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Travelled to:
1 × Egypt
1 × Italy
1 × Korea
1 × Norway
1 × United Kingdom
13 × USA
2 × Canada
2 × China
2 × France
2 × Greece
Collaborated with:
R.Rastogi G.Cormode Y.E.Ioannidis J.M.Hellerstein N.Polyzotis A.Kumar J.Gehrke A.Deligiannakis K.Shim P.B.Gibbons B.Özden C.Y.Chan S.Ganguly M.J.Franklin W.Fan D.Z.Wang A.Silberschatz D.Keren V.Samoladas R.Ennals I.Sharfman A.Schuster I.Stoica O.Papapetrou V.Rastogi N.N.Dalvi S.R.Jeffery F.Reiss S.Papadopoulos A.McGregor A.Machanavajjhala E.Vee J.Shanmugasundaram E.Michelakis R.Huebsch S.Muthukrishnan M.Xiong X.Jia A.Das A.Dobra D.Hyun K.Chakrabarti N.Giatrakos M.L.Wick P.Felber A.Gionis S.Seshadri A.Lazerson B.T.Loo T.Condie D.E.Gay P.Maniatis R.Ramakrishnan T.Roscoe
Talks about:
stream (17) queri (16) data (14) distribut (9) xml (8) probabilist (5) approxim (5) aggreg (5) schedul (4) resourc (4)

Person: Minos N. Garofalakis

DBLP DBLP: Garofalakis:Minos_N=

Facilitated 2 volumes:

CIKM 2014Ed
VLDB 2007Ed

Contributed to:

VLDB 20152015
SIGMOD 20132013
VLDB 20132013
SIGMOD 20122012
VLDB 20122012
SIGMOD 20112011
VLDB 20112011
VLDB 20102010
VLDB 20092009
VLDB 20082008
SIGMOD 20072007
SIGMOD 20062006
VLDB 20062006
PODS 20052005
SIGMOD 20052005
VLDB 20052005
CIKM 20042004
PODS 20042004
SIGMOD 20042004
VLDB 20042004
PODS 20032003
SIGMOD 20032003
SIGMOD 20022002
VLDB 20022002
VLDB 20012001
KDD 20002000
SIGMOD 20002000
VLDB 20002000
VLDB 19991999
PODS 19981998
VLDB 19981998
VLDB 19971997
SIGMOD 19961996

Wrote 47 papers:

