Travelled to:
1 × Belgium
1 × Cyprus
1 × Estonia
1 × Ireland
1 × Japan
1 × Spain
2 × Romania
2 × The Netherlands
2 × United Kingdom
4 × Germany
4 × Hungary
5 × USA
Collaborated with:
P.Achten P.W.M.Koopman B.Lijnse A.v.Weelden J.M.Jansen M.C.J.D.v.Eekelen L.Domoszlai S.Michels M.d.Mol E.d.Vries D.M.Abrahamson J.Stutterheim T.v.Noort S.Smetsers P.Koopman J.H.G.v.Groningen Markus Klinik J.Hage A.Alimarine
Talks about:
itask (11) type (10) web (9) function (8) program (8) system (6) applic (6) task (6) base (6) interact (5)
Person: Rinus Plasmeijer
DBLP: Plasmeijer:Rinus
Facilitated 5 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 43 papers:
- IFL-2014-AchtenSDP #composition #interactive #programming #scalability
- Task Oriented Programming with Purely Compositional Interactive Scalable Vector Graphics (PA, JS, LD, RP), p. 7.
- IFL-2014-DomoszlaiLP #editing #named #type system
- Editlets: type-based, client-side editors for iTasks (LD, BL, RP), p. 6.
- IFL-2014-DomoszlaiLP14a #bidirectional #lens #parametricity
- Parametric lenses: change notification for bidirectional lenses (LD, BL, RP), p. 9.
- IFL-2014-KoopmanPJ #data type #encoding #functional #harmful #implementation
- Church Encoding of Data Types Considered Harmful for Implementations: Functional Pearl (PWMK, RP, JMJ), p. 4.
- CEFP-2013-AchtenKP #programming
- An Introduction to Task Oriented Programming (PA, PWMK, RP), pp. 187–245.
- CEFP-2013-DomoszlaiP #evaluation #named
- Tasklets: Client-Side Evaluation for iTask3 (LD, RP), pp. 428–445.
- PPDP-2012-PlasmeijerLMAK #functional #programming
- Task-oriented programming in a pure functional language (RP, BL, SM, PA, PWMK), pp. 195–206.
- CEFP-2011-PlasmeijerALM #multi #web
- Defining Multi-user Web Applications with iTasks (RP, PA, BL, SM), pp. 46–92.
- IFL-2011-KoopmanAP #logic #modelling #state machine #testing
- Model Based Testing with Logical Properties versus State Machines (PWMK, PA, RP), pp. 116–133.
- LDTA-2011-PlasmeijerLAM #coordination
- Getting a grip on tasks that coordinate tasks (RP, BL, PA, SM), p. 1.
- PEPM-2011-PlasmeijerAKLNG #evolution #runtime #type safety #workflow
- iTasks for a change: type-safe run-time change in dynamically evolving workflows (RP, PA, PWMK, BL, TvN, JHGvG), pp. 151–160.
- IFL-2010-MichelsPA #paradigm #user interface
- iTask as a New Paradigm for Building GUI Applications (SM, RP, PA), pp. 153–168.
- LDTA-2010-JansenPKA #functional #workflow
- Embedding a web-based workflow management system in a functional language (JMJ, RP, PWMK, PA), p. 7.
- CEFP-2009-KoopmanPA #consistency #effectiveness #semantics
- An Effective Methodology for Defining Consistent Semantics of Complex Systems (PWMK, RP, PA), pp. 224–267.
- AFP-2008-PlasmeijerAKLN08 #case study
- An iTask Case Study: A Conference Management System (RP, PA, PWMK, BL, TvN), pp. 306–329.
- IFL-2008-JansenPK #interactive #named #plugin
- iEditors: Extending iTask with Interactive Plug-ins (JMJ, RP, PWMK), pp. 192–211.
- IFL-2008-KoopmanPA #execution #semantics
- An Executable and Testable Semantics for iTasks (PWMK, RP, PA), pp. 212–232.
- IFL-2008-LijnseP #automation #data type #database #programming #relational #using
- Between Types and Tables — Using Generic Programming for Automated Mapping between Data Types and Relational Databases (BL, RP), pp. 272–290.
