Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Ireland
1 × The Netherlands
1 × USA
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
N.Fuhr M.Lalmas K.v.Rijsbergen B.Piwowarski M.K.Abbasi ∅ U.Thiel B.Larsen C.Lioma H.Schütze M.Agosti N.Ferro D.Graves H.Liu A.Kumar G.Brady D.Zellhöfer I.Schmitt Y.Moshfeghi H.Brocks E.J.Neuhold L.Iannone G.Semeraro M.Berardi M.Ceci
Talks about:
retriev (4) base (4) document (3) quantum (3) digit (3) annot (3) polyrepresent (2) probabilist (2) process (2) librari (2)
Person: Ingo Frommholz
DBLP: Frommholz:Ingo
Facilitated 1 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 12 papers:
- ECIR-2014-FrommholzA #clustering #on the
- On Clustering and Polyrepresentation (IF, MKA), pp. 618–623.
- JCDL-2014-FrommholzGLKB #crowdsourcing #people
- Great War stories told by the people — Crowdsourced cultural heritage in digital museums (IF, DG, HL, AK, GB), pp. 419–420.
- SIGIR-2012-LarsenLFS #case study #metadata #retrieval
- Preliminary study of technical terminology for the retrieval of scientific book metadata records (BL, CL, IF, HS), pp. 1131–1132.
- ECIR-2011-FrommholzPLR #framework #information retrieval #query
- Processing Queries in Session in a Quantum-Inspired IR Framework (IF, BP, ML, KvR), pp. 751–754.
- ECIR-2011-ZellhoferFSLR #information retrieval #principle #towards
- Towards Quantum-Based DB+IR Processing Based on the Principle of Polyrepresentation (DZ, IF, IS, ML, KvR), pp. 729–732.
- CIKM-2010-PiwowarskiFLR #information retrieval #quantum #what
- What can quantum theory bring to information retrieval (BP, IF, ML, KvR), pp. 59–68.
- ECIR-2010-PiwowarskiFMLR #documentation
- Filtering Documents with Subspaces (BP, IF, YM, ML, KvR), pp. 615–618.
- ECDL-2007-Frommholz #documentation #logic #probability #retrieval
- Annotation-Based Document Retrieval with Probabilistic Logics (IF), pp. 321–332.
- ECDL-2006-FrommholzF #evaluation
- Evaluation of Relevance and Knowledge Augmentation in Discussion Search (IF, NF), pp. 279–290.
- ECDL-2004-AgostiFFT #library #modelling
- Annotations in Digital Libraries and Collaboratories — Facets, Models and Usage (MA, NF, IF, UT), pp. 244–255.
- ECDL-2003-FrommholzBTNISBC #collaboration
- Document-Centered Collaboration for Scholars in the Humanities — The COLLATE System (IF, HB, UT, EJN, LI, GS, MB, MC), pp. 434–445.
- JCDL-2006-FrommholzF #library #logic #object-oriented #probability #retrieval
- Probabilistic, object-oriented logics for annotation-based retrieval in digital libraries (IF, NF), pp. 55–64.