaton #multi #probability
Zero-reachability in probabilistic multi-counter automata (TB, SK, AK, PN, JPK), p. 10.
Probably safe or live (JPK, LS, LZ), p. 10.
SFM-2014-AbrahamBDJKW #generative #markov #modelling #overview
Counterexample Generation for Discrete-Time Markov Models: An Introductory Survey (, BB, CD, NJ, JPK, RW), pp. 65–121.
DATE-2013-KatoenNWSS #energy #modelling #optimisation
Model-based energy optimization of automotive control systems (JPK, TN, HW, TS, DS), pp. 761–766.
ESOP-2013-KatoenP #concurrent #implementation #modelling #probability
Taming Confusion for Modeling and Implementing Probabilistic Concurrent Systems (JPK, DP), pp. 411–430.
VMCAI-2013-DehnertKP #bisimulation #markov #modelling #smt
SMT-Based Bisimulation Minimisation of Markov Models (CD, JPK, DP), pp. 28–47.
DATE-2012-TheelenKW #data flow #model checking
Model checking of Scenario-Aware Dataflow with CADP (BDT, JPK, HW), pp. 653–658.
ICSE-2012-EsteveKNPY #analysis #correctness #dependence #performance #safety
Formal correctness, safety, dependability, and performance analysis of a satellite (MAE, JPK, VYN, BP, YY), pp. 1022–1031.
TACAS-2012-WimmerJABK #markov #modelling
Minimal Critical Subsystems for Discrete-Time Markov Models (RW, NJ, , BB, JPK), pp. 299–314.
LATA-2011-JansenHKN #normalisation
A Local Greibach Normal Form for Hyperedge Replacement Grammars (CJ, JH, JPK, TN), pp. 323–335.
TACAS-2011-BarbotCHKM #linear #model checking #performance #realtime
Efficient CTMC Model Checking of Linear Real-Time Objectives (BB, TC, TH, JPK, AM), pp. 128–142.
VMCAI-2011-DelahayeKLLPSW #automaton #probability
Abstract Probabilistic Automata (BD, JPK, KGL, AL, MLP, FS, AW), pp. 324–339.
CAV-2010-BolligKKLNP #automaton #framework #learning #named
libalf: The Automata Learning Framework (BB, JPK, CK, ML, DN, DRP), pp. 360–364.
CAV-2010-BozzanoCKNNRW #model checking
A Model Checker for AADL (MB, AC, JPK, VYN, TN, MR, RW), pp. 562–565.
SAS-2010-KatoenMMM #automation #generative #invariant #probability #source code
Linear-Invariant Generation for Probabilistic Programs: — Automated Support for Proof-Based Methods (JPK, AM, LM, CCM), pp. 390–406.
VMCAI-2010-Katoen #model checking #probability #roadmap
Advances in Probabilistic Model Checking (JPK), p. 25.
ESEC-FSE-2009-BozzanoCRKNN #evaluation #modelling #performance #verification
Verification and performance evaluation of aadl models (MB, AC, MR, JPK, VYN, TN), pp. 285–286.
FoSSaCS-2009-NeuhausserSK #markov #nondeterminism #process
Delayed Nondeterminism in Continuous-Time Markov Decision Processes (MRN, MS, JPK), pp. 364–379.
LICS-2009-ChenHKM #automaton #markov #model checking #specification
Quantitative Model Checking of Continuous-Time Markov Chains Against Timed Automata Specifications (TC, TH, JPK, AM), pp. 309–318.
DATE-2008-Katoen #analysis #design #embedded #evaluation #modelling #roadmap
Quantitative Evaluation in Embedded System Design: Trends in Modeling and Analysis Techniques (JPK), pp. 86–87.
CAV-2007-KatoenKLW #abstraction #markov
Three-Valued Abstraction for Continuous-Time Markov Chains (JPK, DK, ML, VW), pp. 311–324.
TACAS-2007-BohnenkampHK #named
motor: The modestTool Environment (HCB, HH, JPK), pp. 500–504.
TACAS-2007-BolligKKL #design #game studies #learning #modelling #synthesis
Replaying Play In and Play Out: Synthesis of Design Models from Scenarios by Learning (BB, JPK, CK, ML), pp. 435–450.
