Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Germany
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.Shaw P.Koopman ∅ M.Zalmanovici R.Tzoref-Brill O.Shehory E.Farchi Y.Adler S.Ur A.Zlotnick W.Hummer P.Leitner S.Dustdar R.B.Buchheit C.Faloutsos G.Barash I.Jayaraman N.Behar N.Steindler M.Klausner D.Pelleg M.Shochat
Talks about:
coverag (3) analysi (3) data (3) system (2) semant (2) detect (2) dynam (2) test (2) code (2) base (2)
Person: Orna Raz
DBLP: Raz:Orna
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- ICSE-2011-AdlerBRSSUZ #analysis #scalability #test coverage
- Code coverage analysis in practice for large systems (YA, NB, OR, OS, NS, SU, AZ), pp. 736–745.
- ICST-2011-HummerRSLD #composition #test coverage
- Test Coverage of Data-Centric Dynamic Compositions in Service-Based Systems (WH, OR, OS, PL, SD), pp. 40–49.
- ISSTA-2009-AdlerFKPRSUZ #analysis #string #test coverage #using
- Advanced code coverage analysis using substring holes (YA, EF, MK, DP, OR, MS, SU, AZ), pp. 37–46.
- SEKE-2004-RazBSKF #automation #elicitation
- Automated Assistance for Eliciting User Expectations (OR, RBB, MS, PK, CF), pp. 80–85.
- ICSE-2002-Raz #detection #research #semantics #specification
- Research abstract for semantic detection in dynamic data feeds with incomplete specifications (OR), pp. 733–734.
- ICSE-2002-RazKS #data flow #detection #online #semantics
- Semantic anomaly detection in online data sources (OR, PK, MS), pp. 302–312.
- FSE-2016-ZalmanoviciRT #analysis #clustering #functional #testing
- Cluster-based test suite functional analysis (MZ, OR, RTB), pp. 962–967.
- ESEC-FSE-2019-BarashFJRTZ #feature model #interactive #ml #requirements #using
- Bridging the gap between ML solutions and their business requirements using feature interactions (GB, EF, IJ, OR, RTB, MZ), pp. 1048–1058.