Travelled to:
1 × Cyprus
1 × France
1 × Hungary
1 × Sweden
1 × Turkey
2 × Canada
2 × India
3 × Germany
3 × Spain
4 × Italy
6 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Holdermans S.Jansen A.S.0001 A.Saeidi R.Khadka B.Heeren N.E.Boustani T.Harju J.Weijers H.E.V.d.Hoek R.Koot H.Verstoep A.Elyasov P.v.Keeken A.Ehrenfeucht G.Rozenberg Levin Fritz Ivo Gabe de Wolff A.Middelkoop I.S.W.B.Prasetya T.L.Alves P.Rademaker S.D.Swierstra E.Welzl P.Bahr Joeri Peters J.M.E.M.v.d.Werf Markus Klinik J.M.Jansen R.Plasmeijer D.Vytiniotis S.P.Jones B.V.Batlajery T.Polychniatis E.Bouwers J.Visser G.P.Haas G.Reijnders W.Prasetya U.Rueda T.E.J.Vos N.Condori-Fernández P.Shrestha B.Klein E.v.Dis M.Bruntink E.Dolstra J.Jeuring A.Löh C.Löh A.Rodriguez J.v.Schie
Talks about:
type (21) languag (9) analysi (9) higher (7) order (6) softwar (5) error (5) class (5) polymorph (4) generic (4)
Person: Jurriaan Hage
DBLP: Hage:Jurriaan
Facilitated 3 volumes:
Contributed to:
Wrote 39 papers:
- ICPC-2015-SaeidiHKJ #analysis #interactive #modelling #named #source code #topic
- ITMViz: interactive topic modeling for source code analysis (AS, JH, RK, SJ), pp. 295–298.
- ICSME-2015-KhadkaSKSHJDB #analysis #case study #legacy #what
- Does software modernization deliver what it aimed for? A post modernization analysis of five software modernization case studies (RK, PS, BK, AS, JH, SJ, EvD, MB), pp. 477–486.
- PEPM-2015-HoekH #analysis #php
- Object-sensitive Type Analysis of PHP (HEVdH, JH), pp. 9–20.
- PEPM-2015-KootH #analysis #exception #functional #higher-order #semantics #strict #type system
- Type-based Exception Analysis for Non-strict Higher-order Functional Languages with Imprecise Exception Semantics (RK, JH), pp. 127–138.
- PEPM-2015-VerstoepH #analysis #functional #higher-order #strict
- Polyvariant Cardinality Analysis for Non-strict Higher-order Functional Languages: Brief Announcement (HV, JH), pp. 139–142.
- SAC-2015-ElyasovPHRVC #equivalence #execution #testing
- AB=ᗺA: execution equivalence as a new type of testing oracle (AE, WP, JH, UR, TEJV, NCF), pp. 1559–1566.
- SANER-2015-SaeidiHKJ #approach #clustering #multi #search-based
- A search-based approach to multi-view clustering of software systems (AS, JH, RK, SJ), pp. 429–438.
- ICSE-2014-KhadkaBSJH #how #legacy #question
- How do professionals perceive legacy systems and software modernization? (RK, BVB, AS, SJ, JH), pp. 36–47.
- CSMR-2013-PolychniatisHJBV #dependence #detection
- Detecting Cross-Language Dependencies Generically (TP, JH, SJ, EB, JV), pp. 349–352.
- ICTSS-2013-ElyasovPH #algebra #mining #specification
- Guided Algebraic Specification Mining for Failure Simplification (AE, ISWBP, JH), pp. 223–238.
- PEPM-2013-WeijersHH #fault #higher-order #polymorphism #security
- Security type error diagnosis for higher-order, polymorphic languages (JW, JH, SH), pp. 3–12.
- PEPM-J-2013-WeijersHH14 #fault #higher-order #polymorphism #security
- Security type error diagnosis for higher-order, polymorphic languages (JW, JH, SH), pp. 200–218.
- WCRE-2013-KhadkaSJHH #challenge #legacy #lessons learnt #migration #scalability
- Migrating a large scale legacy application to SOA: Challenges and lessons learned (RK, AS, SJ, JH, GPH), pp. 425–432.