TACAS-2007-HanK #model checking #probability
Counterexamples in Probabilistic Model Checking (TH, JPK), pp. 72–86.
TACAS-2007-KatoenKZJ #bisimulation #model checking #probability
Bisimulation Minimisation Mostly Speeds Up Probabilistic Model Checking (JPK, TK, ISZ, DNJ), pp. 87–101.
QAPL-2005-NicolaKLM06 #logic #performance #towards
Towards a Logic for Performance and Mobility (RDN, JPK, DL, MM), pp. 161–175.
SFM-2004-KatoenBKH #analysis #embedded
Embedded Software Analysis with MOTOR (JPK, HCB, RK, HH), pp. 268–294.
TACAS-2004-BaierHHK #bound #markov #performance #process #reachability
Efficient Computation of Time-Bounded Reachability Probabilities in Uniform Continuous-Time Markov Decision Processes (CB, BRH, HH, JPK), pp. 61–76.
UML-2003-JansenHK #uml
A QoS-Oriented Extension of UML Statecharts (DNJ, HH, JPK), pp. 76–91.
TACAS-2001-RuysLKLM #algebra #analysis #partial order #probability #process #using
First Passage Time Analysis of Stochastic Process Algebra Using Partial Orders (TCR, RL, JPK, DL, MM), pp. 220–235.
CAV-2000-BaierHHK #analysis #markov #model checking
Model Checking Continuous-Time Markov Chains by Transient Analysis (CB, BRH, HH, JPK), pp. 358–372.
ICALP-2000-BaierHHK #logic #on the
On the Logical Characterisation of Performability Properties (CB, BRH, HH, JPK), pp. 780–792.
IFM-2000-HermannsKMS #algebra #model checking #probability #process #towards
Towards Model Checking Stochastic Process Algebra (HH, JPK, JMK, MS), pp. 420–439.
TACAS-2000-HermannsKMS #markov #model checking
A Markov Chain Model Checker (HH, JPK, JMK, MS), pp. 347–362.
ICALP-1998-BaierKL #concurrent #metric #realtime #semantics
Metric Semantics for True Concurrent Real Time (CB, JPK, DL), pp. 568–579.
TACAS-1997-DArgenioKRT #bound #exclamation #protocol
The Bounded Retransmission Protocol Must Be on Time! (PRD, JPK, TCR, JT), pp. 416–431.
CC-1996-NymeyerKWA #code generation
Code Generation = A* + BURS (AN, JPK, YW, HA), pp. 160–176.
ESOP-2016-KaminskiKMO #probability #reasoning #source code
Weakest Precondition Reasoning for Expected Run-Times of Probabilistic Programs (BLK, JPK, CM, FO), pp. 364–389.
ESOP-2018-BatzKKM #how #network #program analysis
How long, O Bayesian network, will I sample thee? - A program analysis perspective on expected sampling times (KB, BLK, JPK, CM), pp. 186–213.
CAV-2017-QuatmannJK #automaton #markov #multi
Markov Automata with Multiple Objectives (TQ, SJ, JPK), pp. 140–159.
CAV-2017-DehnertJK0 #model checking #probability
A Storm is Coming: A Modern Probabilistic Model Checker (CD, SJ, JPK, MV0), pp. 592–600.
CAV-2018-FengKLXZ #automaton #monitoring #multi
Monitoring CTMCs by Multi-clock Timed Automata (YF, JPK, HL, BX, NZ), pp. 507–526.
Sound Value Iteration (TQ, JPK), pp. 643–661.
CAV-2018-ArndtJKMN #exclamation #graph #java #pointer #source code #verification
Let this Graph Be Your Witness! - An Attestor for Verifying Java Pointer Programs (HA, CJ, JPK, CM, TN0), pp. 3–11.
POPL-2018-McIverMKK #proving #termination
A new proof rule for almost-sure termination (AM, CM, BLK, JPK), p. 28.
POPL-2019-BatzKKMN #logic #pointer #probability #reasoning #source code
Quantitative separation logic: a logic for reasoning about probabilistic pointer programs (KB, BLK, JPK, CM, TN0), p. 29.
POPL-2020-HarkKGK #bound #induction #probability #verification
Aiming low is harder: induction for lower bounds in probabilistic program verification (MH, BLK, JG, JPK), p. 28.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.