Travelled to:
1 × Italy
1 × New Zealand
1 × United Kingdom
2 × France
2 × Germany
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Gnesi F.Mazzanti A.Fantechi P.Asirelli J.Kleijn A.Sulova E.P.d.Vink T.A.C.Willemse A.Legay A.Lluch-Lafuente A.Vandin N.Koch E.Csuhaj-Varjú M.Holzer G.Vaszil F.Damiani L.Paolini M.Massink D.Latella A.Forghieri M.Sebastianis
Talks about:
product (6) variabl (5) analysi (4) system (4) line (4) famili (3) verif (3) constraint (2) framework (2) transit (2)
Person: Maurice H. ter Beek
DBLP: Beek:Maurice_H=_ter
Contributed to:
Wrote 14 papers:
- SEFM-2015-BeekDGMP #constraints #variability
- From Featured Transition Systems to Modal Transition Systems with Variability Constraints (MHtB, FD, SG, FM, LP), pp. 344–359.
- SPLC-2015-BeekFG #adaptation #analysis #paradigm #product line
- Applying the product lines paradigm to the quantitative analysis of collective adaptive systems (MHtB, AF, SG), pp. 321–326.
- SPLC-2015-BeekFGM #analysis #product line #using
- Using FMC for family-based analysis of software product lines (MHtB, AF, SG, FM), pp. 432–439.
- SPLC-2015-BeekLLV #analysis #constraints #modelling #probability #product line #statistics
- Statistical analysis of probabilistic models of software product lines with quantitative constraints (MHtB, AL, ALL, AV), pp. 11–15.
- FM-2012-BeekMS #analysis #named #variability
- VMC: A Tool for Product Variability Analysis (MHtB, FM, AS), pp. 450–454.
- PLEASE-2011-AsirelliBFGM #design #product line #validation #variability
- Design and validation of variability in product lines (PA, MHtB, AF, SG, FM), pp. 25–30.
- SPLC-2011-AsirelliBGF #product line #variability
- Formal Description of Variability in Product Families (PA, MHtB, SG, AF), pp. 130–139.
- IFM-2010-AsirelliBFG #framework #logic #variability
- A Logical Framework to Deal with Variability (PA, MHtB, AF, SG), pp. 43–58.
- SAC-2009-BeekMG #framework #named #verification
- CMC-UMC: a framework for the verification of abstract service-oriented properties (MHtB, FM, SG), pp. 2111–2117.
- ICSE-2008-BeekGKM #verification
- Formal verification of an automotive scenario in service-oriented computing (MHtB, SG, NK, FM), pp. 613–622.
- ICSE-2005-BeekMLGFS #automation #case study #protocol #verification
- A case study on the automated verification of groupware protocols (MHtB, MM, DL, SG, AF, MS), pp. 596–603.
- DLT-2004-BeekCHV #on the
- On Competence in CD Grammar Systems (MHtB, ECV, MH, GV), pp. 76–88.
- FME-2003-BeekK #automaton #composition
- Team Automata Satisfying Compositionality (MHtB, JK), pp. 381–400.
- FASE-2017-BeekVW #model checking
- Family-Based Model Checking with mCRL2 (MHtB, EPdV, TACW), pp. 387–405.