Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Canada
1 × Singapore
1 × South Africa
1 × Spain
1 × USA
1 × United Kingdom
1 × Uruguay
2 × France
2 × Italy
3 × Switzerland
Collaborated with:
B.Meyer C.A.Furia M.Trudel Y.Pei C.Calcagno P.Müller J.Tschannen M.Oriol H.Estler C.A.Furia R.Mitin Y.Wei N.Polikarpova M.Piccioni N.Aguirre R.Prikladnicki E.D.Nitto A.Savidis H.Roth A.Horton M.J.Steindorfer
Talks about:
program (7) object (4) eiffel (4) translat (3) contract (3) automat (3) orient (3) autom (3) code (3) distribut (2)
Person: Martín Nordio
DBLP: Nordio:Mart=iacute=n
Contributed to:
Wrote 17 papers:
- ICSE-v2-2015-PeiFNM #automation #development #ide #program repair
- Automated Program Repair in an Integrated Development Environment (YP, CAF, MN, BM), pp. 681–684.
- TACAS-2015-TschannenFNP #functional #named #object-oriented #source code #verification
- AutoProof: Auto-Active Functional Verification of Object-Oriented Programs (JT, CAF, MN, NP), pp. 566–580.
- CSEET-2014-NordioEMAPNS #coordination #distributed #education #empirical #re-engineering
- An experiment on teaching coordination in a globally distributed software engineering class (MN, HCE, BM, NA, RP, EDN, AS), pp. 109–118.
- FASE-2014-PeiFNM #automation #contract #program repair
- Automatic Program Repair by Fixing Contracts (YP, CAF, MN, BM), pp. 246–260.
- FM-2014-EstlerFNPM #contract
- Contracts in Practice (HCE, CAF, MN, MP, BM), pp. 230–246.
- ECOOP-2013-TrudelFNM #automation #object-oriented #re-engineering #scalability
- Really Automatic Scalable Object-Oriented Reengineering (MT, CAF, MN, BM), pp. 477–501.
- FASE-2013-NordioCF #javascript #named #verification
- Javanni: A Verifier for JavaScript (MN, CC, CAF), pp. 231–234.
- WCRE-2012-TrudelFN #automation #c #eiffel
- Automatic C to O-O Translation with C2Eiffel (MT, CAF, MN), pp. 501–502.
- WCRE-2012-TrudelFNMO #c
- C to O-O Translation: Beyond the Easy Stuff (MT, CAF, MN, BM, MO), pp. 19–28.
- ASE-2011-PeiWFNM #automation
- Code-based automated program fixing (YP, YW, CAF, MN, BM), pp. 392–395.
- ASE-2011-WeiRFPHSNM #contract #fault #testing
- Stateful testing: Finding more errors in code and contracts (YW, HR, CAF, YP, AH, MJS, MN, BM), pp. 440–443.
- SEFM-2011-TschannenFNM #object-oriented #source code #verification
- Usable Verification of Object-Oriented Programs by Combining Static and Dynamic Techniques (JT, CAF, MN, BM), pp. 382–398.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2011-TrudelOFN #automation #eiffel #java #source code
- Automated Translation of Java Source Code to Eiffel (MT, MO, CAF, MN), pp. 20–35.
- ICSE-2010-NordioMM #distributed #outsourcing #re-engineering
- Advanced hands-on training for distributed and outsourced software engineering (MN, RM, BM), pp. 555–558.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2010-NordioCMMT #reasoning
- Reasoning about Function Objects (MN, CC, BM, PM, JT), pp. 79–96.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2009-NordioCMM #eiffel #logic
- A Sound and Complete Program Logic for Eiffel (MN, CC, PM, BM), pp. 195–214.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2008-NordioMM #compilation #eiffel #source code
- Proof-Transforming Compilation of Eiffel Programs (MN, PM, BM), pp. 316–335.