Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems
TOOLS USA, 1998.
@proceedings{TOOLS-USA-1998, address = "Santa Barbara, California, USA", isbn = "0-8186-8482-8", publisher = "{IEEE Computer Society}", title = "{Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems}", year = 1998, }
Contents (60 items)
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Dvorak
- Isoquantic Shift — The Third Age of Computing (JCD), p. 2.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Meyer #component #question
- Can We Make Componentware Succeed? (BM), p. 3.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Taylor
- Objects are Dead — Long Live Agents (DAT), p. 4.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Sprinzen #automation #component #named #process
- Components: Building Blocks for Automated Business Processes (MJS), p. 5.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Williams #challenge #component
- The Challenge of Components (JW), p. 6.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Griss #architecture #component #reuse #scalability
- Architecting for Large-Scale Systematic Component Reuse (MLG), p. 7.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-WydaegheVMDAJ #case study #design pattern #experience #using
- Building an OMT-Editor Using Design Patterns: An Experience Report (BW, KV, BM, BVD, EA, VJ), pp. 20–32.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-AndreattaCR #framework #heuristic #object-oriented
- An Object-Oriented Framework for Local Search Heuristics (AAA, SERC, CCR), pp. 33–45.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-MaY #diagrams #reduction
- Practical Rules for Reduction on the Number of States of a State Diagram (JM, SY), p. 46–?.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-HuberRR #component #interface #modelling
- Modeling Dynamic Component Interfaces (FH, AR, BR), pp. 58–70.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-PotterSJ #inheritance #library
- Library Interoperability via Inheritance (JP, RS, IJ), pp. 71–83.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-ChoMK #approach #protocol #specification
- A Protocol Based Approach to Specifying Interoperability between Objects (IHC, JDM, LK), pp. 84–96.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-MengerKES #implementation #library #object-oriented
- Collection Types and Implementations in Object-Oriented Software Libraries (GM, JLK, ME, AS), p. 97–?.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Wuyts #declarative #object-oriented #reasoning
- Declarative Reasoning about the Structure of Object-Oriented Systems (RW), pp. 112–124.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-PlouzeauLJ #contract #distributed #framework #quality
- A Framework Managing Quality of Service Contracts in Distributed Applications (NP, SL, JMJ), p. 125–?.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-GagnonH #compilation #framework #object-oriented
- SableCC, an Object-Oriented Compiler Framework (EMG, LJH), pp. 140–154.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-LeontievOS #implementation #interface #on the #representation
- On Separation between Interface, Implementation, and Representation in Object DBMSs (YL, MTÖ, DS), pp. 155–167.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-PortoSC #database #lifecycle #relational
- Object Life-Cycles in Active Relational Databases (FP, MJVS, SRC), p. 168–?.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-AldermanCJR #web
- Web Based Virtual Oscilloscope for Underwater Acoustic Signals (DA, NC, TAJ, GER), pp. 182–193.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-GavrilovskaTD #component #object-oriented #reuse
- A Virtual Classroom Based on Reusable Object Oriented Components (AG, VT, DD), pp. 194–202.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Ersavas #development #experience #towards
- RASEing Towards a Better Systems Development Tool: The Snowball Experience (TE), p. 203–?.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-CalderoniM #multi #named #simulation #tool support
- MUTANT: A MultiAgent Toolkit for Artificial Life Simulation (SC, PM), pp. 218–229.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-SoulieMCC #framework #object-oriented #platform #simulation
- GEAMAS V2.0: An Object Oriented Platform for Complex Systems Simulations (JCS, PM, SC, RC), p. 230–?.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-LarsenH #architecture #distributed #object-oriented
- An Architecture for Unified Dialogue in Distributed Object Systems (AL, PDH), pp. 244–258.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-FosterMN #architecture #case study #data-driven #distributed #experience #implementation #named
- AutoPilot: Experiences Implementing a Distributed Data-Driven Agent Architecture (SSF, DM, BAN), pp. 259–268.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-BallH #corba #data access
- Data Access and Transportation Services for the CORBA Environment (CHB, SH), p. 269–?.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Plosch #contract #design #tool support
- Tool Support for Design by Contract (RP), pp. 282–294.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Kramer #contract #design #java #named
