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Travelled to:
1 × Estonia
1 × Germany
1 × Hungary
1 × Italy
1 × The Netherlands
2 × France
2 × Spain
2 × United Kingdom
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
V.Bono A.Bossi S.Crafa M.Giunti G.Castagna L.Liquori H.M.Jamil G.Nardiello F.Russo R.Focardi M.Maffei M.Fabris E.Lamma P.Mello S.Calzavara E.Steffinlongo G.Maggiore F.Pittarello M.Abbadi A.Prelic V.Sassone G.Delzanno M.Martelli M.Dezani-Ciancaglini M.Gabbrielli G.Levi M.C.Meo
Talks about:
logic (5) object (4) constraint (2) implement (2) calculus (2) abstract (2) program (2) partial (2) languag (2) prolog (2)

Person: Michele Bugliesi

DBLP DBLP: Bugliesi:Michele

Facilitated 2 volumes:

ICALP (1) 2006Ed
ICALP (2) 2006Ed

Contributed to:

ESOP 20152015
SAC 20122012
POPL 20072007
ESOP 20042004
ICALP 20032003
POPL 20012001
TLCA 19971997
JICSLP 19961996
PLILP 19941994
ICLP 19931993
PLILP 19931993
POPL 19931993
JICSLP 19921992
NACLP 19901990
NACLP 19891989

Wrote 16 papers:

ESOP-2015-CalzavaraBCS #detection #fine-grained
Fine-Grained Detection of Privilege Escalation Attacks on Browser Extensions (SC, MB, SC, ES), pp. 510–534.
SAC-2012-MaggiorePBA #3d #compilation #performance #safety
A compilation technique to increase X3D performance and safety (GM, FP, MB, MA), pp. 969–974.
POPL-2007-BugliesiG #abstraction #implementation
Secure implementations of typed channel abstractions (MB, MG), pp. 251–262.
ESOP-2004-BugliesiFM #analysis #authentication #composition #protocol
Compositional Analysis of Authentication Protocols (MB, RF, MM), pp. 140–154.
ICALP-2003-BugliesiCPS #network
Secrecy in Untrusted Networks (MB, SC, AP, VS), pp. 969–983.
Secure safe ambients (MB, GC), pp. 222–235.
TLCA-1997-BonoB #constraints #λ-calculus
Matching Constraints for the λ Calculus of Objects (VB, MB), pp. 46–62.
JICSLP-1996-BugliesiDML #calculus #linear #logic
A Linear Logic Calculus Objects (MB, GD, LL, MM), pp. 67–81.
PLILP-1994-BugliesiJ #encapsulation #logic #object-oriented
A Logic for Encapsulation in Object Oriented Languages (MB, HMJ), pp. 215–229.
ICLP-1993-BossiBF #fixpoint #prolog #semantics
A New Fixpoint Semantics for Prolog (AB, MB, MF), pp. 374–389.
PLILP-1993-BugliesiN #implementation #named
SelfLog: Language and Implementation (MB, GN), pp. 412–413.
POPL-1993-BossiB #difference #logic programming
Differential Logic Programming (AB, MB, MG, GL, MCM), pp. 359–370.
JICSLP-1992-Bugliesi #declarative #inheritance #logic programming
A Declarative View of Inheritance in Logic Programming (MB), pp. 113–127.
NACLP-1990-BugliesiLM #logic #partial evaluation
Partial Evaluation for Hierarchies of Logic Theories (MB, EL, PM), pp. 359–376.
NACLP-1989-BugliesiR #partial evaluation #prolog
Partial Evaluation in Prolog: Some Improvements about Cut (MB, FR), pp. 645–660.
TAPSOFT-1997-BonoBDL #constraints #type system
Subtyping Constraints for Incomplete Objects (Extended Abstract) (VB, MB, MDC, LL), pp. 465–477.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.