VLDB-2015-LazersonSKSGS #distributed #monitoring #using
Monitoring Distributed Streams using Convex Decompositions (AL, IS, DK, AS, MNG, VS), pp. 545–556.
SIGMOD-2013-PapadopoulosCDG #algebra #authentication #data type #lightweight #linear #query
Lightweight authentication of linear algebraic queries on data streams (SP, GC, AD, MNG), pp. 881–892.
VLDB-2013-GarofalakisKS #distributed #geometry #monitoring #query #sketching
Sketch-based Geometric Monitoring of Distributed Stream Queries (MNG, DK, VS), pp. 937–948.
SIGMOD-2012-GiatrakosDGSS #data type #distributed #geometry #monitoring #predict
Prediction-based geometric monitoring over distributed data streams (NG, AD, MNG, IS, AS), pp. 265–276.
VLDB-2012-PapapetrouGD #data type #distributed #query #sketching
Sketch-based Querying of Distributed Sliding-Window Data Streams (OP, MNG, AD), pp. 992–1003.
SIGMOD-2011-WangFGHW #declarative #hybrid #information management
Hybrid in-database inference for declarative information extraction (DZW, MJF, MNG, JMH, MLW), pp. 517–528.
VLDB-2011-RastogiDG #scalability
Large-Scale Collective Entity Matching (VR, NND, MNG), pp. 208–218.
VLDB-2010-WangFGH #information management #probability #query
Querying Probabilistic Information Extraction (DZW, MJF, MNG, JMH), pp. 1057–1067.
VLDB-2009-CormodeDGM #probability
Probabilistic Histograms for Probabilistic Data (GC, AD, MNG, AM), pp. 526–537.
VLDB-2008-MachanavajjhalaVGS #scalability
Scalable ranked publish/subscribe (AM, EV, MNG, JS), pp. 451–462.
VLDB-2008-WangMGH #modelling #named #nondeterminism #probability #repository #scalability #visual notation
BayesStore: managing large, uncertain data repositories with probabilistic graphical models (DZW, EM, MNG, JMH), pp. 340–351.
SIGMOD-2007-CormodeG #data type #probability #sketching
Sketching probabilistic data streams (GC, MNG), pp. 281–292.
SIGMOD-2007-CormodeG07a #data type #distributed #query #streaming
Streaming in a connected world: querying and tracking distributed data streams (GC, MNG), pp. 1178–1181.
SIGMOD-2007-EnnalsG #named
MashMaker: mashups for the masses (RE, MNG), pp. 1116–1118.
SIGMOD-2007-HuebschGHS #distributed #query
Sharing aggregate computation for distributed queries (RH, MNG, JMH, IS), pp. 485–496.
SIGMOD-2006-LooCGGHMRRS #declarative #execution #network #optimisation
Declarative networking: language, execution and optimization (BTL, TC, MNG, DEG, JMH, PM, RR, TR, IS), pp. 97–108.
VLDB-2006-CormodeG #streaming
Streaming in a Connected World (GC, MNG), p. 1266.
VLDB-2006-JefferyGF #adaptation #data type
Adaptive Cleaning for RFID Data Streams (SRJ, MNG, MJF), pp. 163–174.
VLDB-2006-ReissGH #identifier
Compact Histograms for Hierarchical Identifiers (FR, MNG, JMH), pp. 870–881.
PODS-2005-GangulyGKR #estimation
Join-distinct aggregate estimation over update streams (SG, MNG, AK, RR), pp. 259–270.
SIGMOD-2005-CormodeGMR #approximate #distributed
Holistic Aggregates in a Networked World: Distributed Tracking of Approximate Quantiles (GC, MNG, SM, RR), pp. 25–36.
VLDB-2005-CormodeG #approximate #distributed #query #sketching
Sketching Streams Through the Net: Distributed Approximate Query Tracking (GC, MNG), pp. 13–24.
CIKM-2004-FanGXJ #composition #integration #xml
Composable XML integration grammars (WF, MNG, MX, XJ), pp. 2–11.
PODS-2004-GarofalakisK #metric
Deterministic Wavelet Thresholding for Maximum-Error Metrics (MNG, AK), pp. 166–176.
SIGMOD-2004-FanCG #query #security #xml
Secure XML Querying with Security Views (WF, CYC, MNG), pp. 587–598.
SIGMOD-2004-PolyzotisGI #approximate #query #xml
Approximate XML Query Answers (NP, MNG, YEI), pp. 263–274.
VLDB-2004-DasGGR #distributed #estimation #set
Distributed Set Expression Cardinality Estimation (AD, SG, MNG, RR), pp. 312–323.
PODS-2003-GarofalakisK #correlation #data type #distance #edit distance #using #xml
Correlating XML data streams using tree-edit distance embeddings (MNG, AK), pp. 143–154.
SIGMOD-2003-GangulyGR #set
Processing Set Expressions over Continuous Update Streams (SG, MNG, RR), pp. 265–276.
SIGMOD-2002-DobraGGR #data type #query
Processing complex aggregate queries over data streams (AD, MNG, JG, RR), pp. 61–72.
SIGMOD-2002-GarofalakisG #fault
Wavelet synopses with error guarantees (MNG, PBG), pp. 476–487.
SIGMOD-2002-GarofalakisGR #data type #mining #query #tutorial
Querying and mining data streams: you only get one look a tutorial (MNG, JG, RR), p. 635.
SIGMOD-2002-PolyzotisG #database #statistics #xml
Statistical synopses for graph-structured XML databases (NP, MNG), pp. 358–369.
VLDB-2002-ChanFFGR #scalability #xml
Tree Pattern Aggregation for Scalable XML Data Dissemination (CYC, WF, PF, MNG, RR), pp. 826–837.
VLDB-2002-ChanGR #named #performance #regular expression
RE-Tree: An Efficient Index Structure for Regular Expressions (CYC, MNG, RR), pp. 263–274.
VLDB-2002-GarofalakisG #data type #mining #query
Querying and Mining Data Streams: You Only Get One Look (MNG, JG).
VLDB-2002-PolyzotisG #graph #xml
Structure and Value Synopses for XML Data Graphs (NP, MNG), pp. 466–477.
VLDB-2001-GarofalakisG #approximate #query
Approximate Query Processing: Taming the TeraBytes (MNG, PBG).
KDD-2000-GarofalakisHRS #algorithm #constraints #performance
Efficient algorithms for constructing decision trees with constraints (MNG, DH, RR, KS), pp. 335–339.
SIGMOD-2000-GarofalakisGRSS #documentation #named #xml
XTRACT: A System for Extracting Document Type Descriptors from XML Documents (MNG, AG, RR, SS, KS), pp. 165–176.
VLDB-2000-ChakrabartiGRS #approximate #query #using
Approximate Query Processing Using Wavelets (KC, MNG, RR, KS), pp. 111–122.
VLDB-1999-GarofalakisRS #constraints #mining #named #regular expression
SPIRIT: Sequential Pattern Mining with Regular Expression Constraints (MNG, RR, KS), pp. 223–234.
PODS-1998-GarofalakisIOS #database
Throughput-Competitive Admission Control for Continuous Media Databases (MNG, YEI, , AS), pp. 79–88.
VLDB-1998-GarofalakisIO #multi #scheduling
Resource Scheduling for Composite Multimedia Objects (MNG, YEI, ), pp. 74–85.
VLDB-1997-GarofalakisI #optimisation #parallel #query #scheduling
Parallel Query Scheduling and Optimization with Time- and Space-Shared Resources (MNG, YEI), pp. 296–305.
VLDB-1997-GarofalakisOS #database #scheduling
Resource Scheduling in Enhanced Pay-Per-View Continuous Media Databases (MNG, , AS), pp. 516–525.
SIGMOD-1996-GarofalakisI #parallel #query #scheduling
Multi-dimensional Resource Scheduling for Parallel Queries (MNG, YEI), pp. 365–376.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.