- PADL-2008-KoopmanAP #modelling #navigation #testing #web
- Model-Based Testing of Thin-Client Web Applications and Navigation Input (PWMK, PA, RP), pp. 299–315.
- PPDP-2008-PlasmeijerJKA #ajax #declarative #evaluation #using #workflow
- Declarative Ajax and client side evaluation of workflows using iTasks (RP, JMJ, PWMK, PA), pp. 56–66.
- AGTIVE-2007-MolEP #proving #reduction
- A Single-Step Term-Graph Reduction System for Proof Assistants (MdM, MCJDvE, RP), pp. 184–200.
- CEFP-2007-JansenKP #compilation
- From Interpretation to Compilation (JMJ, PWMK, RP), pp. 286–301.
- CEFP-2007-MolEP #functional #lazy evaluation #proving #source code
- Proving Properties of Lazy Functional Programs with Sparkle (MdM, MCJDvE, RP), pp. 41–86.
- CEFP-2007-PlasmeijerAK #interactive #web
- An Introduction to iTasks: Defining Interactive Work Flows for the Web (RP, PA, PWMK), pp. 1–40.
- ICFP-2007-PlasmeijerAK #execution #interactive #named #specification #web
- iTasks: executable specifications of interactive work flow systems for the web (RP, PA, PWMK), pp. 141–152.
- IFL-2007-VriesPA #type system
- Uniqueness Typing Simplified (EdV, RP, DMA), pp. 201–218.
- FATES-RV-2006-KoopmanPA #modelling #testing #web
- Model-Based Testing of Thin-Client Web Applications (PWMK, RP, PA), pp. 115–132.
- FLOPS-2006-PlasmeijerA #programming #web
- iData for the World Wide Web — Programming Interconnected Web Forms (RP, PA), pp. 242–258.
- IFL-2006-PlasmeijerA #tool support
- A Conference Management System Based on the iData Toolkit (RP, PA), pp. 108–125.
- IFL-2006-VriesPA #type system
- Uniqueness Typing Redefined (EdV, RP, DMA), pp. 181–198.
- CEFP-2005-KoopmanP #automation #specification #testing
- Fully Automatic Testing with Functions as Specifications (PWMK, RP), pp. 35–61.
- CEFP-2005-PlasmeijerA #editing #web
- Generic Editors for the World Wide Web (RP, PA), pp. 1–34.
- IFL-2005-PlasmeijerA #implementation
- The Implementation of iData (RP, PA), pp. 106–123.
- IFL-2005-WeeldenSP #syntax
- Polytypic Syntax Tree Operations (AvW, SS, RP), pp. 142–159.
- AFP-2004-AchtenEPW04 #agile #interactive #named #prototype #tool support #type safety
- GEC: A Toolkit for Generic Rapid Prototyping of Type Safe Interactive Applications (PA, MCJDvE, RP, AvW), pp. 210–244.
- AFP-2004-PlasmeijerW04 #functional
- A Functional Shell That Operates on Typed and Compiled Applications (RP, AvW), pp. 245–272.
- IFL-2003-AchtenD #user interface #visual notation
- Generic Graphical User Interfaces (PA, MCJDvE, RP), pp. 152–167.
- IFL-2003-WeeldenP #functional
- A Functional Shell That Dynamically Combines Compiled Code (AvW, RP), pp. 36–52.
- CEFP-2015-KoopmanP #domain-specific language #embedded #type safety
- Type-Safe Functions and Tasks in a Shallow Embedded DSL for Microprocessors (PK, RP), pp. 283–340.
- CEFP-2015-StutterheimAP #monad #source code #visualisation
- Static and Dynamic Visualisations of Monadic Programs (JS, PA, RP), pp. 341–379.
- Haskell-2005-AlimarineSWEP #programming
- There and back again: arrows for invertible programming (AA, SS, AvW, MCJDvE, RP), pp. 86–97.
- Haskell-2010-GroningenNAKP #compilation #haskell
- Exchanging sources between clean and Haskell: a double-edged front end for the clean compiler (JHGvG, TvN, PA, PWMK, RP), pp. 49–60.
- PEPM-2017-KlinikHJP #higher-order #predict #workflow
- Predicting resource consumption of higher-order workflows (MK, JH, JMJ, RP), pp. 99–110.