48 papers:
- SOSP-2015-0002BMZ #graph #named
- Chaos: scale-out graph processing from secondary storage (AR, LB, JM, WZ), pp. 410–424.
- SCAM-2014-KargenS #performance #scalability #slicing
- Efficient Utilization of Secondary Storage for Scalable Dynamic Slicing (UK, NS), pp. 155–164.
- ICML-c1-2014-ZhouT #generative #network #predict #probability
- Deep Supervised and Convolutional Generative Stochastic Network for Protein Secondary Structure Prediction (JZ, OGT), pp. 745–753.
- SIGMOD-2013-SidirourgosK
- Column imprints: a secondary index structure (LS, MLK), pp. 893–904.
- ICPR-2012-CantoniOFP #analysis
- Structural analysis of protein Secondary Structure by GHT (VC, OO, AF, AP), pp. 1767–1770.
- SEKE-2012-MolleriB #automation #bibliography #perspective #process
- Automated Approaches to Support Secondary Study Processes: a Systematic Review (JSM, FBVB), pp. 143–147.
- ITiCSE-2011-GiannakosDVK #education #programming
- Programming in secondary education: benefits and perspectives (MNG, SD, PV, CK), p. 349.
- MLDM-2011-Garcia-ConstantinoCNRST #classification #generative #summary #using
- An Investigation Concerning the Generation of Text Summarisation Classifiers Using Secondary Data (MGC, FC, PJN, AR, CS, AT), pp. 387–398.
- SAC-2011-ChamorroDA #predict
- Evolutionary computation for the prediction of secondary protein structures (AEMC, FD, JSAR), pp. 1082–1087.
- SAC-2011-TranCS #permutation #predict
- Prediction of permuted super-secondary structures in β-barrel proteins (VDT, PC, JMS), pp. 110–111.
- ITiCSE-2010-BrindaH #case study #design #education #experience
- A lecture about teaching informatics in secondary education: lecture design and first experiences (TB, PH), p. 320.
- ITiCSE-2010-LangCFF
- Creating digital divas: scaffolding perception change through secondary school and university alliances (CL, AC, JF, HF), pp. 38–42.
- SAC-2010-LiuCGT #energy #mobile #performance
- Energy efficient management scheme for heterogeneous secondary storage system in mobile computers (SL, XC, XG, DT), pp. 251–257.
- PODS-2009-PaghS
- Secondary indexing in one dimension: beyond b-trees and bitmap indexes (RP, SRS), pp. 177–186.
- SIGMOD-2009-OlteanuH #query
- Secondary-storage confidence computation for conjunctive queries with inequalities (DO, JH), pp. 389–402.
- ITiCSE-2009-BrindaPS #education #standard
- Bridging ICT and CS: educational standards for computer science in lower secondary education (TB, HP, CS), pp. 288–292.
- ITiCSE-2009-Saeli #education #how #programming
- How to teach programming in secondary education: first results of a PhD project (MS), p. 356.
- ITiCSE-2009-SchluterB #education #empirical
- The attributes of task difficulty in informatics in secondary education: first results of an empirical study (KS, TB), p. 357.
- HIMI-DIE-2009-GarciaV #performance
- Effects of Practice with Foot- and Hand-Operated Secondary Input Devices on Performance of a Word-Processing Task (FPG, KPLV), pp. 505–514.
- SAC-2009-MathuriyaBHH #manycore #named #predict #scalability
- GTfold: a scalable multicore code for RNA secondary structure prediction (AM, DAB, CEH, SCH), pp. 981–988.
- ITiCSE-2008-SchluterB #education
- Characteristics and dimensions of a competence model of theoretical computer science in secondary education (KS, TB), p. 367.
- CASE-2007-RuppelLZS #adaptation #generative
- Modal Trajectory Generation for Adaptive Secondary Mirrors in Astronomical Adaptive Optics (TR, MLH, DZ, OS), pp. 430–435.
- ITiCSE-2007-GovenderM #challenge #education
- Challenges with respect to the e-readiness of secondary school teachers in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa (DWG, MM), pp. 191–195.
