81 papers:
ICALP-v1-2015-Cao #editing #parametricity- Unit Interval Editing is Fixed-Parameter Tractable (YC), pp. 306–317.
POPL-2015-BouajjaniEEH #concurrent #refinement- Tractable Refinement Checking for Concurrent Objects (AB, ME, CE, JH), pp. 651–662.
PODS-2014-Barcelo0V #evaluation #query #question- Does query evaluation tractability help query containment? (PB, MR, MYV), pp. 188–199.
PODS-2014-GrecoS #hybrid #query- Counting solutions to conjunctive queries: structural and hybrid tractability (GG, FS), pp. 132–143.
STOC-2014-CyganLPPS #parametricity- Minimum bisection is fixed parameter tractable (MC, DL, MP, MP, SS), pp. 323–332.
ICML-c1-2014-UriaML- A Deep and Tractable Density Estimator (BU, IM, HL), pp. 467–475.
LICS-CSL-2014-Chen #first-order #query #set- The tractability frontier of graph-like first-order query sets (HC), p. 9.
SAT-2014-HaanS #parametricity #reduction #satisfiability- Fixed-Parameter Tractable Reductions to SAT (RdH, SS), pp. 85–102.
PODS-2013-Wijsen #query- Charting the tractability frontier of certain conjunctive query answering (JW), pp. 189–200.
VLDB-2013-FanGN #big data #preprocessor #query- Making Queries Tractable on Big Data with Preprocessing (WF, FG, FN), pp. 685–696.
CADE-2013-Comon-LundhCS #deduction- Tractable Inference Systems: An Extension with a Deducibility Predicate (HCL, VC, GS), pp. 91–108.
CSL-2013-Goller #concurrent #model checking #parametricity- The Fixed-Parameter Tractability of Model Checking Concurrent Systems (SG), pp. 332–347.
VLDB-2012-CautisK #complexity #probability #query #using #xml- Answering Queries using Views over Probabilistic XML: Complexity and Tractability (BC, EK), pp. 1148–1159.
ICALP-v1-2012-ChitnisCHM #feedback #parametricity #set- Directed Subset Feedback Vertex Set Is Fixed-Parameter Tractable (RHC, MC, MTH, DM), pp. 230–241.
ICALP-v1-2012-KratschPPW #graph #multi #parametricity- Fixed-Parameter Tractability of Multicut in Directed Acyclic Graphs (SK, MP, MP, MW), pp. 581–593.
ICALP-v1-2012-LokshtanovR #constraints #multi- Parameterized Tractability of Multiway Cut with Parity Constraints (DL, MSR), pp. 750–761.
SAT-2012-CrowstonGJRSY #parametricity- Fixed-Parameter Tractability of Satisfying beyond the Number of Variables (RC, GG, MJ, VR, SS, AY), pp. 355–368.
STOC-2011-GroheKMW #parametricity- Finding topological subgraphs is fixed-parameter tractable (MG, KiK, DM, PW), pp. 479–488.
STOC-2011-MarxR #multi #parametricity- Fixed-parameter tractability of multicut parameterized by the size of the cutset (DM, IR), pp. 469–478.
DLT-J-2009-BertoniCR11 #context-free grammar #problem- The Inclusion Problem of Context-Free Languages: Some Tractable Cases (AB, CC, RR), pp. 289–299.
ICALP-v1-2011-CyganPPW #feedback #parametricity #set- Subset Feedback Vertex Set Is Fixed-Parameter Tractable (MC, MP, MP, JOW), pp. 449–461.
CIKM-2011-ChirkovaLR #xml- Tractable XML data exchange via relations (RC, LL, JLR), pp. 1629–1638.
ECMFA-2011-GogollaV #model transformation #testing- Tractable Model Transformation Testing (MG, AV), pp. 221–235.
SAT-2011-PetkeJ #csp #encoding #order #satisfiability- The Order Encoding: From Tractable CSP to Tractable SAT (JP, PJ), pp. 371–372.
PODS-2010-GrecoS #algorithm #consistency #power of- The power of tree projections: local consistency, greedy algorithms, and larger islands of tractability (GG, FS), pp. 327–338.
PODS-2010-MartensNS #complexity #design #repository #xml- Schema design for XML repositories: complexity and tractability (WM, MN, TS), pp. 239–250.