- WCRE-2013-SaeidiHKJ #analysis #legacy #modelling #named #tool support
- Gelato: GEneric language tools for model-driven analysis of legacy software systems (AS, JH, RK, SJ), pp. 481–482.
- ICSM-2011-KhadkaRSJH #legacy #migration
- A method engineering based legacy to SOA migration method (RK, GR, AS, SJ, JH), pp. 163–172.
- SCAM-2011-AlvesHR #case study #comparative #query
- A Comparative Study of Code Query Technologies (TLA, JH, PR), pp. 145–154.
- ICFP-2010-HoldermansH #analysis #higher-order #polymorphism
- Polyvariant flow analysis with higher-ranked polymorphic types and higher-order effect operators (SH, JH), pp. 63–74.
- LDTA-2010-HoldermansH #on the #program transformation #type system
- On the rôle of minimal typing derivations in type-driven program transformation (SH, JH), p. 2.
- PEPM-2010-BoustaniH #java #source code
- Corrective hints for type incorrect generic Java programs (NEB, JH), pp. 5–14.
- PEPM-2010-HoldermansH #strict
- Making “stricterness” more relevant (SH, JH), pp. 121–130.
- PEPM-2009-BoustaniH #error message #fault #java
- Improving type error messages for generic java (NEB, JH), pp. 131–140.
- ICFP-2008-DolstraHHHJLLMRS #contest #programming
- Report on the tenth ICFP programming contest (ED, JH, BH, SH, JJ, AL, CL, AM, AR, JvS), pp. 397–408.
- PEPM-2008-HageH #lazy evaluation
- Heap recycling for lazy languages (JH, SH), pp. 189–197.
- SLE-2008-HageK #analysis #library #named
- Neon: A Library for Language Usage Analysis (JH, PvK), pp. 35–53.
- ICFP-2007-HageHM #analysis
- A generic usage analysis with subeffect qualifiers (JH, SH, AM), pp. 235–246.
- IFL-2006-HageH #fault #heuristic
- Heuristics for Type Error Discovery and Recovery (JH, BH), pp. 199–216.
- PADL-2005-HeerenH
- Type Class Directives (BH, JH), pp. 253–267.
- ICGT-2004-EhrenfeuchtHHR
- Embedding in Switching Classes with Skew Gains (AE, JH, TH, GR), pp. 257–270.
- ICFP-2003-HeerenHS #process #type inference
- Scripting the type inference process (BH, JH, SDS), pp. 3–13.
- ICGT-2002-HageHW #graph
- Euler Graphs, Triangle-Free Graphs and Bipartite Graphs in Switching Classes (JH, TH, EW), pp. 148–160.
- TAGT-1998-EhrenfeuchtHHR #complexity #graph
- Complexity Issues in Switching of Graphs (AE, JH, TH, GR), pp. 59–70.
- ESOP-2016-SerranoH #domain-specific language #embedded #fault
- Type Error Diagnosis for Embedded DSLs by Two-Stage Specialized Type Rules (AS0, JH), pp. 672–698.
- Haskell-2015-SerranoHB #product line
- Type families with class, type classes with family (AS0, JH, PB), pp. 129–140.
- WICSA-2016-PetersWH #composition #design pattern #semantics
- Architectural Pattern Definition for Semantically Rich Modular Architectures (JP, JMEMvdW, JH), pp. 256–261.
- PEPM-2017-FritzH #approximate #precise #python #type system
- Cost versus precision for approximate typing for Python (LF, JH), pp. 89–98.
- PEPM-2017-KlinikHJP #higher-order #predict #workflow
- Predicting resource consumption of higher-order workflows (MK, JH, JMJ, RP), pp. 99–110.
- PEPM-2017-SerranoH #lightweight
- Lightweight soundness for towers of language extensions (AS0, JH), pp. 23–34.
- PEPM-2017-WolffH #typescript #using
- Refining types using type guards in TypeScript (IGdW, JH), pp. 111–122.
- PLDI-2018-SerranoHVJ #morphism #polymorphism
- Guarded impredicative polymorphism (AS0, JH, DV, SPJ), pp. 783–796.