- SAC-2007-FangWLYD #assessment #detection #multi #sequence #using
- The detection and assessment of possible RNA secondary structure using multiple sequence alignment (XF, ZW, ZL, BY, FD), pp. 133–137.
- HPDC-2007-WeiRB
- Cooperative secondary authorization recycling (QW, MR, KB), pp. 65–74.
- MLDM-2005-KurganH #approach #feature model #predict #sequence
- Prediction of Secondary Protein Structure Content from Primary Sequence Alone — A Feature Selection Based Approach (LAK, LH), pp. 334–345.
- ICML-2004-ChuGW #predict #visual notation
- A graphical model for protein secondary structure prediction (WC, ZG, DLW).
- ICPR-v2-2004-ColleP #predict #process
- Relaxation Labeling Processes for Protein Secondary Structure Prediction (GC, MP), pp. 355–358.
- SIGIR-2004-LiuCKG #predict
- Context sensitive vocabulary and its application in protein secondary structure prediction (YL, JGC, JKS, VG), pp. 538–539.
- ICDAR-2003-StrohmaierRSM #question #taxonomy #web
- Lexical Postcorrection of OCR-Results: The Web as a Dynamic Secondary Dictionary? (CMS, CR, KUS, SM), pp. 1133–1137.
- VLDB-2003-Koch #approach #performance #query #xml
- Efficient Processing of Expressive Node-Selecting Queries on XML Data in Secondary Storage: A Tree Automata-based Approach (CK), pp. 249–260.
- ITiCSE-2003-EkateriniSP #education #learning #problem
- Teaching IT in secondary education through problem-based learning could be really beneficial (GE, BS, GP), p. 243.
- ITiCSE-2003-MoormanJ #student #towards
- Still a stranger here: attitudes among secondary school students towards computer science (PM, EJ), pp. 193–197.
- ICALP-2003-Condon #design #predict #problem
- Problems on RNA Secondary Structure Prediction and Design (AC), pp. 22–32.
- VLDB-2002-HammelP #sequence
- Searching on the Secondary Structure of Protein Sequences (LH, JMP), pp. 634–645.
- AdaEurope-2001-KuchumovRS #ada #library #named #object-oriented
- OASIS — An ASIS Secondary Library for Analyzing Object-Oriented Ada Code (AK, SR, AS), pp. 113–122.
- HPDC-1998-NieplochaFD
- Distant I/O: One-Sided Access to Secondary Storage on Remote Processors (JN, ITF, HD), pp. 148–154.
- KDD-1996-WangSSZC #automation #multi
- Automated Discovery of Active Motifs in Multiple RNA Secondary Structures (JTLW, BAS, DS, KZ, CYC), pp. 70–75.
- ICML-1994-AbeM #predict #probability
- A New Method for Predicting Protein Secondary Structures Based on Stochastic Tree Grammars (NA, HM), pp. 3–11.
- AdaEurope-1993-KettaniC #ada #realtime #standard #towards
- Toward a Secondary Standard for Hard Real-Time Ada: The Real-Time Rapporteur Group (ISO/JTC1/SC22/WG9/RRG) JTC 1.22.35 (NK, VC), pp. 330–351.
- PODS-1989-FaloutsosR #retrieval
- Fractals for Secondary Key Retrieval (CF, SR), pp. 247–252.
- SLP-1986-FosterK86 #logic
- A Logical Treatment of Secondary Storage (ITF, AJK), pp. 58–67.
- VLDB-1979-Pirotte #design #relational
- Fundamental and Secondary Issues in the Design of Non-Procedural Relational Languages (AP), pp. 239–250.
- SIGIR-1978-Yan #retrieval
- Record Block Allocation for Retrieval on Secondary Keys (CSY), pp. 83–108.
- ICSE-1976-Stonebraker #comparison #database #relational
- A Comparison of the Use of Links and Secondary Indices in a Relational Data Base System (MS), pp. 527–531.
- SIGMOD-1975-Schkolnick #optimisation
- Secondary Index Optimization (MS), pp. 186–192.
- VLDB-1975-Reiter #modelling
- Data Models for Secondary Storage Representations (AR), pp. 87–119.
- LISP-1963-Edwards #lisp
- Secondary Storage in LISP (DE), p. 2.