Travelled to:
1 × Greece
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
F.Costa G.Andreoni M.Mazzola A.Bonarini M.Garbarino M.Matteucci S.Tognetti J.Vargas L.Conenna O.Ciani M.Zambetti E.Preatoni A.Attanasio G.Baroni S.Muschiato P.Nonini A.Pagni R.Biraghi R.Pozzi P.Perego
Talks about:
ergonom (3) videogam (1) refriger (1) proactiv (1) movement (1) wearabl (1) problem (1) monitor (1) develop (1) concept (1)
Person: Maximiliano Romero
DBLP: Romero:Maximiliano
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- DHM-2014-AndreoniCABMNPBPRP #design #monitoring
- Design and Ergonomics of Monitoring System for Elderly (GA, FC, AA, GB, SM, PN, AP, RB, RP, MR, PP), pp. 499–507.
- HCI-UA-2011-BonariniCGMRT #game studies #problem
- Affective Videogames: The Problem of Wearability and Comfort (AB, FC, MG, MM, MR, ST), pp. 649–658.
- DHM-2009-AndreoniMCZRCP #assessment #gesture
- Method for Movement and Gesture Assessment (MMGA) in Ergonomics (GA, MM, OC, MZ, MR, FC, EP), pp. 591–598.
- HCD-2009-RomeroCAMVC #concept #development
- Proactive Ergonomics in Refrigerator Concept Development (MR, FC, GA, MM, JV, LC), pp. 627–634.