Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × France
1 × Hungary
1 × Italy
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.Martel Y.Seladji A.Chapoutot ∅ E.Goubault S.Putot K.Tekkal F.Védrine
Talks about:
hybrid (3) abstract (2) program (2) semant (2) numer (2) polyhedra (1) interpret (1) implement (1) algorithm (1) simulink (1)
Person: Olivier Bouissou
DBLP: Bouissou:Olivier
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- VMCAI-2013-SeladjiB #abstract domain #analysis #fixpoint #tool support #using
- Fixpoint Computation in the Polyhedra Abstract Domain Using Convex and Numerical Analysis Tools (YS, OB), pp. 149–168.
- LCTES-2012-BouissouC #semantics #simulation
- An operational semantics for Simulink’s simulation engine (OB, AC), pp. 129–138.
- CAV-2009-BouissouGPTV #named #source code
- HybridFluctuat: A Static Analyzer of Numerical Programs within a Continuous Environment (OB, EG, SP, KT, FV), pp. 620–626.
- SAS-2009-Bouissou #algorithm #correctness #implementation #proving
- Proving the Correctness of the Implementation of a Control-Command Algorithm (OB), pp. 102–119.
- ESOP-2008-BouissouM #hybrid #semantics
- A Hybrid Denotational Semantics for Hybrid Systems (OB, MM), pp. 63–77.
- VMCAI-2008-BouissouM #abstract interpretation #embedded #physics #source code
- Abstract Interpretation of the Physical Inputs of Embedded Programs (OB, MM), pp. 37–51.