Malcolm P. Atkinson, Maria E. Orlowska, Patrick Valduriez, Stanley B. Zdonik, Michael L. Brodie
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases
VLDB-1999, 1999.
@proceedings{VLDB-1999, address = "Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom", editor = "Malcolm P. Atkinson and Maria E. Orlowska and Patrick Valduriez and Stanley B. Zdonik and Michael L. Brodie", isbn = "1-55860-615-7", publisher = "{Morgan Kaufmann}", title = "{Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases}", year = 1999, }
Contents (76 items)
- VLDB-1999-Mohan
- Repeating History Beyond ARIES (CM), pp. 1–17.
- VLDB-1999-TanGO #feedback #multi #online #query #thread
- Online Feedback for Nested Aggregate Queries with Multi-Threading (KLT, CHG, BCO), pp. 18–29.
- VLDB-1999-KemperKW
- Generalised Hash Teams for Join and Group-by (AK, DK, CW), pp. 30–41.
- VLDB-1999-Sarawagi #difference #multi
- Explaining Differences in Multidimensional Aggregates (SS), pp. 42–53.
- VLDB-1999-BonczMK #architecture #database #memory management
- Database Architecture Optimized for the New Bottleneck: Memory Access (PAB, SM, MLK), pp. 54–65.
- VLDB-1999-Norvag #database #object-oriented #persistent
- The Persistent Cache: Improving OID Indexing in Temporal Object-Oriented Database Systems (KN), pp. 66–77.
- VLDB-1999-RaoR #in memory #memory management
- Cache Conscious Indexing for Decision-Support in Main Memory (JR, KAR), pp. 78–89.
- VLDB-1999-Chawathe #memory management
- Comparing Hierarchical Data in External Memory (SSC), pp. 90–101.
- VLDB-1999-KoudasMJ #database #mining
- Mining Deviants in a Time Series Database (HVJ, NK, SM), pp. 102–113.
- VLDB-1999-PitouraC
- Exploiting Versions for Handling Updates in Broadcast Disks (EP, PKC), pp. 114–125.
- VLDB-1999-PacittMS #algorithm #consistency #database #lazy evaluation #maintenance #performance
- Fast Algorithms for Maintaining Replica Consistency in Lazy Master Replicated Databases (EP, PM, ES), pp. 126–137.
- VLDB-1999-AbiteboulACEMM
- Active Views for Electronic Commerce (SA, BA, SC, AE, LM, TM), pp. 138–149.
- VLDB-1999-VorugantiOU #adaptation #architecture #hybrid
- An Adaptive Hybrid Server Architecture for Client Caching ODBMSs (KV, MTÖ, RCU), pp. 150–161.
- VLDB-1999-TamuraK #clustering #mining #parallel
- Dynamic Load Balancing for Parallel Association Rule Mining on Heterogenous PC Cluster Systems (MT, MK), pp. 162–173.
- VLDB-1999-IoannidisP #approximate
- Histogram-Based Approximation of Set-Valued Query-Answers (YEI, VP), pp. 174–185.
- VLDB-1999-JagadishMN #semantics
- Semantic Compression and Pattern Extraction with Fascicles (HVJ, JM, RTN), pp. 186–198.
- VLDB-1999-BrodieC #network
- Issues in Network Management in the Next Millennium (MLB, SC), p. 198.
- VLDB-1999-BamfordAP #architecture #database #scalability
- A Scalable and Highly Available Networked Database Architecture (RB, RA, AP), pp. 199–201.
- VLDB-1999-Hamilton #data transformation #design
- Networked Data Management Design Points (JRH), pp. 202–206.
- VLDB-1999-Pound
- In Cyber Space No One can Hear You Scream (CP), pp. 207–210.
- VLDB-1999-KnorrN
- Finding Intensional Knowledge of Distance-Based Outliers (EMK, RTN), pp. 211–222.
- VLDB-1999-GarofalakisRS #constraints #mining #named #regular expression
- SPIRIT: Sequential Pattern Mining with Regular Expression Constraints (MNG, RR, KS), pp. 223–234.
- VLDB-1999-JermaineDO #novel
- A Novel Index Supporting High Volume Data Warehouse Insertion (CJ, AD, EO), pp. 235–246.
- VLDB-1999-Blum #automation #database #query #relational #semantics
- Microsoft English Query 7.5: Automatic Extraction of Semantics from Relational Databases and OLAP Cubes (AB), pp. 247–248.
- VLDB-1999-Campbell #architecture #sql
- The New Locking, Logging, and Recovery Architecture of Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 (DC), p. 249.
- VLDB-1999-Graefe #sql
- The Value of Merge-Join and Hash-Join in SQL Server (GG), pp. 250–253.
