Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Italy
10 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ G.Pour J.M.Favaro E.Benson R.R.Kessler K.D.Wentzel N.Dykman M.L.Creech D.F.Freeze G.Q.M.Jr. A.C.Hearn Q.Chen G.A.Bolcer L.J.Osterweil
Talks about:
softwar (7) compon (6) reus (4) success (3) agent (3) enterpris (2) architect (2) workflow (2) systemat (2) transit (2)
Person: Martin L. Griss
DBLP: Griss:Martin_L=
Contributed to:
Wrote 15 papers:
- SPLC-2000-Griss #aspect-oriented #implementation #product line
- Implementing Product-line features by composing aspects (MLG), pp. 271–289.
- TOOLS-USA-2000-Griss #component #e-commerce #game studies #java #uml #workflow #xml
- Agent-Mediated E-Commerce Agents, Components, Services, Workflow, UML, Java, XML and Games (MLG), p. 3–?.
- ICSE-1999-Griss #architecture #component #reuse #scalability
- Architecting for Large-Scale Systematic Component Reuse (MLG), pp. 615–616.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-1999-PourGF #component #development #enterprise
- Making the Transition to Component-Based Enterprise Software Development: Overcoming the Obstacles 3/4 Patterns for Success (GP, MLG, JMF), p. 419.
- TOOLS-USA-1999-GrissCBKO #question #workflow
- Agents and Workflow — An Intimate Connection, or Just Friends? (MLG, QC, GAB, RRK, LJO), pp. 558–562.
- TOOLS-USA-1999-GrissPF #component #development #enterprise
- Making the Transition to Component-Based Enterprise Software Development Overcoming the Obstacles — Patterns for Success (MLG, GP, JMF), pp. 527–531.
- UML-1999-DykmanGK #uml
- Nine Suggestions for Improving UML Extensibility (ND, MLG, RRK), pp. 236–248.
- FSE-1998-Griss #industrial #re-engineering
- Software Engineering as a Profession: Industry and Academia Working Together (MLG), pp. 203–208.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Griss #architecture #component #reuse #scalability
- Architecting for Large-Scale Systematic Component Reuse (MLG), p. 7.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Griss98a #architecture #process #reuse
- Software Reuse: Architecture, Process and Organization for Business Success (MLG), p. 465.
- ICSE-1994-Griss #experience #reuse
- Software Reuse Experience at Hewlett-Packard (MLG), p. 270.
- SAC-1994-GrissW #flexibility #hybrid
- Hybrid domain-specific kits for a flexible software factory (MLG, KDW), pp. 47–52.
- HT-1991-CreechFG #component #hypermedia #reuse #using
- Using Hypertext in Selecting Reusable Software Components (MLC, DFF, MLG), pp. 25–38.
- LFP-1982-GrissBM #lisp #named
- PSL: A Portable LISP System (MLG, EB, GQMJ), pp. 88–97.
- SCC-1982-GrissBH #compilation #lisp
- Current Status of a Portable Lisp Compiler (MLG, EB, ACH), pp. 276–283.