Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
E.Andersen Y.Liu Z.Popovic S.Cooper R.Szeto E.O'Rourke J.Lowdermilk D.Truong
Talks about:
game (3) secondari (1) playtrac (1) project (1) complex (1) analysi (1) aesthet (1) tutori (1) object (1) impact (1)
Person: Rich Snider
DBLP: Snider:Rich
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- CHI-2012-AndersenOLSLTCP #complexity #game studies
- The impact of tutorials on games of varying complexity (EA, EO, YEL, RS, JL, DT, SC, ZP), pp. 59–68.
- CHI-2011-AndersenLSSP #game studies #online
- Placing a value on aesthetics in online casual games (EA, YEL, RS, RS, ZP), pp. 1275–1278.
- FDG-2011-AndersenLSSCP #game studies #on the
- On the harmfulness of secondary game objectives (EA, YEL, RS, RS, SC, ZP), pp. 30–37.
- FDG-2011-LiuASCP #analysis #effectiveness
- Feature-based projections for effective playtrace analysis (YEL, EA, RS, SC, ZP), pp. 69–76.