- iContract — The Java(tm) Design by Contract(tm) Tool (RK), pp. 295–307.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Watkins #contract #interface #programming #using
- Using Interface Definition Languages to Support Path Expressions and Programming by Contract (DW), p. 308–?.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-HsiehPFGB #data access #interactive #object-oriented
- The Interaction of Access Control and Object-Orientation in Extensible Systems (WCH, PP, MEF, CG, BNB), pp. 320–332.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-LoweNTZ #inheritance #type system
- Weak Subtyping — Yet Another Notion of Inheritance (WL, RN, MT, WZ), pp. 333–345.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-SoundarajanF #behaviour #polymorphism #reasoning
- Reasoning About Polymorphic Behavior (NS, SF), p. 346–?.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Campbell #adaptation #component #reuse
- Adaptable Components for Reuse without Rework (GHCJ), p. 362.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Simon #component
- Building Component Software with COM (RS), pp. 363–374.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Pour #component #java
- Software Component Technologies: JavaBeans and ActiveX (GP), pp. 375–383.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-BarnB #component #development #tool support
- Methods and Tools for Component Based Development (BB, AWB), pp. 384–395.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Perkins #architecture #component #development #enterprise
- Enterprise Architecture and Component Development (AP), p. 396–?.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Lauinger #design
- Resolutions of an Object Designer (TL), p. 402.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-DeBruine #c++ #design pattern
- Mastering Software Patterns in C++ (TD), p. 403.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Brosgol #ada
- Ada and the Objects (BMB), p. 404.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Joyner #c++ #comparison #eiffel #java #object-oriented
- OO Language Comparison: Java, Eiffel and C++ (IJ), p. 405.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Goldstein #visual notation
- Developing COM Business Objects with Visual Basics 5.0 (MG), p. 406.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Doshi #architecture #database #multi
- Object Databases and Multi-Tier Architectures (ND), pp. 408–411.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Mellor #development #realtime
- Real-Time Development with the Shlaer-Mellor Method (SJM), p. 412.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Monninger #component #internet #object-oriented
- Creating Internet Applications with Object-Oriented Components (FM), p. 413.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Karaorman #distributed #object-oriented
- Nuts and Bolts of Object-Oriented Distributed Computing (MK), pp. 414–427.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Periyasamy #object-oriented #specification
- Object-Oriented Formal Specifications (KP), p. 428–?.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Mellor98a #behaviour #how #modelling #question
- Modeling Complex Behavior Simply or How Much is Too Much? (SJM), p. 444.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Walden #analysis #contract #design #named
- BON: Seamless, Reversible, Contract-Based Analysis and Design (KW), p. 445.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Meyer98a #contract #design #eiffel
- Design by Contract: The Eiffel Method (BM), p. 446.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Forman
- Putting Metaclasses to Work (IRF), p. 447.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Mitchell #analysis #constraints #contract #ocl #uml
- Analysis by Contract: An Introduction to UML’s Object Constraint Language (OCL) (RM), p. 448–?.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Cockburn #object-oriented
- Surviving Your OO Project (AC), p. 462.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Singh #development #object-oriented
- Managing OO Software Development for the Year 2000 and Beyond (MSS), p. 463.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Smith #estimation #object-oriented
- Object-Oriented Software Estimation (JAS), p. 464.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Griss98a #architecture #process #reuse
- Software Reuse: Architecture, Process and Organization for Business Success (MLG), p. 465.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Mingins #metric #object-oriented
- OO Metrics (CM), p. 466.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-McKim #design #education #multi #object-oriented #programming #using
- Using a Multi-Term Project to Teach Object Oriented Programming and Design (JCM), p. 468–?.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Li #java #virtual machine
- Java Virtual Machine — Present and Near Future (QL), p. 480.
- TOOLS-USA-1998-Webre #eiffel #legacy
- Rescuing a Legacy System as a First Eiffel Project (HW), p. 500–?.
17 ×#object-oriented
12 ×#component
7 ×#contract
6 ×#architecture
6 ×#design
5 ×#development
5 ×#named
4 ×#distributed
4 ×#framework
4 ×#java
12 ×#component
7 ×#contract
6 ×#architecture
6 ×#design
5 ×#development
5 ×#named
4 ×#distributed
4 ×#framework
4 ×#java