- VLDB-1999-DarmontS #named #random #simulation
- VOODB: A Generic Discrete-Event Random Simulation Model To Evaluate the Performances of OODBs (JD, MS), pp. 254–265.
- VLDB-1999-AilamakiDHW #question
- DBMSs on a Modern Processor: Where Does Time Go? (AA, DJD, MDH, DAW), pp. 266–277.
- VLDB-1999-Johnson #metric #performance
- Performance Measurements of Compressed Bitmap Indices (TJ), pp. 278–289.
- VLDB-1999-DyresonBJ #aspect-oriented #multi #query #semistructured data
- Capturing and Querying Multiple Aspects of Semistructured Data (CED, MHB, CSJ), pp. 290–301.
- VLDB-1999-ShanmugasundaramGTZDN #database #documentation #query #relational #xml
- Relational Databases for Querying XML Documents: Limitations and Opportunities (JS, KT, CZ, GH, DJD, JFN), pp. 302–314.
- VLDB-1999-McHughW #optimisation #query #xml
- Query Optimization for XML (JM, JW), pp. 315–326.
- VLDB-1999-BernsteinPS #implementation
- Context-Based Prefetch for Implementing Objects on Relations (PAB, SP, DS), pp. 327–338.
- VLDB-1999-GohOST #named
- GHOST: Fine Granularity Buffering of Indexes (CHG, BCO, DS, KLT), pp. 339–350.
- VLDB-1999-HaasKU #query
- Loading a Cache with Query Results (LMH, DK, IU), pp. 351–362.
- VLDB-1999-WangZL #classification #proximity #using
- Building Hierarchical Classifiers Using Class Proximity (KW, SZ, SCL), pp. 363–374.
- VLDB-1999-ChakrabartiBD #distributed #hypermedia #resource management
- Distributed Hypertext Resource Discovery Through Examples (SC, MvdB, BD), pp. 375–386.
- VLDB-1999-JagadishKNS #estimation #multi #string
- Multi-Dimensional Substring Selectivity Estimation (HVJ, OK, RTN, DS), pp. 387–398.
- VLDB-1999-ChaudhuriG #query
- Evaluating Top-k Selection Queries (SC, LG), pp. 397–410.
- VLDB-1999-DonjerkovicR #optimisation #probability #query
- Probabilistic Optimization of Top N Queries (DD, RR), pp. 411–422.
- VLDB-1999-KonigW #estimation #parametricity #query
- Combining Histograms and Parametric Curve Fitting for Feedback-Driven Query Result-size Estimation (ACK, GW), pp. 423–434.
- VLDB-1999-JosifovskiR #database #object-oriented
- Integrating Heterogenous Overlapping Databases through Object-Oriented Transformations (VJ, TR), pp. 435–446.
- VLDB-1999-NaumannLF #information management #integration #quality
- Quality-driven Integration of Heterogenous Information Systems (FN, UL, JCF), pp. 447–458.
- VLDB-1999-DeutschPT #constraints #independence #optimisation #physics
- Physical Data Independence, Constraints, and Optimization with Universal Plans (AD, LP, VT), pp. 459–470.
- VLDB-1999-LakshmananSS #database #implementation #on the #sql
- On Efficiently Implementing SchemaSQL on an SQL Database System (LVSL, FS, SNS), pp. 471–482.
- VLDB-1999-LeeL #termination
- Unrolling Cycles to Decide Trigger Termination (SYL, TWL), pp. 483–493.
- VLDB-1999-JaedickeM
- User-Defined Table Operators: Enhancing Extensibility for ORDBMS (MJ, BM), pp. 494–505.
- VLDB-1999-KeimH #clustering #towards
- Optimal Grid-Clustering: Towards Breaking the Curse of Dimensionality in High-Dimensional Clustering (AH, DAK), pp. 506–517.
- VLDB-1999-GionisIM #similarity
- Similarity Search in High Dimensions via Hashing (AG, PI, RM), pp. 518–529.
- VLDB-1999-JagadishLS #question #what
- What can Hierarchies do for Data Warehouses? (HVJ, LVSL, DS), pp. 530–541.
- VLDB-1999-CareyCNVDRSM #question #what
- O-O, What Have They Done to DB2? (MJC, DDC, SN, BV, DD, SR, RS, NMM), pp. 542–553.
- High Level Indexing of User-Defined Types (WC, JHC, YCF, JG, MJ, NMM, BTT, YW), pp. 554–564.
- VLDB-1999-FuhDCMTLDRM #implementation #inheritance #sql
- Implementation of SQL3 Structured Types with Inheritance and Value Substitutability (YCF, SD, WC, NMM, BTT, BGL, LD, SR, DM), pp. 565–574.
