Travelled to:
1 × Lithuania
1 × New Zealand
1 × Singapore
1 × Sweden
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
B.Meyer H.Estler M.Oriol T.Schneider P.Antonucci D.Nikolic C.A.Furia M.Nordio
Talks about:
softwar (2) program (2) introduct (1) increment (1) distribut (1) contract (1) support (1) project (1) practic (1) develop (1)
Person: Marco Piccioni
DBLP: Piccioni:Marco
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- ITiCSE-2015-AntonucciENPM #automation #incremental #programming
- An Incremental Hint System For Automated Programming Assignments (PA, HCE, DN, MP, BM), pp. 320–325.
- FM-2014-EstlerFNPM #contract
- Contracts in Practice (HCE, CAF, MN, MP, BM), pp. 230–246.
- ITiCSE-2014-PiccioniEM #programming
- SPOC-supported introduction to programming (MP, HCE, BM), pp. 3–8.
- ASE-2009-PiccioniOMS #evolution #ide #object-oriented
- An IDE-based, Integrated Solution to Schema Evolution of Object-Oriented Software (MP, MO, BM, TS), pp. 650–654.
- CSEET-2008-MeyerP #case study #development #distributed #experience #re-engineering #risk management
- The Allure and Risks of a Deployable Software Engineering Project: Experiences with Both Local and Distributed Development (BM, MP), pp. 3–16.