Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Italy
1 × South Korea
2 × United Kingdom
6 × USA
Collaborated with:
L.Bauer L.F.Cranor R.W.Reeder K.Vaniea G.R.Ganger D.Malkhi ∅ J.Hendricks Y.Xie D.R.O'Hallaron Q.Ismail T.Ahmed A.Kapadia J.M.McCune B.Parno A.Perrig A.Seshadri M.Abd-El-Malek G.R.Goodson J.J.Wylie Y.Liang M.L.Mazurek N.Gupta K.Bacon K.How H.Strong P.F.Klemperer M.Sleeper B.Ur J.P.Arsenault J.Bresee I.Ion C.Johns D.Lee J.Olsen B.Salmon R.Shay
Talks about:
control (5) system (5) access (5) secur (4) byzantin (3) fault (3) distribut (2) polici (2) toler (2) share (2)
Person: Michael K. Reiter
DBLP: Reiter:Michael_K=
Contributed to:
Wrote 13 papers:
- CHI-2015-IsmailAKR #crowdsourcing #security
- Crowdsourced Exploration of Security Configurations (QI, TA, AK, MKR), pp. 467–476.
- CHI-2012-KlempererLMSUBCGR #data access #exclamation #using
- Tag, you can see it!: using tags for access control in photo sharing (PFK, YL, MLM, MS, BU, LB, LFC, NG, MKR), pp. 377–386.
- CHI-2011-ReederBCRV #usability
- More than skin deep: measuring effects of the underlying model on access-control system usability (RWR, LB, LFC, MKR, KV), pp. 2065–2074.
- CHI-2010-MazurekABGIJLLOSSVBCGR #data access #social
- Access control for home data sharing: evaluating social acceptability (MLM, JPA, JB, NG, II, CJ, DL, YL, JO, BS, RS, KV, LB, LFC, GRG, MKR), pp. 645–654.
- CHI-2009-BauerCRRV #challenge
- Real life challenges in access-control management (LB, LFC, RWR, MKR, KV), pp. 899–908.
- ASPLOS-2008-McCunePPRS #execution #how #recommendation
- How low can you go?: recommendations for hardware-supported minimal TCB code execution (JMM, BP, AP, MKR, AS), pp. 14–25.
- CHI-2008-BauerCRRV #case study #flexibility #policy #user study
- A user study of policy creation in a flexible access-control system (LB, LFC, RWR, MKR, KV), pp. 543–552.
- CHI-2008-ReederBCRBHS #authoring #policy #security #visualisation
- Expandable grids for visualizing and authoring computer security policies (RWR, LB, LFC, MKR, KB, KH, HS), pp. 1473–1482.
- SOSP-2007-HendricksGR #fault tolerance
- Low-overhead byzantine fault-tolerant storage (JH, GRG, MKR), pp. 73–86.
- SOSP-2005-Abd-El-MalekGGRW #fault tolerance
- Fault-scalable Byzantine fault-tolerant services (MAEM, GRG, GRG, MKR, JJW), pp. 59–74.
- HPDC-2002-XieOR #distributed
- A Secure Distributed Search System (YX, DRO, MKR), p. 321–?.
- STOC-1997-MalkhiR
- Byzantine Quorum Systems (DM, MKR), pp. 569–578.
- SOSP-WIP-1991-Reiter92 #distributed #security
- Integrating Security in a Group Oriented Distributed System (MKR), p. 27.