Travelled to:
1 × Denmark
1 × France
1 × Greece
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Germany
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ D.Dams A.Boucher O.Grumberg C.Huizing W.P.d.Roever M.Codish Y.Lichtenstein E.Y.Shapiro G.Döhmen R.Herrmann P.Kelb H.Pargmann R.Armoni L.Fix A.Flaisher B.Ginsburg T.Kanza A.Landver S.Mador-Haim E.Singerman A.Tiemeyer M.Y.Vardi Y.Zbar
Talks about:
model (4) abstract (3) tempor (3) check (3) properti (2) languag (2) semant (2) logic (2) denot (2) time (2)
Person: Rob Gerth
DBLP: Gerth:Rob
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- TACAS-2002-ArmoniFFGGKLMSTVZ #logic
- The ForSpec Temporal Logic: A New Temporal Property-Specification Language (RA, LF, AF, RG, BG, TK, AL, SMH, ES, AT, MYV, YZ), pp. 296–211.
- ILPS-1997-Gerth #model checking
- Model Checking (RG), p. 39.
- CAV-1994-DamsGDHKP #abstraction #adaptation #model checking #using
- Model Checking Using Adaptive State and Data Abstraction (DD, RG, GD, RH, PK, HP), pp. 455–467.
- CAV-1993-DamsGG #generative #modelling
- Generation of Reduced Models for Checking Fragments of CTL (DD, OG, RG), pp. 479–490.
- LICS-1988-GerthCLS #concurrent #prolog #semantics
- Fully Abstract Denotational Semantics for Flat Concurrent Prolog (RG, MC, YL, EYS), pp. 320–335.
- ICALP-1987-GerthB #communication #process
- A Timed Failures Model for Extended Communicating Processes (RG, AB), pp. 95–114.
- POPL-1987-HuizingGR #abstraction #realtime #semantics
- Full Abstraction of a Real-Time Denotational Semantics for an Occam-like Language (CH, RG, WPdR), pp. 223–237.
- STOC-1984-Gerth #composition #how #logic
- Transition Logic: How to Reason About Temporal Properties in a Compositional Way (RG), pp. 39–50.
- ICALP-1982-Gerth #ada #axiom #hoare
- A Sound and Complete Hoare Axiomatization of the Ada-Rendevous (RG), pp. 252–264.