STOC-2010-Marx #constraints #query- Tractable hypergraph properties for constraint satisfaction and conjunctive queries (DM), pp. 735–744.
KR-2010-DvorakPW #algorithm #parametricity #towards- Towards Fixed-Parameter Tractable Algorithms for Argumentation (WD, RP, SW).
KR-2010-PichlerRSW #bound #constraints #programming- Tractable Answer-Set Programming with Weight Constraints: Bounded Treewidth Is not Enough (RP, SR, SS, SW).
IJCAR-2010-MagkaKH #data type #logic- Tractable Extensions of the Description Logic EL with Numerical Datatypes (DM, YK, IH), pp. 61–75.
PODS-2009-CaliGL #framework #ontology #query- A general datalog-based framework for tractable query answering over ontologies (AC, GG, TL), pp. 77–86.
PODS-2009-Marnette #termination- Generalized schema-mappings: from termination to tractability (BM), pp. 13–22.
DLT-2009-BertoniCR #context-free grammar #problem- The Inclusion Problem of Context-Free Languages: Some Tractable Cases (AB, CC, RR), pp. 103–112.
ICALP-v1-2009-FellowsFLLRS #parametricity- Distortion Is Fixed Parameter Tractable (MRF, FVF, DL, EL, FAR, SS), pp. 463–474.
ICALP-v2-2009-GottlobGS #optimisation #problem #strict- Tractable Optimization Problems through Hypergraph-Based Structural Restrictions (GG, GG, FS), pp. 16–30.
ICML-2009-AdamsMM #parametricity #process- Tractable nonparametric Bayesian inference in Poisson processes with Gaussian process intensities (RPA, IM, DJCM), pp. 9–16.
SAC-2009-DrumwrightS #robust #simulation- A robust and tractable contact model for dynamic robotic simulation (ED, DAS), pp. 1176–1180.
ICALP-A-2008-RazgonO #parametricity #satisfiability- Almost 2-SAT Is Fixed-Parameter Tractable (Extended Abstract) (IR, BO), pp. 551–562.
ICALP-B-2008-BjorklundM #automaton #nondeterminism- The Tractability Frontier for NFA Minimization (HB, WM), pp. 27–38.
SAC-2008-BartakC #network #recognition- Nested temporal networks with alternatives: recognition and tractability (RB, OC), pp. 156–157.
LICS-2008-Kahlon #abstraction #analysis #approach #concurrent #data flow #source code- Parameterization as Abstraction: A Tractable Approach to the Dataflow Analysis of Concurrent Programs (VK), pp. 181–192.
PODS-2007-GottlobMS #np-hard- Generalized hypertree decompositions: np-hardness and tractable variants (GG, ZM, TS), pp. 13–22.
ICALP-2007-FellowsFHV #graph- Sharp Tractability Borderlines for Finding Connected Motifs in Vertex-Colored Graphs (MRF, GF, DH, SV), pp. 340–351.
CSL-2007-ChenF #parametricity- Subexponential Time and Fixed-Parameter Tractability: Exploiting the Miniaturization Mapping (YC, JF), pp. 389–404.
LICS-2007-IdziakMMVW #algebra- Tractability and learnability arising from algebras with few subpowers (PMI, PM, RM, MV, RW), pp. 213–224.
PODS-2006-GottlobPW #bound #database #design- Tractable database design through bounded treewidth (GG, RP, FW), pp. 124–133.
ICALP-v1-2006-BlellochDHRSS #parametricity #re-engineering- Fixed Parameter Tractability of Binary Near-Perfect Phylogenetic Tree Reconstruction (GEB, KD, EH, RR, RS, SS), pp. 667–678.
LICS-2006-KissV #congruence #on the- On Tractability and Congruence Distributivity (EWK, MV), pp. 221–230.
SIGIR-2005-Chai #empirical- Expectation of f-measures: tractable exact computation and some empirical observations of its properties (KMAC), pp. 593–594.
SAT-J-2004-ChenD05 #algebra #quantifier- Looking Algebraically at Tractable Quantified Boolean Formulas (HC, VD), pp. 71–79.
CSL-2005-ChenD #algorithm #consistency #constraints #game studies #quantifier- From Pebble Games to Tractability: An Ambidextrous Consistency Algorithm for Quantified Constraint Satisfaction (HC, VD), pp. 232–247.