- VLDB-1999-NinkHR #database #generative #interface #programming
- Generating Call-Level Interfaces for Advanced Database Application Programming (UN, TH, NR), pp. 575–586.
- VLDB-1999-HoskingC #design #implementation #named #orthogonal #performance #persistent #programming language
- PM3: An Orthogonal Persistent Systems Programming Language — Design, Implementation, Performance (ALH, JC), pp. 587–598.
- VLDB-1999-RothOH #cost analysis #data flow #matter #modelling
- Cost Models DO Matter: Providing Cost Information for Diverse Data Sources in a Federated System (MTR, FÖ, LMH), pp. 599–610.
- VLDB-1999-CarinoOBS #database
- Active Storage Hierarchy, Database Systems and Applications — Socratic Exegesis (FC, WO, JGB, JHS), pp. 611–614.
- VLDB-1999-CeriFP #data-driven #generative #web
- Data-Driven, One-To-One Web Site Generation for Data-Intensive Applications (SC, PF, SP), pp. 615–626.
- VLDB-1999-FlorescuLSY #data-driven #optimisation #runtime
- Optimization of Run-time Management of Data Intensive Web-sites (DF, AYL, DS, KY), pp. 627–638.
- VLDB-1999-KumarRRT #knowledge base #scalability #web
- Extracting Large-Scale Knowledge Bases from the Web (RK, PR, SR, AT), pp. 639–650.
- VLDB-1999-LiRS #algorithm #scalability
- Aggregation Algorithms for Very Large Compressed Data Warehouses (JL, DR, JS), pp. 651–662.
- VLDB-1999-PedersenJD #online
- Extending Practical Pre-Aggregation in On-Line Analytical Processing (TBP, CSJ, CED), pp. 663–674.
- VLDB-1999-ChanI #query
- Hierarchical Prefix Cubes for Range-Sum Queries (CYC, YEI), pp. 675–686.
- VLDB-1999-ChengGKLLQS #database #implementation #optimisation #query #semantics
- Implementation of Two Semantic Query Optimization Techniques in DB2 Universal Database (QC, JG, FK, TYCL, LL, XQ, KBS), pp. 687–698.
- VLDB-1999-Kornacker
- High-Performance Extensible Indexing (MK), pp. 699–708.
- VLDB-1999-RamanRH #interactive #online #order
- Online Dynamic Reordering for Interactive Data Processing (VR, BR, JMH), pp. 709–720.
- VLDB-1999-DeRose #question #what #xml
- What Do Those Weird XML Types Want, Anyway? (SJD), pp. 721–724.
- VLDB-1999-ZurekS
- Datawarehousing Has More Colours Than Just Black & White (TZ, MS), pp. 726–729.
- VLDB-1999-DattaRT #named #novel #performance
- Curio: A Novel Solution for Efficient Storage and Indexing in Data Warehouses (AD, KR, HMT), pp. 730–733.
- VLDB-1999-ZirintsisKM #java
- Hyper-Programming in Java (EZ, GNCK, RM), pp. 734–737.
- VLDB-1999-SahuguetA #legacy #using #web
- Building Light-Weight Wrappers for Legacy Web Data-Sources Using W4F (AS, FA), pp. 738–741.
- VLDB-1999-AbiteboulAAACHHMMMMSTV #repository #xml
- XML Repository and Active Views Demonstration (SA, VA, SA, BA, SC, BH, FH, JCM, AM, LM, TM, CSdS, BT, AMV), pp. 742–745.
- VLDB-1999-BaumannDFRW #retrieval
- Spatio-Temporal Retrieval with RasDaMan (PB, AD, PF, RR, NW), pp. 746–749.
- VLDB-1999-BouganimCDDGS #data flow #data type #multi #semistructured data #web
- Miro Web: Integrating Multiple Data Sources through Semistructured Data Types (LB, TCSY, TTDN, JLD, GG, FS), pp. 750–753.
- VLDB-1999-AcharyaGP #approximate #named #performance #query #using
- Aqua: A Fast Decision Support Systems Using Approximate Query Answers (SA, PBG, VP), pp. 754–757.
- VLDB-1999-VriesDBA #architecture
- The Mirror MMDBMS Architecture (APdV, MGLMvD, HMB, PMGA), pp. 758–761.
12 ×#database
12 ×#query
6 ×#named
5 ×#architecture
5 ×#implementation
5 ×#multi
5 ×#optimisation
5 ×#performance
4 ×#question
4 ×#sql
12 ×#query
6 ×#named
5 ×#architecture
5 ×#implementation
5 ×#multi
5 ×#optimisation
5 ×#performance
4 ×#question
4 ×#sql