Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Canada
1 × Germany
1 × United Kingdom
2 × China
7 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ O.Zamir N.Lesh D.S.Weld S.Minton M.A.Pérez L.Weihs A.Fader L.Zettlemoyer T.Lin J.Fogarty K.Golden P.Chalasani J.Mount A.Ritter Mausam S.Clark R.Tuchinda C.A.Knoblock A.Yates O.Madani R.M.Karp S.Hanks D.Draper M.Williamson
Talks about:
learn (4) buy (4) approach (3) web (3) tractabl (2) question (2) knowledg (2) document (2) problem (2) extract (2)
Person: Oren Etzioni
DBLP: Etzioni:Oren
Contributed to:
Wrote 19 papers:
- KDD-2014-Etzioni #data mining #future of #mining
- The battle for the future of data mining (OE), p. 1.
- KDD-2014-FaderZE #knowledge base
- Open question answering over curated and extracted knowledge bases (AF, LZ, OE), pp. 1156–1165.
- KDD-2013-Etzioni
- To buy or not to buy: that is the question (OE), p. 1133.
- KDD-2012-RitterMEC #twitter
- Open domain event extraction from twitter (AR, M, OE, SC), pp. 1104–1112.
- CIKM-2009-LinEF #identification #web
- Identifying interesting assertions from the web (TL, OE, JF), pp. 1787–1790.
- KDD-2003-EtzioniTKY #mining
- To buy or not to buy: mining airfare data to minimize ticket purchase price (OE, RT, CAK, AY), pp. 119–128.
- SIGIR-1998-ZamirE #clustering #documentation #web
- Web Document Clustering: A Feasibility Demonstration (OZ, OE), pp. 46–54.
- KDD-1997-ZamirEMK #clustering #documentation #performance #web
- Fast and Intuitive Clustering of Web Documents (OZ, OE, OM, RMK), pp. 287–290.
- KR-1996-LeshE #recognition #scalability
- Scaling Up Goal Recognition (NL, OE), pp. 244–255.
- KR-1994-EtzioniGW #reasoning
- Tractable Closed World Reasoning with Updates (OE, KG, DSW), pp. 178–189.
- KR-1992-EtzioniHWDLW #approach
- An Approach to Planning with Incomplete Information (OE, SH, DSW, DD, NL, MW), pp. 115–125.
- ML-1992-Etzioni #analysis #learning
- An Asymptotic Analysis of Speedup Learning (OE), pp. 129–136.
- ML-1992-EtzioniM #why
- Why EBL Produces Overly-Specific Knowledge: A Critique of the PRODIGY Approaches (OE, SM), pp. 137–143.
- ML-1992-PerezE #named #problem
- DYNAMIC: A New Role for Training Problems in EBL (MAP, OE), pp. 367–372.
- KR-1991-ChalasaniEM #algorithm #performance #permutation #problem
- Integrating Efficient Model-Learning and Problem-Solving Algorithms in Permutation Environments (PC, OE, JM), pp. 89–98.
- KR-1989-Etzioni
- Tractable Decision-Analytic Control (OE), pp. 114–125.
- ML-1988-Etzioni #approach #learning #reliability
- Hypothesis Filtering: A Practical Approach to Reliable Learning (OE), pp. 416–429.
- JCDL-2017-WeihsE #learning #metric #predict
- Learning to Predict Citation-Based Impact Measures (LW, OE), pp. 49–58.