Travelled to:
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
P.S.Bottorff E.R.Hsieh L.J.Vidunas W.T.Davis S.Dasgupta M.C.Graf R.G.Walther T.W.Williams
Talks about:
generat (2) test (2) partition (1) techniqu (1) testabl (1) product (1) system (1) partit (1) orient (1) design (1)
Person: Robert A. Rasmussen
DBLP: Rasmussen:Robert_A=
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- DAC-1984-DasguptaGRWW #clustering #design #testing
- Chip partitioning aid: A design technique for partitionability and testability in VLSI (SD, MCG, RAR, RGW, TWW), pp. 203–208.
- DAC-1977-HsiehRVD #generative #testing
- Delay test generation (ERH, RAR, LJV, WTD), pp. 486–491.
- DAC-1970-BottorffR #generative #testing
- A view of a user-oriented production test data generation system (PSB, RAR), pp. 90–94.