Travelled to:
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
H.D.Man K.Croes H.Cai S.Note L.J.M.Claesen J.M.Rabaey I.Vandeweerd L.Rijnders J.L.d.S.Jr. C.Ykman-Couvreur M.Miranda S.Wuytack G.G.d.Jong F.Catthoor D.Verkest
Talks about:
data (3) generat (2) modul (2) transfer (1) synthesi (1) superflu (1) structur (1) intellig (1) regular (1) perform (1)
Person: Paul Six
DBLP: Six:Paul
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- DAC-1998-SilvaYMCWJCVSM #data transfer #performance #synthesis
- Efficient System Exploration and Synthesis of Applications with Dynamic Data Storage and Intensive Data Transfer (JLdSJ, CYC, MM, KC, SW, GGdJ, FC, DV, PS, HDM), pp. 76–81.
- DAC-1990-CaiNSM #assembly #layout #performance
- A Data Path Layout Assembler for High Performance DSP Circuits (HC, SN, PS, HDM), pp. 306–311.
- DAC-1989-VandweerdCRSM #automation #generative #named
- REDUSA: Module Generation by Automatic Elimination of Superfluous Blocks in Regular Structures (IV, KC, LR, PS, HDM), pp. 694–697.
- DAC-1986-SixCRM #generative
- An intelligent module generator environment (PS, LJMC, JMR, HDM), pp. 730–735.