LICS-2005-Dalmau- Generalized Majority-Minority Operations are Tractable (VD), pp. 438–447.
PODS-2004-MartensN #xml- Frontiers of Tractability for Typechecking Simple XML Transformations (WM, FN), pp. 23–34.
ICALP-2004-FlumGW #bound #nondeterminism #parametricity- Bounded Fixed-Parameter Tractability and log2n Nondeterministic Bits (JF, MG, MW), pp. 555–567.
ICML-2004-GoldenbergM #learning #scalability- Tractable learning of large Bayes net structures from sparse data (AG, AWM).
SAT-2004-ChenD #algebra #quantifier- Looking Algebraically at Tractable Quantified Boolean Formulas (HC, VD), pp. 224–229.
ICML-2003-CerquidesM #learning #modelling #naive bayes- Tractable Bayesian Learning of Tree Augmented Naive Bayes Models (JC, RLdM), pp. 75–82.
LICS-2003-Bulatov #constraints #problem- Tractable conservative Constraint Satisfaction Problems (AAB), p. 321–?.
SAT-2003-Szeider #on the #parametricity #satisfiability- On Fixed-Parameter Tractable Parameterizations of SAT (SS), pp. 188–202.
ICALP-2002-AdsulS #linear #logic- Complete and Tractable Local Linear Time Temporal Logics over Traces (BA, MAS), pp. 926–937.
STOC-2001-GroheSS #evaluation #query #question- When is the evaluation of conjunctive queries tractable? (MG, TS, LS), pp. 657–666.
CL-2000-AltamiranoE- Finding Tractable Formulas in NNF (EA, GEI), pp. 493–507.
PODS-1999-GottlobLS #query- Hypertree Decompositions and Tractable Queries (GG, NL, FS), pp. 21–32.
ICML-1999-LangleyS #analysis #classification #naive bayes- Tractable Average-Case Analysis of Naive Bayesian Classifiers (PL, SS), pp. 220–228.
CADE-1999-DemriG #first-order #logic- Tractable Transformations from Modal Provability Logics into First-Order Logic (SD, RG), pp. 16–30.
SIGIR-1997-GreiffCT #modelling #probability- Computationally Tractable Probabilistic Modeling of Boolean Operators (WRG, WBC, HRT), pp. 119–128.
SAS-1996-RehofM #constraints #finite- Tractable Constraints in Finite Semilattices (JR, TÆM), pp. 285–300.
KR-1996-JonssonDB #algebra #classification #subclass- Tractable Subclasses of the Point-Interval Algebra: A Complete Classification (PJ, TD, CB), pp. 352–363.
KR-1994-EtzioniGW #reasoning- Tractable Closed World Reasoning with Updates (OE, KG, DSW), pp. 178–189.
KR-1994-Selman- Near-Optimal Plans, Tractability, and Reactivity (BS), pp. 521–529.
KR-1994-Val #compilation #database #how- Tractable Databases: How to Make Propositional Unit Resolution Complete Through Compilation (AdV), pp. 551–561.
ILPS-1994-YouC #semantics- Tractable Argumentation Semantics via Iterative Belief Revision (JHY, RC), pp. 239–253.
PODS-1993-GrumbachM #algebra #towards- Towards Tractable Algebras for Bags (SG, TM), pp. 49–58.
ESEC-1993-CheungK #analysis #detection #distributed #source code- Tractable Flow Analysis for Anomaly Detection in Distributed Programs (SCC, JK), pp. 283–300.
KR-1992-Backstrom #equivalence- Equivalence and Tractability Results for SAS+ Planning (CB), pp. 126–137.
KR-1992-Dalal #deduction #information management #representation- Tractable Deduction in Knowledge Representation Systems (MD), pp. 393–402.
PODS-1991-GrumbachV #database #query- Tractable Query Languages for Complex Object Databases (SG, VV), pp. 315–327.
KR-1991-Bylander #abduction #functional #problem- The Monotonic Abduction Problem: A Functional Characterization on the Edge of Tractability (TB), pp. 70–77.
KR-1991-Witteveen #maintenance- Skeptical Reason Maintenance is Tractable (CW), pp. 570–581.
KR-1989-Etzioni- Tractable Decision-Analytic Control (OE), pp. 114–125.
ML-1988-MahadevanT #learning #on the- On the Tractability of Learning from Incomplete Theories (SM, PT), pp. 235–241.