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Travelled to:
1 × Brazil
1 × Korea
1 × USA
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
M.Ceci D.Malerba O.Altamura F.Esposito G.Porcelli I.Frommholz H.Brocks U.Thiel E.J.Neuhold L.Iannone G.Semeraro
Talks about:
document (3) approach (3) layout (3) learn (3) correct (2) analysi (2) logic (2) understand (1) censorship (1) techniqu (1)

Person: Margherita Berardi

DBLP DBLP: Berardi:Margherita

Contributed to:

ICDAR 20072007
ICDAR 20052005
ECDL 20032003
ICDAR 20032003
ICML 20032003

Wrote 6 papers:

ICDAR-2007-CeciBPM #approach #data mining #detection #mining #order
A Data Mining Approach to Reading Order Detection (MC, MB, GP, DM), pp. 924–928.
ICDAR-2005-BerardiACM #analysis #layout #process
A color-based layout analysis to process censorship cards of film archives (MB, OA, MC, DM), pp. 1110–1114.
ICDAR-2005-CeciBM #comprehension #documentation #image #learning #logic #relational #statistics
Relational Learning techniques for Document Image Understanding: Comparing Statistical and Logical approaches (MC, MB, DM), pp. 473–477.
ECDL-2003-FrommholzBTNISBC #collaboration
Document-Centered Collaboration for Scholars in the Humanities — The COLLATE System (IF, HB, UT, EJN, LI, GS, MB, MC), pp. 434–445.
ICDAR-2003-MalerbaEACB #approach #documentation #layout #machine learning
Correcting the Document Layout: A Machine Learning Approach (DM, FE, OA, MC, MB), p. 97–?.
ICML-2003-BerardiCEM #analysis #layout #learning #logic programming #source code
Learning Logic Programs for Layout Analysis Correction (MB, MC, FE, DM), pp. 27–34.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.